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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-07-19 01:34:06
看板 MLB
作者 sky419012 (fly)
標題 [外電]  Matt Kemp wants to play every day
時間 Fri Jul 18 13:56:04 2014

Matt Kemp wants to play every day

The Los Angeles Dodgers have a crowded outfield, and if that gets in the way of

Matt Kemp playing every day he would be open to a trade.

洛杉磯道奇擁有相當擁擠的外野 如果Kemp想每天都上場 他將會尋求交易

The outfielder's agent, former major league pitcher Dave Stewart, said that

Kemp wants to be an everyday center fielder and if the Dodgers cannot make that

happen, Kemp would be open to a trade, according to a report from FoxSports.com
"Whatever they want to do we're favorable to, as long as it gives him an

opportunity to play every day," Stewart told FoxSports.com. "He'd like to

eventually go back to center field. He's not opposed to right or left. But his

hope at some point is to get back to center."

根據FoxSports.com 前明星投手也是Kemp的經紀人Dave Stewart表示

如果道奇沒辦法讓他每天都以先發中外野手的角色上場 就會尋求交易

"只要他能每天上場 怎麼做他都同意"

"他希望最後能回到中外野 即便現在不排斥守右外野或左外野"Dave Stewart說

The Dodgers removed Kemp from center field for defensive reasons at the end of

May. Carl Crawford injured his left ankle on May 28, and Kemp has been the

everyday left fielder ever since. Kemp is batting .269 with eight home runs and

35 RBI this season.

Carl Crawford因為5/28腳踝受傷 道奇把Kemp從中外野移防到左外野

本季AVG.269 8HR 35RBI

Crawford returned from the disabled list last Thursday, and again, the Dodgers

have five healthy outfielders -- Crawford, Kemp, Yasiel Puig, Andre Ethier and

Scott Van Slyke. Ethier and Van Slyke have started the majority of games in

center field.

上禮禮拜四Crawford從傷兵名單回來 道奇擁有5名健康的外野手

Crawford, Kemp, Yasiel Puig, Andre Ethier and Scott Van Slyke

而大部分中外野是由Ethier和Van Slyke在負責的

After Crawford was activated, Dodgers manager Don Mattingly said there are no

plans to use either Crawford or Kemp in center.

道奇總教練Don Mattingly說目前不考慮讓Crawford或Kemp守中外野

The crowded outfield has been an issue since early in spring training, when

Kemp declared, "I'm not a fourth outfielder. We can cut that off right there. I

won't accept that role."


"我並不是第4號外野手 我無法接受目前的角色定位"Kemp表示

Kemp still has $107 million remaining on his contract from 2015 to 2019. He

does not have a no-trade clause in his deal.

Kemp 2015到2019還有107M鎂的合約 合約中並沒有拒絕交易條款

Matt Kemp of Los Angeles Dodgers would be open to trade if not playing every day, agent says - ESPN Los Angeles
The Los Angeles Dodgers have a crowded outfield, and if that gets in the way of Matt Kemp playing every day he would be open to a trade. ...






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lucifer110:無冕KEMP1F 07/18 13:57
mo080:紅襪外野缺缺2F 07/18 13:58
eric795:吹密3F 07/18 13:59
miabcd199:MLB老大:吹密4F 07/18 14:01
※ 編輯: sky419012 (, 07/18/2014 14:05:56
albertlaw:說好的50-50?5F 07/18 14:05
leoturkey:貴成這樣  道奇要吃不少薪水吧6F 07/18 14:06
pikachu123:把Kemp交易? 傻了嗎= =7F 07/18 14:10
pikachu123:Crawford... 有人要吃嗎?
pikachu123:爾且Kemp也好像沒說吹密 他只想天天先發
rat1882043:來火箭吧11F 07/18 14:19
Marsch:他不是第一次抱怨了..只是今年真的打不好..(不只他打不好啦12F 07/18 14:22
TS28:[情報] 火箭在尋求交易得到Kemp的可能13F 07/18 14:26
sky419012:洋基、紅襪、水手都有可能  問題是他的合約14F 07/18 14:27
zippy:NYY外野不是很擠??  季前狂補啊???15F 07/18 14:29
pikachu123:躲人根本沒說要交易她...16F 07/18 14:29
secpeda:太貴又沒過去的身手 誰要換 = =17F 07/18 14:29
pikachu123:只是經紀人上來哭哭而已18F 07/18 14:29
Phatmen:說真的,把CF讓給兩個生涯多半在角落的,讓Kemp去角落擠,19F 07/18 14:31
pikachu123:老實說Ether板凳還比較實在...21F 07/18 14:32
pikachu123:       Ethier
qainvali:私心希望能轉去紅襪23F 07/18 14:39
watermelon20:NYY看似不缺其實缺?Kemp真來還可以馬上進入中心打線24F 07/18 14:41
chsh410862:SVS中外野 守得好嗎?25F 07/18 14:43
pikachu123:Kemp 本季OPS+117 NYY只有一位贏他26F 07/18 14:51
pikachu123:把SVS算進去的話 不知道為啥不派他天天先發
Skynet:躲人在3A還有一個在排隊等著上MLB 完全可以排兩隊了29F 07/18 15:01
chsh410862:SVS左殺 和Either platoon30F 07/18 15:01
Tulowitzki2:Kemp今年站在中外野的防守非常慘烈  這才是他被丟去LF31F 07/18 15:02
chsh410862:Puig不會賣 尻佛難賣32F 07/18 15:02
Tulowitzki2:的主因吧  記得他當時還連續三場坐板凳的樣子33F 07/18 15:03
EEERRIICC:...應該是人際問題  沒理由不讓他打34F 07/18 15:03
asd25:20M 盤來要付出多少農作物?35F 07/18 15:05
asd25:NYY 應該不會想盤 外野已經很貴了
asd25:NYY真正的洞在先發吧 田中去DL 開季表訂輪值只剩黑田了
o0991758566:吹密!38F 07/18 15:18
seeyou1002:巴庫夠的就喊吹密 結果球團最後會吹him39F 07/18 15:26
seeyou1002:巴庫不夠的喊吹密 到最後就真的被吹了
r90009:近年有點慘  成績若回到當年 當然不怕沒人吃下來41F 07/18 16:14
sw926301:靠邀 看到火箭笑出來42F 07/18 16:50
iso903306:最菜的puig應該去蹲吧43F 07/18 17:28
SlamKai:來費城吧 (招手)     Kemp <-> 寶貝碰  雙贏44F 07/18 17:30
j07242054:火箭快頂薪簽好嗎(誤45F 07/18 17:31
TassadarGau:MLB也懂吹密?46F 07/18 17:34
baggio1029:洋基只想盤來一堆sp吧!47F 07/18 17:43
t55020255:大咖明星選手   火箭不簽嗎?48F 07/18 18:25
wahaha5678:3A的Pederson什麼時候才能上來啊...等很久了49F 07/18 18:30
chsh410862:萬用包用掉了50F 07/18 18:44
howard21201:吹密51F 07/18 19:15
Vassili242:[情報] 火箭追求Kemp52F 07/18 19:37
Bibby66:樓上這啥?不覺得很無趣?53F 07/18 20:10
yushenlin:吹密!54F 07/18 20:26
cococici:國民可以用Sori跟你換坎爺....(?56F 07/18 20:39
goodevening:現在的洋基補哪裡都不意外,幾乎全部都是洞57F 07/18 20:51
MrJohn:每天都想玩58F 07/18 20:54
TKWdEmoN:襪襪OF應該是最慘的59F 07/18 21:48
gn01106472f:紅襪外野隨便他挑一個站 幾乎都是菜鳥啊!60F 07/18 22:15
Nikezoomair:紅襪CF還是要給JBJ練吧 防守夠 打擊要再拉上來一點61F 07/18 22:17
albertlaw:大都會的OF好像也頗慘62F 07/18 22:41
geneaven:伊莉兒居然可以取代砍爺守CF,到底砍爺是守到多慘?63F 07/18 22:42
d123xxx:火箭除了Lin17以外,誰都想要~~64F 07/18 23:18
epw:樓上怎麼可以忘了Asik和Parsons65F 07/18 23:22

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