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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-11-06 23:39:54
看板 NBA
作者 hitman0527 (阿紅)
標題 [外絮] 鍵盤球迷分析老大最近為何烙賽
時間 Fri Nov  6 01:59:18 2015

大家好 小弟我無聊爬reddit看到一篇超強分析文章 想說來翻譯給大家看看

原文連結 : https://goo.gl/LSKcC9
I think I know why Kobe is shooting so bad : nba
Okay this is pure speculation and I expect the down votes, so while I'm going down I decided to add some videos When I saw [this article about... ...


強烈建議英文夠好的板友直接看原文 畢竟小弟我只是無聊翻譯

然後也建議大家用電腦看 因為有滿多影片支援




Okay this is pure speculation and I expect the down votes, so while I'm going
down I decided to add some videos


When I saw this article(http://goo.gl/5slZIY) about Kobe airballing shots, I
Kobe Bryant is airballing the easiest shots, which is frightening and sad - SBNation.com
Kobe Bryant used to be the NBA's most precise player. Now he's routinely missing shots by several feet. ...

decided to look into it to see if it was going to point out what I saw. Of
 course the article says he's missing these shots because he's past his prime,
and I'm not doubting that part. But I'm not entirely sure his body has actually
 given up on him. I think Kobe doesn't trust his body so he's trying something


I am going to point out something I learned from players like KD and to
some extent Curry.


Now if you look here you'll find a video of Durant doing the short hop into his
 jumper. If you search it online you'll find all the benefits from it.

首先請大家看這部影片 https://goo.gl/B8W5TV 。大家可以看到KD在投籃前會輕輕的跳一


Short hop 講解支援:  https://goo.gl/VJbO7x
NBA Shooting Secrets That Will Improve Your Jump Shot - YouTube SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE:  FOLLOW ON TWITTER:  LIKE ON FACEBOOK:  We're not a channel, we're a co...


Short hop vs 1-2 hop講解支援: https://goo.gl/frzxzg
Shooting The Basketball: The 1-2 Vs The Hop - YouTube
Coach Nick celebrates Hoptober by presenting very compelling evidence in the argument between shooting with the 1-2 versus The Hop. Which is faster? Which ha...


Here's why the short hop is good:
1. The short hop gives the player more power on his shot
2. The short hop adds to consistency in your shot
3. The short hop helps you shoot faster

以下是為何short step對各位的跳投有幫助:
1. short hop讓你出手更有力
2. short hop讓你出手更穩定
3. short hop可以讓你出手更快

Kobe is famously known as a 2 motion shooter. If you know about 2 motion
shooting then you know it is a much slower shot and for most people there's not
 as much power since it's not all happening in one motion. This is something
Kobe has been aware of and with people like Kevin Durant making the short hop
 look fantastic out there, it would only make sense that Kobe adds the short
 hop into his game, right? And if you go to the article talking about how Kobe
 is airballing 3s, you'll see how he's adding the short hop to his game.

Kobe是出了名的二連動做射手(2 motion)。如果你知道二連動做投籃是甚麼,那你就會知
加上KD這麼強的射手讓short hop看起來那麼強,他應該理所當然也會來學一下,對吧?
然後如果你有看剛剛那篇文章在講Kobe一直麵包三分,你也會發現他有學起short hop這

(後面有更多部分會講解2 motion跟1 motion差別)

But the short hop isn't the problem. As noted here in this video, Kobe Bryant
pretty much added the hop into his game back in 2012. But what's important to
 note here is how Kobe borrowed the move from Kevin Durant in the first place.
 This is important to my observation.

不過short hop本身並不是個問題。如果你看一下這影片(https://goo.gl/2IHznd),你會
Kobe Bryant Shooting Form - YouTube
PRO SHOT SHOOTING SYSTEM:  2014 REVISED EBOOK (Free!!!): "Pro Shooting Secrets--20 pages of new information... Click link and g...


2012 was also after the Mavs won the title and Dirk received a ton of
recognition for his trademark fadeaway. Shooters saw how dominate he was with
this move so they decided to add it to their game. If you think of the top
players who immediately added it to their game, you see that they were
Durant, Kobe, and Melo.


KD影片支援: https://goo.gl/gwVaiX
Kobe & Kevin Durant Imitate Dirk's Fadeaway - HD - YouTube
Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant imitating Dirk Nowitzki's fadeaway. sportmixzANDstuff sportmixzandstuff sportmixz


Kobe影片支援: https://goo.gl/EUaJuU
Kobe & Kevin Durant Imitate Dirk's Fadeaway - HD - YouTube
Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant imitating Dirk Nowitzki's fadeaway. sportmixzANDstuff sportmixzandstuff sportmixz


Now keep this in mind: Kobe is borrowing and using moves of Dirk, Durant, and
all the other legends before...and we can see all of this in the 2011-2012
and 2012-2013 season. Kobe is having success with these moves. But then what


In 2013 Kobe goes down with the achilles injury, right? We say he's never
going to be the same, and right now it looks that way. The article talking
about how he's airballing 3s makes it seem that way as well. But there's
something just way different with his shooting now than before...


Since his injury there's been one great shooter who's popped up. We all know
who this is. It's Steph Curry. Now, Kobe is the kind of guy who'll see a
great move from a player and just take it because he knows it'll make him
better. Kobe took the short hop from Durant and the fadeaway from Jordan and
Dirk...and a ton of other moves from other players. So what is it that Curry
has that Kobe doesn't?

那裏學到了short hop,從德佬那裏學到了金雞獨立。所以Curry有甚麼招術是老大想學的

Curry has a faster release than Kobe. Kobe is a 2 motion shooter while Curry
is a well known One motion shooter. His shooting is all one motion.


Curry 投籃分析:https://goo.gl/UR1Jnz

I think Kobe is struggling with his shot because he's trying to shoot more
like a one motion shooter like Steph Curry. Go to this article on Kobe
airballing shot and watch how Kobe is shooting the ball. Compare that to
Kobe back before his injury in this video on him shooting nothing but 3s.

Kobe Bryant is airballing the easiest shots, which is frightening and sad - SBNation.com
Kobe Bryant used to be the NBA's most precise player. Now he's routinely missing shots by several feet. ...

然後再跟這篇老大以前的三分出手做比較: https://goo.gl/evXv9U
Kobe Bryant - Three Pointers Compilation 2013 (HD) - YouTube
Songs: 1.Kanye West - Theraflu - Way Too Cold (Instrumental Remake) Ft. DJ Khaled 2.Pusha T & Rick Ross - Millions (Instrumental Remake) [ReProd. T.O. Beatz]...


In the video before his injury you see how Kobe pauses before actually
releasing his shot. This is the two motion shooting. But in the article they
pulled clips of him not doing it as much. It's hard to explain unless you
look at it, but it makes a world of difference. Going from a two motion shot
to a one motion shot isn't that bad if you're just at home practicing,
because you don't have that many variables to through you off. But pulling
that off in game is very difficult because Kobe holding the ball longer in
his two motion shooting helps him aim. If you go from a two motion shot to a
one motion shot at game speed, that's the equivalent of just chucking the
ball up and hoping you make it. That's why Kobe is airballing and missing
what were once easy shots.


The key is to look at how Kobe is missing and not just the fact that he's
missing and I strongly believe that the how he is missing can be attributed
to the fact that he's trying to borrow one motion shooting from Curry. I also
don't think it has much to do with his age and legs because Kobe isn't just
missing shots because they're short..he's completely missing the rim. Age
doesn't do that to you. Not when you practice as much as he does, because if
age was an issue, then he'd more than likely come up short more than
overthrow the shot. But since one motion shooting can extend your range by
giving you more power, it makes sense that he's overthrowing


More miscellaneous proof If you look at the last video in the article talking
about him airballing, you see him go for a quick release. Signs of quick
releasing in most players is how they don't hold their follow through, but
they don't hold their follow through all the time. It's not situational, so
it's not like they drop their arms off the dribble. But here, Kobe is a
standstill and he's not holding his follow through. In that 3 point shooting
compilation I linked in here, you see him holding his follow through way more
often than not. So why is he not doing it in 2015?

出手。通常加速出手的明顯跡象就是球員不會維持他的動作到完成為止(follow through)

Also, Kobe, imo, has a low arcing shot. [This was mentioned on this subreddit
last] year, but this guy is saying it just now looks low. To me it's always
 looked kind of low. You can't really notice it because of the camera angles
 and shooting 3s, but when he shoots 2s, it looks really low. It could also be
 because of the fact that he's a 2-motion shooter which requires you to jump
 higher to put the ball in...you don't need as much arc for that while shooting
 wide open shots (especially when you're 6'6".)


Also just watch this video in general to see how Kobe has a true two motion
shot in 2011 and here is slow motion on his shot.


影片1: https://goo.gl/GbqzJ5
Kobe Bryant 2011 mix - I'm On One [HD] - YouTube
His Moves, jump shot, ball handling skills bottom line there's nobody quite like him....just artistic Comment, Rate, and Subscribe

影片2: https://goo.gl/aH6Poa
Kobe's Shooting Form - HD - YouTube
Check out Kobe's shooting form in action and then in slow-motion. sportmixzANDstuff sportmixzandstuff sportmixz


tl;dr Kobe is a traditional 2-motion shooter and the reason he's shooting
poorly now is because he's trying to "borrow" another great move to his game:
1-motion shooting (from Curry)







心得:看完這篇 只能說老大真的太敬業了 在聯盟打滾20年還是一樣活到老學到老
      大家還記得去年有新聞說MKG跟騎士傳奇射手Mark Price重新學跳投嗎?
      那時就很多人推說他很讚 肯認真的去跟傳奇學習 忘掉自己以知一切然後重學跳投
      那老大已經投這姿勢20年了 現在想打掉重學...這是要多大的毅力才辦得到阿...

阿對了 有錯一樣歡迎大家指正~

順便問一下 為甚麼現在禁止用ppt縮網? 害我改了好久

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MEvZwx4 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1446746362.A.EC4.html
richard1003 : 因為受傷後體能不如以前,需要重新調整動作1F 11/06 02:00
richard1003 : 急著酸Kobe前記得他幾乎兩年沒打球了,需要幾場調整
wlyen503    : pull up拉起投球已經成為顯學。3F 11/06 02:02
wlyen503    : 不需要太多的腳步力氣和手部力氣。
wlyen503    : 需要的是整個身體的拉起  。
wlyen503    : 以上。
bigmagao    : 反正我是信了 老大加油阿7F 11/06 02:03
wlyen503    : 出手點變低是個問題。8F 11/06 02:03
ckshchen    : 恩,所以學一個動作不在熱身賽練熟直接在場上當練習9F 11/06 02:05
ckshchen    : ,不考慮球隊戰績,是這樣的意思嗎?
對呀 第一天認識老大嗎?
ilanese     : 老大學什麼不重要,湖人別再續約,這樣子重建期會短11F 11/06 02:06
wlyen503    : 他覺得他可以吧。12F 11/06 02:06
ilanese     : 一點。13F 11/06 02:06
woaifafewen : 比賽中練球 阿不就好棒棒14F 11/06 02:08
超棒呀 這就是我愛的老大 不只清晨起來練球 連比賽中也不忘練球! 推81精神
JUFF831     : 小牛是2011年總冠軍15F 11/06 02:08
leegiway    : 推理性分析文,不過我覺得老科還是不要繼續試比較好16F 11/06 02:11
leegiway    : ,投籃的感覺整個都沒了
erotica     : 學KD的鬼大頭啦 籃球基本跳投步法 最好老大以前不會18F 11/06 02:12
抱歉 應該是我沒說清楚 老大以前是1-2 hop 後來學KD的short hop
基本上1-2 hop跟short hop的差別在於是不是兩腳跳起來接球
原文有個連結在是1-2 VS short hop
他介紹是說1-2在你過screen接球時 你會因為慣性 所以身體會歪掉
但是short hop反而比較不會 因為你等於是跳起來接球 在垂直起跳一遍
希望這樣你有比較了解 ^_^
semicoma    : 真希望湖人再跟老大簽4年 老大一定重重打酸酸臉^_<19F 11/06 02:13
果然真老大迷 想法跟我一模一樣
fangbr      : 推 好文!20F 11/06 02:15
多謝!  不過我只是翻譯 原文作者才是最強的
jagr        : 不在熱身賽練熟 XD 熱身賽就受傷了是有幾場可以練?21F 11/06 02:16
fangbr      : Kobe三分除了早期 沒進幾乎都是偏掉 很少是這種力道22F 11/06 02:17
fangbr      : 不足的
看看sb nation那篇文章的影片 老大力到是過剩喔 不是不足
有幾球真的噴過頭的 尤其是45度角的三分別明顯
fangbr      : 兩段式跳投相較於curry那種 的確比較吃腿力24F 11/06 02:19
sunev       : 禁ppt縮址,是因為之前ppt出包,對應的網址沒幾天就25F 11/06 02:20
sunev       : 被覆寫成其它網站。
原來如此 謝謝你~
pieceofcake : 都要退休的人搶球練進攻不拼防守是要幹嘛 這種奮戰27F 11/06 02:27
pieceofcake : 精神真的佐敦都沒有
ckshchen    : 所以沒練熟,空檔麵包,就直接拿賽季當練習是合理的29F 11/06 02:30
ckshchen    : 好吧,都這樣說了,沒話講了
rex7152     : 想要改變投籃機制本來就是要一直用新的去修正31F 11/06 02:35
rex7152     : 你以為是打2K可以每天換來換去喔
proshot     : lao da 加油33F 11/06 02:37
erotica     : 到底在講啥 short hop這種基本東西老大根本早就會用34F 11/06 02:37
erotica     : 更別扯啥看到KD後學他 zzz 你以為在上劉寶傑節目喔
喔 我現在才看到你的ID
我幹嘛這麼認真的回覆你阿 ˊ ˇ ˋ
loxlox      : 希望湖人再續簽老大幾年讓老大把神功練起來 咖哩身36F 11/06 02:40
loxlox      : 手加上老大意志力 想到尿都閃兩滴出來
erotica     : 片子隨便找一兩球就在 寶傑你看 KOBE學KD耶38F 11/06 02:40
erotica     : 你棄戰最好 免得隨便都貼KB8 short hop出來打爆你臉
erotica     : 什麼看到KD很強學他  超級好笑
kimisawa    : 洛克人是你?41F 11/06 02:51
mrif        : 你管他是誰學誰 好招為什麼不能互相學呢42F 11/06 02:52
mrif        : 老大身上真的看得到很多影子 像是copy bryant的存在
mrif        : 也因此他的進攻手段很有可看性 但投籃選擇就...
mrif        : 看到他有新目標很期待 熱身賽時就curry連進之後的
mrif        : 慶祝動作也看的到 只是不知還剩多少時間可以這樣玩
Heedictator : 反正我是信了47F 11/06 03:32
ed06        : 慕容復?48F 11/06 03:55
wanderwolf  : 加油啊 學ㄧ堆有的沒的應該可以讓他更早退休吧49F 11/06 03:58
ALI5566     : 原PO不該以人廢言的 short hop對老大來說是基本動作50F 11/06 04:02
好吧 你說得也滿有道理的
那請問有Kobe 2012季以前的short hop影片嗎?
AirLee      : 你有在打球?還是鍵盤分析? 有傷又有年紀的人 又51F 11/06 04:17
AirLee      : ㄧ陣子沒法打球 照這樣分析又改動作 有辦法打NBA我
AirLee      : 都覺得很佩服了
※ 編輯: hitman0527 (, 11/06/2015 05:17:17
DYTwu       : 推!老大是一種精神!看老大打球已是奢侈54F 11/06 05:18
hydebeast   : 老大會這麼不智嗎 一連不太適合後仰跳投吧 何況這麼55F 11/06 05:41
hydebeast   : 老了還要改整個機制…不如像melo一樣加強二連的出手
hydebeast   : 速度實際
Jiummay     : 後仰用二連,三分用一連,視情況調整   不好嗎?58F 11/06 06:20
MARTINA3016 : 感謝分享翻譯59F 11/06 06:34
不會 ^_^
kuwai       : ...60F 11/06 06:51
squall410339: 還滿有道理的,然後練新的東西本來就是要在實戰用61F 11/06 06:51
wildzeon    : 滿有意思的,學不學別人放一旁,但這比什麼精神勝利62F 11/06 07:06
wildzeon    : 論好太多了
rojjujj     : 老大太強了配合體能下降改練ㄧ連投籃64F 11/06 07:07
wed3qla     : 用同樣說法套在別的事情看一下 - 因為換了一個更有65F 11/06 07:07
wed3qla     : 效率的起床新姿勢,所以我起不了床
rojjujj     : 我為了你的動作學了那麼久,現在也要改了嗎...67F 11/06 07:08
ss835658    : 只能推了68F 11/06 07:09
wed3qla     : 遲到也是很合理。因為我正在改良我的起床姿勢69F 11/06 07:13
很合理呀 只是你想想 起床難還是投進三分難?
swingingbear: 比賽中練?這讓我想到之前ㄧ個迷迷說練球是要在場下70F 11/06 07:14
swingingbear: 練的神理解
CYmphony    : 老大現在只是再調整,等到熱好身,又會回到聯盟前五72F 11/06 07:17
CYmphony    : 的球員,這是無庸置疑的。以老大的實力跟精神,再打
CYmphony    : 3~5年絕對不是問題,等陣容完整,第六第七冠保證輕
CYmphony    : 鬆拿到!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
racksold    : 再簽老大10年!76F 11/06 07:17
loveway     : 推77F 11/06 07:19
rocktu214   : 說真的 這篇說的1-2 hop跟short hop都算是投籃的基78F 11/06 07:21
rocktu214   : 本步伐 以前打校隊練球時都有練過 例如等球射手如果
rocktu214   : 直接站著接球拔起來投 和 未運球小墊步(類似這篇說
rocktu214   : 的short hop) 跳起來的高度和節奏感會差很多
rocktu214   : 個人愚見 純粹覺得Kobe腿力無法再像之前可以先跳再
rocktu214   : 描籃 所以看起來會變成加快出手速度
喔喔 多謝分享呀 長知識了
taylor0607  : 以前的二連跳投比較好看84F 11/06 07:47
我也這麼覺得 老大跟MJ停留在空中那種美感最讚
secretmen   : 卡卡西:我喜歡kobe85F 11/06 07:49
Danteva     : 原因就是他不切入了,每球都是在三分接球投掉,不86F 11/06 07:55
Danteva     : 切對方就好防,球隊就少了很多進攻模式
johnny23    : 我覺得老大的這麼美的出手不該改掉88F 11/06 07:58
nature8457  : 感覺滿有道理的欸,就算生涯最後一季還是不放棄努力89F 11/06 07:59
nature8457  : ,不愧是老大!
edcs        : 老大沒有烙賽,老大精神永存!91F 11/06 08:00
kaede0711   : 他的確在嘗試one motion,但是會麵包跟他腳沒力出手92F 11/06 08:02
kaede0711   : 選擇又差絕對有關係…
可是老大連空檔三分都噴飛阿QQ 可見他的one motion還要多練了
或是改回大家最愛看的2 motion
NIKElove    : 推 至少認真分析了94F 11/06 08:04
dudu5566    : 老大都用2-motion拿3萬多分了 沒事改姿勢幹嘛 原本95F 11/06 08:14
dudu5566    : 的跳投動作又不爛 人家Curry練10幾年了 老大想現學
dudu5566    : 現賣哪這麼簡單 而且練習時投投就算了 比賽大空檔還
dudu5566    : 這樣玩 不知道在想什麼...
chigo520    : 老大鐵又不是一天兩天的事還是他每年都在學新招?99F 11/06 08:16
chaos920909 : 有分析有推 支持老大混了這麼久還肯學100F 11/06 08:20
signm       : 就學人精啊看到什麼都想偷學,連吐舌頭也要學101F 11/06 08:22
signm       : 跟國中生屁孩什麼都想學來炫一下一樣
ymcg        : 東施表示欣慰103F 11/06 08:29
wtl         : 學甚麼都不是重點 重點是要能夠提升命中率104F 11/06 08:33
patron22    : 要不要來SBL練  大家不會酸你還會捧你喔105F 11/06 08:35
peter080808 : 不用想的這麼複雜  就是老了殘了 跳不起立罷了106F 11/06 08:37
tbmaker     : Push107F 11/06 08:38
mmchen      : 他想看成效如何再決定是否退休?108F 11/06 08:45
gn00945822  : 哦哦 有意思但效果很遭耶109F 11/06 08:45
iandol      : 看到一些科酸想來這篇討晦氣結果碰一鼻子灰,過癮!110F 11/06 08:49
還好啦 還是有人成功打我臉阿
雖然酸歸酸的 但這就是NBA總版阿XD
holices     : 這種文酸酸也能無_酸 真不簡單111F 11/06 08:50
peace1way   : 就老了,爆發生也不如前也可講一堆。你說的這些東西112F 11/06 08:52
peace1way   :             力
peace1way   : 的原因及理由,相不相信07年的kobe來做通通變成屁
*[1;31m噓 ALI5566     : 紅明顯 影片支援來囉https://youtu.be/xcqqu5KQSyI   11/06 08:54
Kobe Bryant - Shooting Machine - YouTube
A compilation of some kobe shot from 2009, 2010 and 2011 That is my first mix, hope you enjoy :)

chenchenje  : 卡卡西 是你?115F 11/06 08:55
真的耶 雖然不是每球都有hop step 但確實2011以前就有
所以我看老大只是做更多hop step 不是到那時候才學會@@
allenallen3a: 雖然曾經有覺得老大是重建的阻礙,但長遠看來湖人116F 11/06 08:56
allenallen3a: 對球星的尊重,應該也會起到一些吸引自由球員的幫助
allenallen3a: 吧?
ALI5566     : 上面這是09-11的影片 老大哪有不會的籃球基本動作119F 11/06 08:56
beyondx     : 老實講根本沒學到位 投射弧度太低 curry這季反而弧120F 11/06 08:56
beyondx     : 度更高而且更準 只能說curry的投射能力前所未有
helvetia1990: 活到老學到老!122F 11/06 08:57
mj22332004  : 結論:學人精二貨想學一貨學不起來123F 11/06 09:13
就跟我這肥宅一樣 我也學不起老大英美的投籃姿勢呀
要說學人精二貨只能說我自己啦 怎麼可以汙辱我最愛的科神呢
※ 編輯: hitman0527 (, 11/06/2015 09:27:57
vinsh       : 與其東學西效,不如把一個姿勢練到完美124F 11/06 09:14
liugayo     : 不見得是事實  不過這樣討論也是滿有意思的125F 11/06 09:15
srxrrr      : 有趣推!!!126F 11/06 09:20
kiminn      : 老大還再進化???這你信嗎 再進化就無敵了阿阿阿阿阿127F 11/06 09:28
※ 編輯: hitman0527 (, 11/06/2015 09:29:13
※ 編輯: hitman0527 (, 11/06/2015 09:29:53
siriusorion : Nick教練也有分析 https://goo.gl/1Y5EDN128F 11/06 09:43
qw99992     : 可惜kobe不能換晶片129F 11/06 09:45
kaede0711   : 的確short hop這種基本到不行的技術Kobe不可能不會130F 11/06 10:08
kaede0711   : …
faithans    : 推專業132F 11/06 10:09
leoliu0214  : 好球 希望老大趕快抓到新的感覺 加油133F 11/06 10:12
sward8      : 德佬現在投籃出手也變快很多~而且還狠準!134F 11/06 10:24
signm       : 就學人精阿,你自己都說了一連效果是更快更準更有力135F 11/06 10:47
signm       : ,那麵包一堆是三小,他從以前就很愛偷人家招式在那
signm       : 邊炫
ilovedandan : 推138F 11/06 11:37
ksk0516     : 哇等老大練成Curry招式不久又要重回科神寶座了!?139F 11/06 11:40
ksk0516     : Curry三分命中率打個折也有四成喔~老大太神啦
heineken520 : 分析推!!感謝翻譯141F 11/06 12:09
brian980466 : 噓的人好好笑142F 11/06 12:47
Edaw        : 老大~~~~~~~~~~   好佩服阿!143F 11/06 12:56
momokocty   : 老大!!!! 浪投麵包不防守144F 11/06 14:57
sam86716    : 這篇好專業145F 11/06 15:35
Andy0315    : 老大的精神好強大 所以可以濫投防守擺爛傷害球隊146F 11/06 18:25
Andy0315    :  啊不就好棒棒
swingingbear: 那為什麼學ㄧ堆命中率還那麼爛?邯鄲學步 徒具其形148F 11/06 21:25

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