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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-11-09 22:47:52
看板 NBA
作者 quaker7481 (QK)
標題 [外絮] Heat’s Gerald Green out of hospital
時間 Mon Nov  9 21:16:51 2015


Good news: Miami Heat swingman Gerald Green is out of the hospital and resting at home.

好消息:熱火Gerald Green已經出院並回到自己家裡休息!

What we don’t know what sent Green to the hospital in the first place, or when he’ll be back to playing basketball.
Miami’s ABC affiliate Channel 10 broke the news about Green being out of the hospital. Ira Winderman at the Sun Sentinel had some other details.


According to the transcript of the 911 call of the incident, a woman at the front desk of Green’s condo is heard on the recording saying, “I have a resident that just passed out. He’s bleeding….”


Several Heat players have been in communication with Green, including guards Dwyane Wade and Mario Chalmers, who lives in the same Miami condo building as Green and was in the ambulance at Green’s side when Green was transported Wednesday.
There were some reports that Green was acting erratically before the 911 call. However, the bottom line is we don’t know much about what happened.

Hopefully, he will recover and be back on the court soon.



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alex55555   : 靈異事件1F 11/09 21:17
morgankhs   : 我火加油!!2F 11/09 21:21
JayFans0610 : 1.吸毒 2.某些精神疾病 3.被好兄弟跟上3F 11/09 21:21
BignoZe     : 吸毒嘛 好不容易打出來說4F 11/09 21:23
gn00945822  : 括約肌撕裂傷5F 11/09 21:24
chris0701   : 小綠QAQ6F 11/09 21:26
shark23peng : 痔瘡爆了7F 11/09 21:26
dearest0420 : 陰屍路8F 11/09 21:28
gary360     : 連哪裡流血都還不知道9F 11/09 21:29
thegod13    : 真的九指球員10F 11/09 21:31
supreme0731 : 我覺得滿扯的....這真的很離奇11F 11/09 21:31
qwerty789   : 吸毒會流血嗎? 樓下你有經驗 你說說看12F 11/09 21:35
NightElf    : 姨媽來了13F 11/09 21:38
JayFans0610 : 流血不一定是主要傷害阿   可能是吸毒太High撞到14F 11/09 21:38
web946719   : 流血哦 說不定是槍傷15F 11/09 21:44
peter080808 : 不是吸毒 就是精神疾病發作 其他病因需要瞞媒體??16F 11/09 21:52
peter080808 : 警察有到場 排出吸毒的可能  大概就是精神異常了
wade1223    : 借轉18F 11/09 21:58
※ wade1223:轉錄至看板 MiamiHeat 11/09 21:58
Dragic      : 有吸毒的話不可能瞞過警察的19F 11/09 22:10
Xgaoifcc    : 當時警方已經排除藥物的可能性了  真的離奇...20F 11/09 22:12
utcn92      : 卡到陰21F 11/09 22:14
utcn92      : 流血的話 該不會他正在玩什麼羞恥PLAY吧......
meipialoha  : 有個人 真不紅23F 11/09 22:20
loneballer  : 我猜 drug-induced seizure24F 11/09 22:23
andrewyllee : 踩到樂高25F 11/09 22:25
rkbey       : 痔瘡爆炸26F 11/09 22:27
zoooooo     : MC來了27F 11/09 22:30
IBIZA       : 感染活屍病毒了28F 11/09 22:40
a6565a1     : 踩到樂高真的痛29F 11/09 22:43

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