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作者 標題 [外絮] Curry回家鄉夏洛特比賽前的專訪
時間 Fri Dec 4 03:35:13 2015
Curry hosts Q&A before homecoming game
By Rusty Simmons
Published 9:55 am, Wednesday, December 2, 2015
CHARLOTTE - About two dozen reporters crowded around Warriors point guard
Stephen Curry after Wednesday morning's shoot around and fired questions at
the hometown guy. Here's a look at the question-and-answer session:
What it's like being back in Charlotte?:
"Obviously, just being in Charlotte is always fun. I don't get much time here, being on
the West Coast, so I always look forward to the time we play the Hornets. This should
be a fun night."
Does it add a little pressure?:
"It used to, but now it feels normal. You kind of deal with the emotions of what it's
like to play in front of your family and in front of a lot of people who've seen you grow
up. This is seventh time back, sixth time playing, so I've got a good gist of how to focus
on the game, with all of the hoopla around it."
Does it make it more special that your dad is being honored tonight?:
"Oh, for sure. He means a lot to the city. He played here as one of the original Hornets,
and he was the last original Hornet to leave. It's a big deal for them to be able to honor
him and what he was able to do in a Hornets jersey. It should be a lot of fun. I know
my family is really excited about that element of the game."
What's your relationship like with the Carolina Panthers?:
"I've obviously been a lifelong fan since 1995, so it's great to see them doing what
they're doing. Obviously, they're 11-0, and I'm looking forward to a deep playoff run
and hopefully a Super Bowl appearance. Just being able to root for them back in
California is a lot of fan. Coach (Ron) Rivera has come out to a game at Oracle, and we
traded jerseys. It's pretty awesome to see what Cam (Newton) is doing, as well. I'm
excited to see what's to come down the stretch of the season."
是美式足球卡羅來納黑豹的大粉絲, 目前黑豹隊也是11勝0敗
Does having the Super Bowl in Santa Clara seem fated?:
"When they get there, yeah. We'll see. It'd be fun. We have day off there, too, so no
2016二月的超級杯在南灣Santa Clara, 剛好休兵能看球
How much pressure do you feel trying to stay undefeated?:
"We don't really look at it like that. We don't feel any pressure. It's an awesome streak
to have going, and it's awesome to have started out the season the way we have, but
every game is different. That's kind of the strength of our team: We're able to stay in
the moment and not really focus on what number win we're on. It's about who we're
playing and how we're going to play, and that's what we've been able to do, night-in
and night-out."
連勝無壓力, 不過每場比賽是不一樣的. 專注比賽而不在意那個連勝數字, 更多的是如何
How nice is it to have a couple of extra nights off in Charlotte?:
"It's nice. I appreciate the schedule-makers for hooking that up. After the game
tonight, we get another day and half before we head up to Toronto. I already got
Bojangles' (Famous Chicken 'n Biscuits), and Chick-Fil-A is next. I got to see Davidson
play and go to my high school and all of that kind of stuff. It's fun. "
Who's going to lose first, the Panthers or the Warriors?:
"My answer to that is: Us, but not until like February. That means the Panthers get
that Super Bowl win, and we make it through that. Throw Davidson in there, too.
They're 5-0."
答: 勇士, 不過勇士到二月才會輸, 這樣代表黑豹能一直連勝贏得超級杯. 然後Davidson
How realistic is that?:
"Who knows? Nobody thought we could start 19-0. Why not keep it going? There is a
lot of great talent in this league, and obviously, we're probably not going to go 82-0.
But you want to approach each game that way."
天曉得能開暨19連勝, 能繼續下去也不錯. 要82場全勝應該是不可能, 不過我們會朝這目標努力
Are you surprised the Panthers are 11-0?:
"Being 11-0 is definitely amazing, but they've showed signs the past two or three years
of taking it to that next level. It's just great to see everything click. The way Coach
Rivera is handling the team and the decisions they have to make. On both sides of the
ball, they're playing at a very high level. It's just kind of fun to see the world -
everybody outside the Charlotte area - be surprised by what they're doing, because
they probably haven't watched them play very much."
黑豹隊11連勝很驚喜, 他們在這兩三年內提升了很多和如何打的好balabala..........
What are your earliest memories of hanging around when your dad was a
professional athlete?:
"I don't remember how old I was, but I remember going to shootarounds and being in
the tunnel hanging out until they were done shooting, so we could go out, steal some
balls and throw up some shots while dad was getting dressed."
答: 不太記得幾歲了, 在他們練習後去換衣食會去偷幾顆球投籃
1. 美式足球在美國依舊是存在感最高的運動
2. Curry的性格態度和對家庭的關連是老美越來越喜歡他的不二因素
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推 : 反觀LBJ1F 12/04 03:53
※ 編輯: eirose (, 12/04/2015 03:56:35
→ : 吸引女性是因為顏值屌打9成以上的球星2F 12/04 04:01
→ : 你想太多了,Curry得顏值在美國真的算很普通3F 12/04 04:10
推 : 他就只想酸啊4F 12/04 04:13
推 : 樓上知道Curry是少數幾個有服裝品牌的代言嗎 ?5F 12/04 04:16
其實很訝異有人會把女性市場連結到顏值和服裝代言, 至少在北美四大職業運動裡, 靠顏值來取得市場的, Curry真的還沾不上邊.
而即使是女性市場, Curry和MLB公認的王子Jeter也大不相同, Jeter就是很直觀的風流
有型帥, 甚至還有女性內衣請他當男模. Curry的女性市場更多的是邁入家庭的女性, 那
些養育孩子長大看著孩子打球長大的媽媽和小女孩. 這個從他帶著女兒出席賽後採訪就
能理解. 而能吸引這些女性市場的原因無非就是個性好, 沒有花邊新聞也不去夜店鬼
混, 說真的光是不去夜店鬼混對照歷史上的千人斬球星們就根本完全大勝!
※ 編輯: eirose (, 12/04/2015 04:32:53
推 : Curry家庭關係好算滿難得,且父子剛好同樣24Y生孩子6F 12/04 04:33
→ : 他應該就是好的家庭關係中,父母樂見的孩子榜樣
→ : 這點應該有滿多的女性市場 (而且NBA中這型的比較少)
→ : 他應該就是好的家庭關係中,父母樂見的孩子榜樣
→ : 這點應該有滿多的女性市場 (而且NBA中這型的比較少)
推 : 美國重家教的父母們很注重小孩子的偶像是不是好的9F 12/04 04:41
→ : role model
→ : role model
推 : 賣臉先推MLB老大!!11F 12/04 04:45
推 : Jeter根本長的超怪12F 12/04 04:48
→ : 鼻子很像小丑 或是被揍過的那種
→ : 鼻子很像小丑 或是被揍過的那種
推 : 贏到2月幾連勝了阿?14F 12/04 04:54
推 : Curry的顏值的確是頂尖的啊 這應該不需要否認15F 12/04 05:07
推 : Curry形象好阿.. 美國父母會引導孩子去喜歡形象好的16F 12/04 05:26
→ : NBA因此會捧那些好球員 Rose KD Curry
→ : NBA因此會捧那些好球員 Rose KD Curry
推 : 很帥呀19F 12/04 05:39
推 : 真的很帥20F 12/04 06:35
推 : 翻譯有夠簡潔XD21F 12/04 07:13
推 : 現代喬丹 聯盟第一人!!!!!!22F 12/04 07:26
推 : 跟東亞人比就是帥23F 12/04 07:54
推 : Curry的眼睛很漂亮24F 12/04 08:05
好吧, 可能在美國看多了,尤其加州這類型混血的美國人真的很多, 所以沒覺得特別帥※ 編輯: eirose (, 12/04/2015 08:17:39
推 : 我也蠻期待勇士跟黑豹誰會先輸球 黑豹的QB Cam25F 12/04 08:23
→ : Newton今年很威 也許可以一路打到Super Bowl
→ : Newton今年很威 也許可以一路打到Super Bowl
推 : Curry很萌 但不是正統帥哥的模板 還是帥的 但更多27F 12/04 08:24
→ : 的是可愛
→ : 的是可愛
→ : Curry有代言一個品牌Express 我也蠻喜歡他們家的29F 12/04 08:25
→ : 衣服的
→ : 衣服的
推 : Cam Newton昨天有來看勇士對黃蜂這場比賽31F 12/04 08:27
推 : 我個人認為顏值 Jordan>Kobe>Curru>LBJ32F 12/04 08:30
推 : 臉蛋跟MLB老大比 真的差一些 但是老大幫我熊拿座冠33F 12/04 08:32
→ : 軍的話 會讓他在歷史留下無法抹滅的記憶
→ : 軍的話 會讓他在歷史留下無法抹滅的記憶
推 : [台媒] 勇士連勝不止,柯瑞嗆聲贏到二月35F 12/04 09:21
推 : 咖哩媽超正36F 12/04 09:40
推 : 已經進入家庭階段的女性比較喜歡這種顧家乖孩子型37F 12/04 09:46
→ : 的!?
→ : 的!?
推 : 他的品性好跟信仰虔誠也有關39F 12/04 12:11
推 : 想太多,咖哩是吸毒臉40F 12/04 16:04
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 52
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