※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-03-02 20:13:58
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] KG送球迷免費門票 3/2對快艇比賽
時間 Mon Mar 2 08:54:27 2015
Garnett Purchases 1,000 Tickets for Fans to Monday’s Game vs. Clippers | Minnesota Timberwolves
Minneapolis/St. Paul – In appreciation of Timberwolves fans’ overwhelming reception to his return to Minnesota, Kevin Garnett has purchased 1,000 tickets to Monday night’s game vs. the Los Angeles Clippers at Target Center. Beginning at 9 a.m. on Monday, the first 500 fans to claim the tickets on ww ...
Kevin Garnett為了感謝灰狼球迷的不離不棄
台北時間3/2晚上十一點 美國當地早上九點 球迷可以從連結取得球票兌換卷
“The response and support I’ve received from Wolves fans since my return to
Minnesota has been nothing short of amazing. It’s been unbelievable,” said
Garnett. “As a gesture of thanks, I would like to treat some fans to Monday
night’s game against the Clippers. Love you all, and thanks for the love.
Enjoy the game on me.”
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1425257669.A.285.html
推 : 就甘心~1F 03/02 08:54
→ : 哇~2F 03/02 08:55
推 : QQ3F 03/02 08:55
推 : KG!!!!!!4F 03/02 08:55
推 : 比詹姆士有誠意 更會行銷5F 03/02 08:55
推 : 限在不用care球場上的成績了 重要的是歷史定位6F 03/02 08:57
推 : 準備當小老闆了7F 03/02 08:58
推 : 一個人拿兩張喔!?8F 03/02 09:03
→ : 可以攜伴阿 送票都這樣的9F 03/02 09:05
推 : 哇!1000張!10F 03/02 09:05
推 : KG!11F 03/02 09:08
推 : 推12F 03/02 09:08
推 : 真男人!13F 03/02 09:09
推 : KG!!!!!!!!14F 03/02 09:14
推 : 來看KG輸球15F 03/02 09:15
推 : KG!!!!!!!!16F 03/02 09:16
推 : KG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!17F 03/02 09:18
推 : 這才像NBA 真性情18F 03/02 09:19
推 : KG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19F 03/02 09:27
推 : KG!!!!!!!!!!!20F 03/02 09:42
推 : KG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21F 03/02 09:44
推 : 1000張給500人?? 怎不是500張給1000人呢?22F 03/02 09:49
推 : 那樓上去找小明拿媽媽分的0.5個橘子吧23F 03/02 09:56
推 : 推kg24F 03/02 10:04
推 : 真免費25F 03/02 10:10
推 : 真男人給推26F 03/02 10:11
推 : 真男人花錢不手軟27F 03/02 10:17
推 : 不推不行!!28F 03/02 10:22
推 : KG!!! 帶領我想看NBA的球員29F 03/02 10:25
推 : 一人兩張可攜半 真的超甘心30F 03/02 11:23
推 : 推啊真男人31F 03/02 11:30
推 : 推32F 03/02 11:32
推 : 推 明天來試看看33F 03/02 11:36
推 : 推 感動34F 03/02 12:43
推 : 推推35F 03/02 12:45
推 : Kevin Garnett拼錯36F 03/02 12:56
推 : KG!37F 03/02 12:57
※ 編輯: WillWaiting (, 03/02/2015 12:58:34→ : 真的要當老闆了 已經開始練行銷手法38F 03/02 13:04
推 : KG!!39F 03/02 13:30
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 111
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