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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 夏洛特災難 -- Lance Stephenson
時間 Fri Apr 3 16:54:49 2015
來源: SB Nation http://goo.gl/2jYC9a
作者: Jesus Gomez 2015/4/2
Stephenson didn't see the court for the second consecutive game, and head
coach Steve Clifford believes he hurts the team's chances of winning games.
The worst part: Clifford is right.
Stephenson已經連續兩次消失在球場上了. 因為黃蜂總教練Clifford認為他讓球
但沒錯, Clifford是對的.
Stephenson was supposed to be the Hornets' consolation prize after they
failed to pry Gordon Hayward away from Utah, but now he's completely out of
the rotation. What happened?
Stephenson是黃蜂追求Hayward失敗後的替代方案, 原本預計他會為隊伍帶來更多進步,
但他現在已經完全不再陣容輪替中了, 到底怎麼了? 其中有三大因素.
The Hornets are better when Stephenson doesn't play
When Stephenson has shared the floor with Kemba Walker and Al Jefferson --
the two most important players on the team -- Charlotte has been outscored by
almost 10 points per 100 possessions.
In the aggregate, the Hornets are more than nine points better per 100
possessions when Stephenson sits than when he plays.
Removing Stephenson from the starting lineup in favor of Gerald Henderson was
addition by subtraction, and given a player who doesn't hurt the team as much
in P.J. Hairston, the backup role was all but a necessity. It's abundantly
obvious that the Hornets are simply better off without Stephenson.
1) 沒有Stephenson, 黃蜂就是打得比較好.
當他與隊中其他兩個明星Kemba Walker與Big Al在場上時, 他們在每一百個回合中會
被對手多拿將近十分. 而且在每一百個回合中, 假如Stephenson不在場的話, 黃蜂隊
可以多拿九分以上. 也因此Stephenson被拔掉先發, 取而代之的是Gerald Henderson,
甚至連菜鳥P.J. Hairston都因此獲得更多重用.
He's not the player he was in Indiana
He was never a great game manager or decision-maker, but he was well rounded.
Only three other players averaged at least 13 points, seven rebounds and four
assists in 2013-14: Kevin Durant, Kevin Love and Nicolas Batum. Stephenson
managed that while shooting a good 49 percent from the field, being a
league-average shooter from outside and playing above-average defense. He was
exactly the do-it-all wing a team like the Hornets needed.
He's one of only 12 players who have taken 500 total field goal attempts
despite shooting below 40 percent, and the only to have launched at least 100
three-pointers while connecting on less than 20 percent of them.
He used to be a decisive cutter and shooter in Indiana but has floated
aimlessly on the perimeter in Charlotte, often receiving the ball and
dribbling for a few seconds before making a move. He's even been a disaster
in transition, ranking fifth-lowest in the league in point per possession
(min. 80 possessions), per Synergy Sports Technology. He's just not the
offensive player he used to be.
2) 他已經不再是那個印第安納的全能球員了.
在上一季, 聯盟有四個球員能達到至少 13分 7籃板 4助攻, 而Stephenson是其中之一,
其他則是Durant, Love, 以及Batum. 而且Stephenson則有49%的高命中率, 防守也很突出,
但到了黃蜂之後一切都變了, Stephenson忘了如何進攻. 命中率暴跌, 整體命中率不到
四成, 三分球更是慘不忍睹的只剩不到二成. 在溜馬時期他能很快地做出應策, 在這裡
他則變得像一隻無頭蒼蠅一樣, 拿到球後常常漫無目的運個幾下, 完全不在狀況內.
而他在攻防轉換的表現也是個慘劇, 得分達聯盟第五低.
His defense has fallen off
The Hornets brought Stephenson in hoping he would juice up their offense, but
they are a defensive team first and foremost. If he would have helped on that
end, he would still have a place in the rotation despite his offensive woes.
He has been one of the worse isolation and pick-and-roll defenders in the
league. Stephenson hasn't been able to contribute even some disruptive defense in the
form of steals or blocks.
3) 變質的防守
黃蜂原本找他來提升進攻, 但沒想到進攻有問題, 現在連防守也是個洞, 他不知要怎麼
防守擋拆以及單打. 而他也沒有抄截以及火鍋的能力.
Few players have seen such a huge dip in production from one season to the
next. Clifford and the Hornets took a chance with his signing, but it hasn't
worked and they are right to cut their losses now by benching him.
很少有球員在隔季會有這麼急遽的轉變, 黃蜂制服組在Stephenson上賭一把, 但效果反而
更差, 為了不讓傷口擴大, 他們只能把他冰在板凳.
心得: 記得季初看他三分打版絕殺後還站在記錄台上猩猩搥胸+怒吼, 怎麼現在落愧成
這樣, 教練也有問題吧, 而且當初他是其中一個想把他找來的人啊.
MJ: Stephenson能在兩年後成為一名全明星
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※ 編輯: wilsonkoo (, 04/03/2015 16:57:38
感覺他打球還滿開心的, 不時來個舞動全身
※ 編輯: wilsonkoo (, 04/03/2015 17:03:35
推 : 大鳥:只有我有使用說明書1F 04/03 16:56
推 : 沒有使用說明書結果用爛掉2F 04/03 16:57
推 : 他在溜馬時 我差點要買他的球衣 好險沒買3F 04/03 16:58
→ : 沒買
→ : 沒買
推 : 啊第一點就是後兩點的結果啊XDDDDD5F 04/03 16:59
→ : 心態問題吧6F 04/03 16:59
感覺他打球還滿開心的, 不時來個舞動全身
Lance Stephenson Shake and Bake - YouTube
Атакующий защитник Лэнс Стивенсон раскачивает соперника в резком танце!
Атакующий защитник Лэнс Стивенсон раскачивает соперника в резком танце!

→ : 自私自利的毒蟲不意外,不如回溜馬修身養性吧7F 04/03 16:59
※ 編輯: wilsonkoo (, 04/03/2015 17:03:35
推 : 把真氣吹給LBJ後就回不來了8F 04/03 17:01
推 : 應該是心態問題,看那吹氣就知道還沒長大9F 04/03 17:02
推 : 怎麼連防守也丟了10F 04/03 17:03
推 : 吹氣11F 04/03 17:04
推 : 故意的吧...想去強隊...12F 04/03 17:05
推 : 只記得他很會吹13F 04/03 17:07
推 : MJ的瞳術:看走眼14F 04/03 17:08
推 : 自己心態的問題15F 04/03 17:10
推 : 吹完耳就鳥掉了16F 04/03 17:13
→ : MJ好極端阿 當球員一身技能 當老闆一項技能都沒有17F 04/03 17:14
→ : 都是負面效果XD
→ : 都是負面效果XD
→ : 我覺得教練也有問題,在溜馬時可以打,為什麼到黃19F 04/03 17:14
→ : 蜂就不行
→ : 蜂就不行
推 : MJ老闆技能?必備技「增加自己財產」不是點滿了嗎?21F 04/03 17:17
推 : 真的從吹氣後 就回不來了22F 04/03 17:17
推 : 肥約後擺爛人數+123F 04/03 17:20
推 : 因為MJ認證24F 04/03 17:21
推 : 肥約擺爛+125F 04/03 17:24
推 : 中了MJ的debuff....26F 04/03 17:26
推 : 肥約擺爛 他似乎不是那種汲汲營營型的人27F 04/03 17:27
推 : 他才24 也不是拿到什麼大合約 這樣擺爛也太蠢28F 04/03 17:28
推 : 不忍噓 明明就MJ有弱化靈氣29F 04/03 17:29
推 : 這隻的狀況真的蠻奇特的30F 04/03 17:33
噓 : 每次都只會用那108招的 Inside Out ZZ31F 04/03 17:37
推 : 溜馬給5年4400萬都不要了,而且溜馬也算強隊。32F 04/03 17:39
推 : MJ快點簽些自己覺得很爛的球員33F 04/03 17:51
噓 : 夏洛柏屠村34F 04/03 17:59
推 : MJ跟糗爺 東西方兩大神祕力量......35F 04/03 18:08
推 : mj某種程度跟糗爺很像36F 04/03 18:13
推 : 大鳥:我就是要讓你出去再回來知道我開的價多佛37F 04/03 18:19
→ : 大鳥: 壞了50收38F 04/03 18:22
推 : 毒瘤是你? 說穿了就是不適應體系 在溜馬也磨了很久39F 04/03 18:25
→ : 除了回溜馬 去別隊大概都會是災難 轉隊後適應不良
→ : 除了回溜馬 去別隊大概都會是災難 轉隊後適應不良
推 : 雖然叫"Born Ready",但覺得其實他心態一直都不成熟41F 04/03 18:45
推 : jordan會強化隊友但是會nerf自己球隊的球員42F 04/03 18:51
推 : MJ魔咒43F 04/03 18:53
推 : 舞王需要持球吧 跟walker不搭44F 04/03 19:03
推 : 不想待小地方吧45F 04/03 19:20
推 : 溜馬現在有史大雞跟西街麥,也不需要他了46F 04/03 19:22
推 : 說MJ魔咒 可是Big Al打得還不錯阿47F 04/03 19:23
推 : 就算求大鳥讓他回去大鳥也不見得收 當初拒絕那份優48F 04/03 19:23
→ : 沃的報價時就等於撕破臉
→ : 沃的報價時就等於撕破臉
推 : 倒是很高興我們阿爵出身的西街到溜馬找到春天了~50F 04/03 19:31
推 : 被搶溜馬絕對收,當初就傳溜馬要兩個首輪,溜馬出CC51F 04/03 19:34
→ : 之類的雜魚,當然黃峰不願認賠。
→ : 之類的雜魚,當然黃峰不願認賠。
推 : PG也是要持球的 還不是打得不錯53F 04/03 19:38
推 : MJ看球員又是一個笑話了54F 04/03 19:55
推 : 肥約擺爛+155F 04/03 19:57
推 : 他打法就play maker 沒球權本來就很慘 只是連防守都56F 04/03 19:57
→ : 消失 比較奇怪
→ : 消失 比較奇怪
推 : 火箭收58F 04/03 20:39
推 : 他也沒拿到肥約吧 不是因為最後撈不到一份1200UP59F 04/03 20:44
→ : 最後才跑去黃風嗎@@?
→ : 最後才跑去黃風嗎@@?
推 : 去年真的超強61F 04/03 20:48
推 : MJ出品,品質保證62F 04/03 21:05
推 : MJ問題吧63F 04/03 21:20
推 : 喬董看好的都…64F 04/03 21:20
→ : 師弟下季回溜馬吧65F 04/03 22:26
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