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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-08-15 23:23:17
看板 NBA
作者 UrThereNow (nomoredogma)
標題 [外絮] LeBron James將提供總額41M的獎學金
時間 Sat Aug 15 22:47:31 2015

 LeBron James is giving kids from Akron — ones with challenging backgrounds
like his — the chance to go to college for free.

LeBron James將提供阿克隆生活艱苦的孩子免費上大學的機會,

The NBA star has partnered with the University of Akron to provide a
guaranteed four-year scholarship to the school for students in James' "I
Promise" program who qualify. The scholarship will cover tuition and the
university's general service fee — currently $9,500 per year. James told
ESPN he plans to provide this for 1,100 kids, which would cost his foundation
a total of $41.8 million at the school's current rates.

James與阿克隆大學(University of Akron)合作, 他會提供符合資格的學生就讀阿克隆

大學的獎學金, 共四年. James的"I Promise"獎學金方案包含了學費以及學雜費, 一年

下來的總額為9,500美金. James告訴ESPN, 他預計會資助1,100位學子, 而James的基金會


It's the latest example of James, who often refers to himself "as just a kid
from Akron," giving back to a community that helped raise him.

James常稱自己"只是來自阿克隆的孩子", 阿克隆助James成長茁壯, 而這次的獎學金


"It's the reason I do what I do," said James, who announced the program
Thursday while hosting an event for students at Cedar Point Amusement Park.
"These students have big dreams, and I'm happy to do everything I can to help
them get there. They're going to have to earn it, but I'm excited to see what
these kids can accomplish knowing that college is in their futures."

"It means so much because, as a kid growing up in the inner city and a lot of
African-American kids, you don't really think past high school," said James,
who bypassed college to jump to the NBA. "You don't really know your future.
You hear high school all the time, and you graduate high school and then you
never think past that because either it's not possible or your family's not
financially stable to even be able to support a kid going to college."

"這些學生們都有遠大的夢想, 很高興我能盡我所能幫助他們達成目標. 他們必需自己掙得

獎學金, 我很想看看, 當這些孩子們知道可以上學時, 他們會完成什麼樣的事."

"這非常的有意義, 對一個在郊區長大的孩子, 以及許多非裔孩子而言, 你不會覺得他們能

上大學," James說道, 他跳過了大學直接進入NBA. "對你的未來, 你並不會很了解.

你常常聽到人們講著高中, 而你也從高中畢業了, 但你從未想過讓學業繼續, 不是真的

不可能, 要不然就是家庭經濟不穩, 無法提供孩子上大學."

In recent months, James and members of his foundation met with Akron
President Dr. Scott Scarborough hoping to establish a program that would have
long-term impact on the community. The result was an initiative they believe
will inspire the area's youth to achieve and reach their potential.

最近的幾個月, James及他基金會的成員與阿克隆大學的校長會了面, 他們希望建立一個

方案以久遠的影響Akron這個地方. 他們相信這個方案能讓在地的青年激發他們的潛能.

Fox Sports http://goo.gl/cYYV2f
LeBron James will spend more than $41M to send 1,100 kids to college | FOX Sports
LeBron James is giving kids from Akron - ones with challenging backgrounds like his - the chance to go to college for free. ...




不要再說他會轉隊了, 也不可能了.

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lf41001     : 推1F 08/15 22:47
※ 編輯: UrThereNow (, 08/15/2015 22:49:12
slimak      : 讚2F 08/15 22:48
quaker7481  : 慈善推3F 08/15 22:48
a7v333      : 推4F 08/15 22:48
freemail    : 戳戳5F 08/15 22:49
asd831129   : 這基金會也真有錢!6F 08/15 22:49
※ 編輯: UrThereNow (, 08/15/2015 22:50:07
idfpigeon   : 好吧給推7F 08/15 22:50
s12304569   : 姆斯做好事給推8F 08/15 22:51
leegiway    : 做善事只好推了9F 08/15 22:51
syamp       : 推10F 08/15 22:51
nctucch17170: 推11F 08/15 22:52
gm79227922  : 推12F 08/15 22:53
jademesses  : 腿彌表示: 好興奮13F 08/15 22:53
chinhan1216 : 好貴的洗白14F 08/15 22:54
※ hazel0093:轉錄至看板 LeBronJames 08/15 22:54
hazel0093   : 藉轉獎學金版15F 08/15 22:55
o0991758566 : 姆斯GJ  做得好啊16F 08/15 22:55
kobebox     : 有心做善事就是推17F 08/15 22:56
HSPHHPM2HP  : 41M! 跟整個聯盟的50M固定預算差不多了,真的很慷慨!18F 08/15 22:56
jeffery20223: 姆斯棒棒喔!!19F 08/15 22:58
ChenWay     : 推20F 08/15 22:59
fish0112    : 場外也太超好人 這預算好高21F 08/15 23:01
chiangburger: 推22F 08/15 23:01
MayBeSoft   : 做好事給推!!!23F 08/15 23:02
lala8520    : 不酸你 好人>.024F 08/15 23:02
snowyba     : 推!!25F 08/15 23:04
gn00945822  : 41.8M! 這太慷慨了26F 08/15 23:04
setom       : 做善事推個27F 08/15 23:04
EGVT        : 好事28F 08/15 23:05
fever200977 : 基金會 募款應該是很多人吧  是姆斯一人出錢?29F 08/15 23:06
Zxl         : 該不會退役後直接要去選州長吧。太扯了。30F 08/15 23:06
JCrawford   : 讚 比拿冠軍棒的事情31F 08/15 23:06
cksxxb123   : 好人好事32F 08/15 23:07
smileofblue : 真的猛! 沒話說!!33F 08/15 23:08
MayBeSoft   : 41.8M 也好歹是兩年姆斯薪水....  這樣子捐真的扯34F 08/15 23:09
show900148  : 只能推了35F 08/15 23:09
y1027330    : 41m美金 霸氣 給推36F 08/15 23:09
kyoiron     : 演員培訓班?37F 08/15 23:11
orange7986  : 好事給推38F 08/15 23:11
ramirez     : 姆斯洗白白39F 08/15 23:11
Xinz        : 慈善就要推了!40F 08/15 23:13
Conpana     : !!!!41F 08/15 23:13
ssd123698745: 這真的好屌  只能推了42F 08/15 23:13
eden1104    : 好事  給推43F 08/15 23:13
krara       : 姆斯 讚44F 08/15 23:14
juniorpenny : 大推啊,能拿出二年薪水來做公益的人,不論是球員或45F 08/15 23:15
juniorpenny : 企業家,真的不簡單
fredurz     : 不推不行了47F 08/15 23:15
kcismyson   : 身為一位詹酸,這次要用力地推~48F 08/15 23:16
avrilrock   : 推49F 08/15 23:16
Evanaz      : 不是詹迷,但這樣搞真的是值得敬佩,推50F 08/15 23:16
s52400      : 扣完稅會不會是年所得51F 08/15 23:16
LeBronJames :                        謝謝52F 08/15 23:16
super4q     : 推53F 08/15 23:17
Dstr        : 噓美國 大學貴到莫名其妙54F 08/15 23:17
Vedan1213   : 好猛55F 08/15 23:18
matt1018    : 獎學金推56F 08/15 23:19
humormike   : 推57F 08/15 23:20
hua1064     : 好姆斯 不讚嗎?58F 08/15 23:21
RickyRubio09: 善良..大推59F 08/15 23:22
Liaocavalier: 愛心給推60F 08/15 23:22
idiont      : 有心給推61F 08/15 23:22

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