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作者 標題 [外絮] LBJ寫給19歲少年Emaunel Duncan的信
時間 Mon Nov 16 16:43:25 2015
LeBron James sends touching letter to young fan with terminal illness | For The Win
Emanuel Duncan is a 19-year-old football coach at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis. Duncan has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and isn't expected to live beyond his 20s. His story was profiled by Gregg Doyel in the Indianapolis Star recently. ...
Emanuel Duncan is a 19-year-old football coach at Lawrence Central High
School in Indianapolis. Duncan has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and isn’t
expected to live beyond his 20s. His story was profiled by Gregg Doyel in the
Indianapolis Star recently.
19歲少年Emanuel Duncan是印第安納波利斯Lawrence Central High School學校的足球
Indianapolis Star早報的Gregg Doyel體育專欄被介紹過。
Indianapolis Star早報的Gregg Doyel體育專欄被介紹過。
In that story, Duncan shared some of the items on his bucket list, things
that keep him motivated and fighting. He’s been to ESPN’s Bristol, Conn.,
campus and met Stephen A. Smith (but not Skip Bayless, because he doesn’t
like him). There’s one person Duncan hasn’t met yet, and hopes to soon.
他曾經前往ESPN見過名主持人Stephen A. Smith(但非Skip Bayless,因為他討厭這個人)
他曾經前往ESPN見過名主持人Stephen A. Smith(但非Skip Bayless,因為他討厭這個人)
via Doyel’s feature in the Indianapolis Star:
“My bucket list is to meet LeBron,” he tells me. “That’s the one thing I
want to do. Meet LeBron James. That’s my role model. He inspires me to do
everything. To be a good person, to put other people first, to live your life
and do what makes you happy. If I meet LeBron James, that would make my day.
I wouldn’t ask for anything.”
Indianapolis Star中Doyel的專欄寫道:
在自己前面、好好生活並且作能令自己開心的事。如果我能見到LeBron James,那將會是
在自己前面、好好生活並且作能令自己開心的事。如果我能見到LeBron James,那將會是
LeBron heard Duncan’s story, and decided to write him a letter.
Hey Emanuel,
I've heard some pretty amazing things about you, and from what I've heard, I
can tell you're an unbelievable coach. I know you said that I'm your role
model and that I inspire you, but I know that you give so many people
inspiration, including me. You are living out what it means to be a role
model, to be a good person, to put others first and live life to the fullest,
doing what makes you happy. It is awesome that you are inspiring so many
young kids and teaching them about the importance of living life to the
fullest. You live this out each and every day. This is reminder to me to
continue doing that whether I'm on or off the court.
I wanted to send you a few things I thought you'd like to let you know that
I'm thinking of you. I know you are a fighter and you are very strong. And I
hope you know that you are not going through this alone ... I know you have a
whole team of people from everywhere supporting you. Not sure if you knew
this but I wear these things called I PROMISE bands every time I step onto
the court. They make me think of the PROMISES I have made to myself and
others. Here's one for you and me to share as we work with kids ... I PROMISE
Together we will change the world.
LeBron James
你。不確定你知不知道我每天都戴著印有 "I PROMISE" 的手環踏進球場,它們使我想著
你。不確定你知不知道我每天都戴著印有 "I PROMISE" 的手環踏進球場,它們使我想著
LeBron James
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MIPSojD (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1447663410.A.B4D.html
推 : Duncan!!!1F 11/16 16:44
→ : 推姆斯
→ : 推姆斯
推 : Op?3F 11/16 16:45
推 : LBJ的確也告訴我們 輸了不要放棄 轉隊就ok4F 11/16 16:46
推 : 推鬥士鼓勵~5F 11/16 16:46
→ : 爸媽是否死忠馬刺迷 Manu+Duncan 中間名是Tony嗎?
※ 編輯: hibaba (, 11/16/2015 16:52:23→ : 爸媽是否死忠馬刺迷 Manu+Duncan 中間名是Tony嗎?
推 : 推7F 11/16 16:50
推 : 推8F 11/16 16:51
推 : 推9F 11/16 16:51
推 : QQ10F 11/16 16:52
→ : 不要放棄 只要轉隊就有機會冠軍11F 11/16 16:52
推 : 未來是你的12F 11/16 16:52
→ : 抱歉沒發現已OP13F 11/16 16:55
推 : Manu Duncan XDDDDDDDD14F 11/16 16:55
推 : 姆斯給推15F 11/16 16:56
推 : QQ16F 11/16 16:57
※ 編輯: hibaba (, 11/16/2015 17:01:35推 : 推17F 11/16 17:03
推 : Manu Duncan 給推18F 11/16 17:04
推 : 淚推 嗚嗚嗚嗚19F 11/16 17:08
→ : 推姆斯!20F 11/16 17:18
→ : 信的開頭是 喂 我姆斯啦!!!!21F 11/16 17:21
推 : 推22F 11/16 17:22
推 : 姆斯:當肯 未來是你的!23F 11/16 17:30
推 : 做好事推推24F 11/16 17:33
推 : 好事推25F 11/16 17:36
推 : 姆斯:你的名字.......26F 11/16 17:50
推 : 不錯 今天不酸姆斯了27F 11/16 17:52
推 : manu duncan 好神28F 11/16 18:00
推 : 推29F 11/16 18:17
推 : push~~30F 11/16 18:19
→ : 別人幫他寫的拉。這是姆撕自己寫的???31F 11/16 18:24
→ : 連寫給病童都要人操刀......唉!
→ : 連寫給病童都要人操刀......唉!
推 : 為甚麼看得出來是別人幫他寫的啊?33F 11/16 18:30
推 : 姆絲的蛔蟲34F 11/16 18:31
推 : 是不是別人寫的很重要?重要的是推愛心吧35F 11/16 18:34
→ : 一個NBA球員寫這麼文情並茂?當然是經濟團隊操刀做36F 11/16 18:34
→ : 形象
→ : 就像之前八仙塵爆姆斯送球衣一樣,這種都是一種形象
→ : 廣告
→ : 形象
→ : 就像之前八仙塵爆姆斯送球衣一樣,這種都是一種形象
→ : 廣告
推 : 大推LBJ!!! 這種文也在酸的自己秀下限而已40F 11/16 19:01
推 : 姆斯做好事 今天不酸他了 推推41F 11/16 19:19
推 : 推42F 11/16 19:22
推 : 好姆斯 推個43F 11/16 19:28
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 65