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作者 標題 [外絮] McGrady:姚明的影響力遠大於NBA賽場上
時間 Mon Sep 12 01:12:53 2016
McGrady: Yao Ming's impact reaches far beyond the NBA court
McGrady: 姚明的影響力遠大於NBA賽場上
When I got traded to the Houston Rockets in 2004 I really didn't know Yao Ming.
He'd been in the league a few years, we'd both been to the All-Star Game
and we played against each other a few times, but I had never talked to him.
I didn't think he could speak any English and I was worried about that.
I thought: "How is this going to work?"
I had just won the last two scoring titles with the Orlando Magic, but I was so
excited to be playing with a great big man that I knew I was going to have to
work with him and feed him the ball. But to do that, we needed communication.
How would I talk to him on the court? Would I have to look over at an
interpreter on the bench every time we needed to say something to each other?
I was thinking maybe we'd have earpieces or something.
When I finally met him, I realized two things: he does speak English and not
only does he speak it, he has an amazing sense of humor.
I loved seeing his personality come out more and more over the years as he
got more comfortable in Houston. That's how I really learned what an amazing
person he is. He will sometimes just pretend he doesn't speak English -- he
does that even to this day!
I remember when he came to my wedding reception in 2006. My family and friends
were so excited and they all wanted to take pictures and get autographs,
and he pretended he couldn't understand them. I just had to sit back and laugh.
Man, you never really get over his size, a guy who is 7-foot-6 and that big.
Even now when we stand next to each other, I can't get over it.
That's why Yao getting into the Hall of Fame is so deserved. His skills for a
man his size were just unbelievable. He could do everything. He could post up,
score with either hand, shoot a jumper, he had an array of moves. He could
block shots. He passed so well and that's so rare for a guy his size.
I'd never played with a big man of his caliber. I didn't know he was that
skilled before I came to the Rockets, but then I saw it every day in practice,
every day before games, after games. He really put in the work to perfect his
craft -- he even took our technical foul shots because he was that great of a
free throw shooter.
He had a mean streak, too. You'd see it come out whenever he'd get dunked on.
Then there was Yao's impact on the global game. You have to understand,
before him, basketball wasn't popular in China. I had made trips there before
he came into the league, and there was basketball, but it wasn't a part of the
Chinese culture.
Now, there's over 300 million people in China playing because of Yao Ming.
I saw it. I felt it. That is his legacy. He brought NBA basketball to China
and I will forever be thankful that I was able to be a part of it. He
introduced the country to Tracy McGrady.
我深有體會。他將NBA帶進中國,我身在那洪流之中,他把中國介紹給Tracy McGrady。
We were their heroes. They didn't see Michael Jordan play, they saw us.
They saw Yao.
我們倆就是他們的英雄,他們不看Michael Jordan打球、但他們看我們打、看姚明打。
In 2007, there was a game we played in Houston against the Milwaukee Bucks
when they had former No. 6 overall pick and fellow Chinese star, Yi Jianlian.
It was just a regular-season game, but 200 million people watched in China.
That's Yao's impact. I was in awe.
When I think of the six seasons we played together, it hurts. It's tough
for me to speak about even now. We never got a fair chance because of injuries.
We could've had a championship team, Yao and me. We had several great
opportunities. There were times when we were thriving. But we could never be
healthy; it's so unfortunate. The one year we had the team -- we'd gotten
Luis Scola, Shane Battier, Kyle Lowry, Carl Landry, Ron Artest -- I was
thinking that was the year.
我們有一年擁有Luis Scola、Shane Battier、Kyle Lowry、Carl Landry、Ron Artest。
Then I blew out my knee. I was devastated. That team was so good.
The guys beat the Portland Trail Blazers in the first round and we were
in a battle with the Los Angeles Lakers in the second round when Yao broke
his foot. That was our year.
What if. So many what ifs.
We still had some great memories. We hosted the All-Star Game in Houston
together and we both addressed the crowd before the game and he spoke in
English, I'll always remember that. It was awesome.
We had a 22-game winning streak in 2007-08, the fourth-longest run in NBA
history. Even then, Yao got hurt after the 12th win. If we had something to
hold onto, that's it. When we were both healthy, we really were great together.
Yao is truly a great and humble person. You just can't recognize his
accomplishments on the court without seeing his kindness and humbleness off it.
I am proud to call Yao my friend.
He opened so many doors. He personally put me in position to have a life after
basketball. I'm so lucky to have had a chance to know him, play with him and
to work with him. He has a legacy very few have, and he has been and will
continue to be a great influence.
It's what he does, it's who he is.
NBA - Tracy McGrady: Yao Ming's impact reaches far beyond the NBA court
With Yao Ming set to enter the Hall of Fame, former teammate Tracy McGrady shares what Yao meant to Houston, the NBA and China, where the larger-than- ...
台灣球評、主播名言錄: 模板請關燈
A:「我們說喔…」「就像我們剛剛聊到的……」 象B:「嘿…這一球有點走步的嫌疑喔!」「嘿嘿……這有沒有犯規我不敢講,哈!」勇
C:「現在球傳給xx了…WOWW~這球真是太漂亮了!」 仁
D:「這球xx打得真是太強了」「xx如果這樣打就沒得玩了」 蔚
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推 :1F 09/12 01:15
推 : 好文推2F 09/12 01:16
※ ymsya:轉錄至看板 T-mac 09/12 01:16
推 : 他們不看Jordan打球3F 09/12 01:16
推 : 87芬4F 09/12 01:20
推 : 他很會記仇 牛頭人嗎XDDD5F 09/12 01:32
推 : 練習英文的好文章6F 09/12 01:38
推 : 牛頭人表示7F 09/12 01:39
→ : tutorABC8F 09/12 01:46
推 : 兩個輪流傷真的很慘!9F 09/12 01:46
推 : 姚明換部落了 而且專門殺取名 有關姚明的地精10F 09/12 01:48
→ : 像 姚明沒我高
→ : 像 姚明沒我高
推 : 我強烈譴責那個牛頭人戰士名字我就不說了實在沒人品12F 09/12 01:55
推 : 姚明必推 第一個喜歡的球員跟球隊13F 09/12 02:19
推 : 有Scola、Landry、Artest那年真的是最美夢的一年14F 09/12 02:26
→ : 可惜到最後夢還是醒了
→ : 可惜到最後夢還是醒了
推 : push16F 09/12 02:33
推 : 如果沒傷這組合真的很可怕17F 09/12 02:38
推 : 那年還有板凳暴徒von wafer18F 09/12 03:57
推 : 當年若沒傷病,排出的先發陣容:姚明,T-mac,Artest
→ : ,Battier,Scola,完全可以叫板總冠軍
推 : 當年若沒傷病,排出的先發陣容:姚明,T-mac,Artest
→ : ,Battier,Scola,完全可以叫板總冠軍
推 : 感人QQ21F 09/12 06:18
推 : 可惜輪流傷22F 09/12 06:24
推 : 最喜歡mm連線了!23F 09/12 07:03
推 : 姚明演講好像都沒提到他 出來刷刷?24F 09/12 07:30
噓 : 之前在馬刺抱腿時不是不小心講出心聲嫌姚明爛嗎?25F 09/12 07:31
推 : 酸酸在酸f4的時候怎麼都沒有想說老的老傷又輪流傷26F 09/12 07:39
麥蒂談往事怪姚明不給力:甚至不覺得他能場均20+_體育_新聞中心_新浪網-北美 麥蒂談往事怪姚明不給力:甚至不覺得他能場均20+ ...
用裡面原文片段去搜尋只找到 http://wap.hupu.com/bbs/6284153.html 這個討論串
推 : 他應該要出個Yao語錄的 經典超多~29F 09/12 08:00
推 : 淚推30F 09/12 08:11
※ 編輯: ymsya (, 09/12/2016 08:14:51推 : 推MM連線31F 09/12 08:13
推 : 當時健康時候的MM連線很猛阿32F 09/12 08:21
推 : 推姚明33F 09/12 08:26
推 : 姚明人品真的是人人誇34F 09/12 08:38
推 : 因為就單場上表現 的確不知道為何進名人堂35F 09/12 08:42
推 : 推36F 09/12 09:06
推 : 強力譴責牛頭人獵人37F 09/12 09:14
→ : 更正 牛頭人戰士
→ : 更正 牛頭人戰士
推 : 不錯的回憶39F 09/12 09:17
推 : 推 推40F 09/12 09:27
噓 : MM連線猛個屁……練KO的毛都摸不到……41F 09/12 09:29
→ : MM也許成就沒有OK好,但氣氛和諧多了42F 09/12 10:07
推 : 氣氛也很難說吧..沒幾場合作43F 09/12 10:12
→ : 再多打幾場 就會有智障記者問出手合理度 開始造謠
→ : 然後地球另一邊的PTT鄉民就高潮了
→ : 再多打幾場 就會有智障記者問出手合理度 開始造謠
→ : 然後地球另一邊的PTT鄉民就高潮了
推 : 就輪流受傷真的很傷 那年是火箭能湊出最好陣容一年46F 09/12 10:14
→ : 其他年的MM連線 角色球員的缺陷都太大了
→ : 其他年的MM連線 角色球員的缺陷都太大了
推 : 那是奈史密斯籃球名人堂 不是NBA名人堂 兩個不一樣48F 09/12 10:17
→ : 前面幾天都一直有人在解釋了 再搞不清楚就科科了
→ : 前面幾天都一直有人在解釋了 再搞不清楚就科科了
推 : 為我ㄧ生的偶像 致上最高敬意50F 09/12 10:28
推 : 推好文54F 09/12 10:37
推 : 大家當時在板上笑的牛頭人梗已經快10年了,時間真快55F 09/12 10:44
推 : 中鋒上去罰技術犯規的罰球真的超屌,尤其看看現在..56F 09/12 10:45
→ : ..
→ : ..
推 : 天哪這篇好好看好感人,感覺得出來踢妹對他的真心58F 09/12 11:01
推 : 姚明人緣真好 大家都搶著講他好話59F 09/12 11:10
推 : 唉........MM受傷真的好遺憾啊60F 09/12 11:12
推 : 牛頭人戰士真的很好笑61F 09/12 11:19
→ : 耐史耐德名人堂就是NBA名人堂啊?!62F 09/12 11:28
推 : 幹 牛頭戰士超有梗63F 09/12 11:29
→ : FIBA名人堂才是另一個名人堂吧?64F 09/12 11:31
推 : 梯妹剛退休的言論超級怨婦的,那段時間什麼都幻想65F 09/12 11:37
→ : 什麼都噴
→ : 什麼都噴
推 : 好悲傷,童年啊~67F 09/12 12:07
推 : 如果沒傷病的話完全是總冠軍隊伍68F 09/12 12:11
推 : 沒有心結的雙人組倒在傷病面前,真的很可惜69F 09/12 12:38
推 : 技術犯規加罰都是由中鋒來罰~~XD 姚這身高搭配他的70F 09/12 13:10
→ : 手感,以後難找到第二人了
→ : 手感,以後難找到第二人了
推 : 淚推姚麥,好懷念他們72F 09/12 13:42
→ : 姚明是入名人堂最沒爭議的嗎?73F 09/12 13:44
推 : 季後賽輪流受傷74F 09/12 13:51
→ : 姚明演說有提到T-Mac,雖然只是帶過75F 09/12 13:57
推 : 大家真的都超挺姚明 姚明真的是讓人信服也值得尊敬76F 09/12 14:33
推 : $$$$$$$$$$$$$$77F 09/12 15:04
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 92
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