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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Anthony Davis正試著變強壯 他將更可怕
時間 Fri Aug 28 19:25:45 2015
來源:SB Nation
時間:Aug 27, 2015, 2:13p
作者:Jesus Gomez
Anthony Davis is adding muscle, becoming even more terrifying - SBNation.com
The Brow is reportedly adding muscle without losing his explosiveness, which is great news for the Pelicans and terrible news for the rest of the league. ...
The Brow is reportedly adding muscle without losing his explosiveness, which is great news for the Pelicans and terrible news for the rest of the league. ...
Anthony Davis is adding muscle, becoming even more terrifying
Read this and despair, NBA centers. Anthony Davis is up to 253 pounds after
spending the summer bulking up, according to the Pelicans.
Davis came into the league as a can't-miss prospect. The only question mark
surrounding his potential was whether he would be strong enough to handle
bigger players early in his career due to his slight frame. Some of those
concerns remain. They are the reason Omer Asik is a very rich man and why
Alvin Gentry is saying Davis will play power forward "for the most part."
Those doubts will soon be erased if Davis can continue to add weight without
losing his explosiveness. He weighed 222 pounds at the draft combine, which
means he has now added over 30 pounds to his frame since entering the league
while remaining one of the most mobile and athletic big men around.
"He’s lifted a lot more weight," said head strength and conditioning coach
Jason Sumerlin. "He’s stronger than he’s ever been."
「他現在能舉起遠比以前多的重量了。」體能總教練Jason Sumerlin說道。「他現在是前
With Team USA not having any commitments this summer, Davis had plenty of
time to focus on his body. Not only has he been working on his strength but
also on eating healthy, which has allowed him to maintain 10 percent body
fat. He's been showing off his enthusiasm about his new diet on Instagram.
“Chef bouta have me right this year!! Can't wait!! #turnt #mychefbetterthanyours” ...
“Chef bouta have me right this year!! Can't wait!! #turnt #mychefbetterthanyours” ...
At his current weight Davis is still not quite ready to bang with the Andrew
Boguts and Dwight Howards of the Western Conference night in and night out.
If he continues down this path, though, he will be an even bigger matchup
nightmare than he is now by being able to force his way inside and take more
shots near the basket, which he sometimes eschews in favor of mid-range
Every summer there are reports about players adding 20 pounds of muscle or a
corner three. In Davis' case, we've now heard both rumors. Typically, it's
better to dismiss them as hype from teams looking to build up expectations
for the upcoming season, rather than developments that will have actual
impacts on players' skill sets. It's entirely possible that's the case with
this news about The Brow.
If he in fact comes back stronger and with more range on his jumper, though,
he will likely be the favorite for MVP and could challenge LeBron James,
Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant for the "best player in the league" title.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Lu4K-9q (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1440761150.A.274.html
推 : 可怕AD1F 08/28 19:27
→ : 還是覺得245左右就可以了 膝蓋比較重要2F 08/28 19:27
推 : 衝擊mvp3F 08/28 19:27
推 : 不覺得他之前太瘦會無法對抗頂級中鋒4F 08/28 19:28
推 : 增重會不會機動性下降阿5F 08/28 19:28
→ : 之前有個影片被頂兩下之後照樣跳起來搧調6F 08/28 19:28
推 : 沒意外的話見證傳奇的誕生,上次有這種感覺好久了7F 08/28 19:34
推 : 變壯後真的有變帥耶 XDD8F 08/28 19:36
推 : 只要維持健康,NBA第一人的接班人9F 08/28 19:36
※ roger29:轉錄至看板 Pelicans 08/28 19:36推 : 眉毛不要變的更強壯就好 會擋住視線 很不方便10F 08/28 19:38
推 : 我們或許正看著這個時代最強球員的誕生....11F 08/28 19:39
推 : 早就超越LBJ了12F 08/28 19:40
推 : AD常受傷,是能不能成為第一人的關鍵!13F 08/28 19:44
推 : LBJ>>>>AD14F 08/28 19:44
推 : 太壯反而容易受傷吧15F 08/28 19:45
→ : 年輕可以增重沒關係 老了再減就好16F 08/28 19:46
推 : 他有255磅左右那真的是超怪物…17F 08/28 19:49
推 : 兩津沒必要去跟那些中峰對幹吧。。。要是練到可以虐18F 08/28 19:56
→ : 幹蘭哥 差不多就第一人了
→ : 幹蘭哥 差不多就第一人了
推 : 記得藍零王當年暑假練壯也被一致看好....20F 08/28 19:57
推 : 歐瘦變歐肥 腳傷就纏了後半球員生涯了21F 08/28 19:57
推 : AD>>>>>>>>>>>>喇叭詹22F 08/28 20:07
推 : 第一人遲早會落在他身上23F 08/28 20:08
推 : 怕受傷24F 08/28 20:14
推 : 杜蘭長老忽然看見遠方一道靈光閃過掐指一算,眉頭伸25F 08/28 20:16
→ : 鎖,與身旁的衛少頻頻私語,杜蘭長老
→ : 鎖,與身旁的衛少頻頻私語,杜蘭長老
推 : AD遠大於LBJ? 有在看NBA?27F 08/28 20:16
推 : 255磅哪會有什麼負擔 LBJ兩年前也差不多這樣28F 08/28 20:17
推 : 下盤練穩一點比較重要29F 08/28 20:17
推 : 上一個有這兩個傳言的是bosh30F 08/28 20:19
推 : 為了酸LBJ 連AD>>>LBJ都說得出口 XDD31F 08/28 20:28
推 : 樓上腿迷水準不意外32F 08/28 20:30
推 : 肌肉更能幫助爆發力成長 保護關節啊 而且以他身高33F 08/28 20:32
→ : 肌肉量可以多些是有幫助的
→ : 肌肉量可以多些是有幫助的
推 : AD>>LBJ35F 08/28 20:32
→ : 體脂肪才是關鍵 過三十看需求減重36F 08/28 20:33
推 : 呵呵 有在看NBA就知道LBJ>>>>AD37F 08/28 20:33
推 : 增重的同時也增加了肌肉的強度 其實不太會影響膝蓋38F 08/28 20:34
→ : 很多
→ : 很多
推 : 某M又再秀下限嘍40F 08/28 20:37
→ : 增重也會影響膝蓋的負擔力好嗎...41F 08/28 20:41
→ : YAO就是個很明顯的例子
→ : YAO就是個很明顯的例子
推 : 膝蓋受的了嗎43F 08/28 20:42
噓 : 2>044F 08/28 20:44
推 : AD先成長到狼王等級吧,當然不要學到嘴砲45F 08/28 20:45
推 : 幹 真的是怪物...46F 08/28 20:48
推 : 看看小歐尼爾當年也是增重... 然後47F 08/28 20:51
→ : 大衛斯增下去應該是先變成會投三分的好瓦德吧
→ : 大衛斯增下去應該是先變成會投三分的好瓦德吧
推 : AD增重...不看好49F 08/28 20:54
推 : 不要增重比較好 打法都還有成長空間 先變更強吧50F 08/28 20:55
推 : 來接LBJ班吧~51F 08/28 20:56
→ : 不管增重還是減重 能降低受傷率就是好的52F 08/28 20:56
推 : 酸迷去當兵了沒啊哈哈哈53F 08/28 21:02
推 : AD本來就>>>LBJ啊 腿迷在悲憤啊54F 08/28 21:12
推 : AD有機會超越LBJ但現階段還看不出來55F 08/28 21:23
推 : 對啦 剛打兩三年直接強過LBJ 是不是再來要說AD>MJ56F 08/28 21:30
→ : 還 蠻 屌 的 屌 爆57F 08/28 21:35
推 : 膝蓋比較重要吧 健康的話穩穩接不老實佛退後的第一58F 08/28 21:36
→ : 大前缺啊
→ : 大前缺啊
推 : AD很強阿 超越LBJ應該沒問題60F 08/28 21:37
推 : 健康下去吧!61F 08/28 21:48
推 : LBJ也是很重 但是爆發力太扯.....62F 08/28 22:00
推 : 拜託別讓他扛C,,,,,,63F 08/28 22:15
→ : 不需要太重,現在沒幾個頂級中鋒64F 08/28 22:27
→ : 現在 未來 AD >>>>> LBJ65F 08/28 22:42
推 : 認真覺得 AD>LBJ 下一步 AD>KOBE66F 08/28 22:55
推 : AD變壯比例莫名變好看67F 08/28 22:58
推 : 只好.......天空才是AD的極限68F 08/28 23:08
→ : 照片呢69F 08/28 23:12
推 : 膝蓋撐住70F 08/28 23:15
噓 : 哈哈說AD>LBJ的大概只看SBL71F 08/28 23:27
推 : 哪個隊友喂的!把對面AD養那麼肥!GG!72F 08/28 23:27
噓 : LBJ早就超越MJ成為史上第一人了 怎麼還會有人想用AD73F 08/28 23:33
→ : 跟他比...
→ : 跟他比...
推 : 手好長阿!!!\75F 08/28 23:43
噓 : 下盤比較重要 沒看咖哩都練腳、吸蓋嗎76F 08/29 00:02
→ : 重點在練了比賽會用,魔獸暑假練了罰球結果還不是一77F 08/29 00:19
→ : 樣……
→ : 樣……
推 : 他現在到底多高啊?79F 08/29 00:21
→ : 笑死人,姆斯史上第一猿我承認,第一人想太多80F 08/29 00:24
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