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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-07-22 22:09:28
看板 NBA
作者 Pappus (Pappus)
標題 [外絮] 大范:Josh不會被交易
時間 Tue Jul 22 21:07:52 2014

Sources: Stan Van Gundy assures Josh Smith he's likely to remain with Pistons - Yahoo Sports
From Yahoo Sports: Despite reports of trade talks, the Detroit president and coach says, barring an unexpected turn of events, the 28-year-old forward will be in training camp with the Pistons this fall. ...


Detroit Pistons president and coach Stan Van Gundy reached out to
forward Josh Smith to tell him that reports of the franchise engaging
in substantive trade talks with Sacramento centered on Smith have been
inaccurate and – barring an unexpected turn of events –
Smith will be in training camp with the Pistons this fall.

Sacramento had made calls about Smith in June,
but Detroit never heard an offer that remotely interested them and
never seriously engaged in discussions.

Smith could return to a frontcourt that includes forward Greg Monroe,
who is a restricted free agent this summer. The Pistons have been
willing to engage teams in sign-and-trade scenarios for Monroe,
but those talks have gained little traction, sources said.

Smith, 28, has three years and $40 million left on his contract.
He averaged 16.4 points, 6.8 rebounds and 1.4 blocks last season.





28歲的Josh Smith與活塞還有三年共4000萬的合約

去年他效力活塞繳出大約平均16.4分 6.8籃板 1.4火鍋。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1406034475.A.B26.html
charles0202 :.....1F 07/22 21:08
※ 編輯: Pappus (, 07/22/2014 21:11:31
SULICon     :Monroe for Love~2F 07/22 21:09
YU0158      :上季爛成那樣有誰要3F 07/22 21:09
iamchyun    :看來偉大的莫雷東挑西選 最精明的選擇剩下香妹 恭喜4F 07/22 21:09
sdg235      :不搶他箭一把嗎?5F 07/22 21:11
Magicwind   :可以賤賣給湖人嗎6F 07/22 21:14
ebaby2002   :騎士如果沒有選擇好歹也將AW換Monroe勝過換Love千百7F 07/22 21:14
blackangelxx:不知我騎是否有意這隻8F 07/22 21:15
SULICon     :騎士跟活塞同區~9F 07/22 21:16
steven610381:賤賣給湖人吧  跪求10F 07/22 21:17
ntusimmon   :JOSH賣相差啊11F 07/22 21:19
JOGIBA      :夢蘿防守也沒多好12F 07/22 21:20
langeo      :活塞應該連monroe也不會賣 不然至少也要換回長人13F 07/22 21:21
steven610381:活塞需要BOOOOOOOOOOOOO嗎14F 07/22 21:22
langeo      :不然下一季活塞剩兩個長人撐整場15F 07/22 21:23
b54102      :大范:Josh不會被交易(os:因為交易不出去QQ)16F 07/22 21:24
ntusimmon   :火箭:17F 07/22 21:24
tomoti      :因為比較便宜,如果大范有使用手冊的話,留他也沒錯18F 07/22 21:27
ksk0516     :Monroe比Love好千百?哈哈哈哈哈19F 07/22 21:29
bighdogs    :Monroe不是不錯嗎? 怎麼活賽一副下季沒他也沒差感20F 07/22 21:29
xxxcc       :不會被交易 那會被特赦嗎?21F 07/22 21:32
DampierFor3 :要賈詡不要孟羅22F 07/22 21:37
jiimrk80045 :找太陽用孟羅換布雷獸吧!!23F 07/22 21:39
LiaoCJ      :湖迷有夠丟臉 在這求人賤賣夯貨24F 07/22 21:39
Magicwind   :單純希望林這季能有好隊友而已25F 07/22 21:41
ntusimmon   :腿科迷當然希望有便宜大腿啊 不然沒人要當腿26F 07/22 21:43
iamchyun    :有啥好丟臉 適合球員 我也希望他去尼克 最好沒拿薪資27F 07/22 21:47
LiaoCJ      :回樓上 我認為丟臉是因為“賤賣”兩字28F 07/22 21:56
SULICon     :這種言論你也在認真也蠻特別的29F 07/22 21:58
ooxxman     :Monroe交易價值比Josh好 拿他去換比較能換到好東西30F 07/22 22:03
ooxxman     :Josh現在在低點要交易出去擺明等著被打劫
Laluth      :小AB:還好他不是在火箭 不然隔天就...32F 07/22 22:05
purplebrown :換Monroe勝過換Love千百XD 鄉民果然是真知灼見33F 07/22 22:07

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