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作者 標題 [外絮] Kyrie Irving談背傷:痛到無法坐下
時間 Tue Sep 9 20:50:27 2014
Kyrie Irving was still hurting during Team USA game against Mexico - ESPN
Kyrie Irving is willing to share now what he didn't dare admit Saturday afternoon. ...
Kyrie Irving: 'Couldn't even sit down'
BARCELONA, Spain -- Kyrie Irving is willing to share now what he didn't
dare admit Saturday afternoon.
"I couldn't even sit down on the bench," Irving said Monday.
So there's your explanation for why Irving was spotted so often
standing off to the side, with his left hand perched on top of
that still-sore hip, whenever he left the floor for bursts of
rest during the Americans' 86-63 cruise past Mexico.
Kyrie Irving談到自己的背傷:完全無法坐在板凳上..
That post-fall claim, via Twitter, about how he was "all good everybody"
to calm any fears back in Cleveland? A bit of a fib.
"This is by far the biggest stage I've played on in my career," Irving said.
And ...
"Nothing is guaranteed," Irving acknowledged.
"If we lose, there's a lot at stake."
"There's no one main leader on this team," Irving counters,
convinced that the leadership-by-committee approach is working.
"I just try to bring the confidence that I have in myself to this team
that we're the best in the world," he adds.
"We have respect for all the other countries and what they do, but ...
we have the best players in the world playing for our team [and now]
we just have to go out and prove it every night.
When it comes to Tuesday night's quarterfinals, meanwhile,
Irving is convinced he'll look more like himself against Goran Dragic-led
Slovenia after two days of mostly rest since the Mexico romp.
"Best two days of the trip so far," Irving joked.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1410267030.A.FAF.html
※ 編輯: Pappus (, 09/09/2014 20:51:26
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→ : KI換夢羅 雙贏!
V - %E6%9C%80%E5%BC%B7%E7%B1%83%E7%90%83%E9%98%BF%E4%BC%AF%28Uncle+Drew%29+%E5%8E%84%E6%96%87%28Kyrie+Irving%29+-+%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%B9%95
%E6%9C%80%E5%BC%B7%E7%B1%83%E7%90%83%E9%98%BF%E4%BC%AF%28Uncle+Drew%29+%E5%8E%84%E6%96%87%28Kyrie+Irving%29+-+%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%B9%95 ...
V - %E6%9C%80%E5%BC%B7%E7%B1%83%E7%90%83%E9%98%BF%E4%BC%AF%28Uncle+Drew%29+%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E9%9B%86+%E5%8B%92%E5%A4%AB%28Kevin+Love%29-+%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%B9%95
%E6%9C%80%E5%BC%B7%E7%B1%83%E7%90%83%E9%98%BF%E4%BC%AF%28Uncle+Drew%29+%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E9%9B%86+%E5%8B%92%E5%A4%AB%28Kevin+Love%29-+%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87%E5%AD%97%E5%B9%95 ...
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