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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-10-30 13:32:20
看板 Baseball
作者 TonyDinozzo (DiNozzo)
標題 [情報] Jose Fernandez 遺體驗出古柯鹼
時間 Sun Oct 30 11:18:55 2016

Jose Fernandez was drunk, had cocaine in system during fatal boat crash - CNN.com
Miami Marlins star pitcher Jose Fernandez had cocaine in his system when he and two friends were killed in a boat crash last month off Miami Beach, th ...


Miami Marlins star pitcher Jose Fernandez had cocaine in his system when he
and two friends were killed in a boat crash last month off Miami Beach, the
Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner's office said Saturday.

Miami-Dade郡法醫辦公室表示,前馬林魚投手球星Jose Fernandez在上月底船難中

Associate Medical Examiner Kenneth Hutchins listed "boat crash" as the cause
of death and also said Fernandez was legally drunk with a blood-alcohol
concentration of .147.

助理法醫Kenneth Hutchins正式將"船難"列為Fernandez的正式死因,同時表示

Fernandez, 24, suffered blunt-force injuries to the head and torso, along
with skull and jaw fractures when the boat he was in hit a jetty near Miami
Beach in the early morning hours of September 25.

24歲的Fernandez死於9/25清晨於Miami Beach的船難時,在頭部及軀幹部分皆有多處

Fernandez and two friends, Emilio Jesus Macias and Eduardo Rivero, were found
dead later that morning after their boat was discovered near South Pointe
Beach on Government Cut.

Fernandez和兩位友人Emilio Jesus Macias及Eduardo Rivero是該起船難罹難的三人。

Coast Guard personnel on patrol noticed the vessel upside down on the north
end of a rocky jetty shortly after 3:15 a.m.Authorities have not determined
who was piloting the boat, which Fernandez owned.

岸巡人員在9/25 3:15於例行性巡邏時發現了Fernandez所有,已經翻覆擱淺在岩岸的

Autopsies determined that Macias and Rivero had levels of alcohol below the
legal limit in Florida, which is .08. Rivero also had traces of cocaine in
his system, the medical examiner's report said.

驗屍結果另外證實了Macias 和Rivero體內的酒精濃度皆未超過佛州法定標準(0.08),

Authorities are conducting a homicide investigation.


  ╭┬┬┬┬┬┬╮            幹的好!    下來幫我簽名!  幹的好!
  ├┼┼┼┼┼┤│             ﹨   ∕      ﹨     ∕    ∕
   ███████     ~叭 〒\●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●/
   ███████            ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉
   ◎◎        ◎            /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\       ψyorick

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1O5MQfJ7 (Baseball)
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CoLoYellow: 所以說ㄅ哈哈1F 10/30 11:19
mongi: 標準鞭屍2F 10/30 11:19
stock5566: 古柯鹼3F 10/30 11:19
simple721: 翻案啦4F 10/30 11:20
rn940111: 我翻過了XD5F 10/30 11:21
cefetur48: 起風啦6F 10/30 11:21
a2156700: 到底是去吸毒還是去釣魚?7F 10/30 11:21
hu6111: 感覺美國風向要變了8F 10/30 11:22
rn940111: #1O5FLJ6w (Baseball)9F 10/30 11:22
Mayinggo: 吸菸就有的東西10F 10/30 11:23
scjh123: 這時間點放新聞也很故意..想趁世界大賽風潮時混過去吧11F 10/30 11:23
linhsiuwei: 黑了12F 10/30 11:24
o0708077313: 比紅雀那個還黑了....13F 10/30 11:24
i376ers: 風向變了14F 10/30 11:24
TonyDinozzo: 沒看到RN940111大那篇XD15F 10/30 11:24
VVizZ: 原來是死毒蟲喔16F 10/30 11:24
※ 編輯: TonyDinozzo (, 10/30/2016 11:25:33
ParuruChan: 鞭屍 XDDD17F 10/30 11:25
w921216: op18F 10/30 11:25
DASHOCK: 原來嗑多了19F 10/30 11:27
eddie909: 鞭屍20F 10/30 11:29
BaRanKa: 這麼有錢要碰到這個也不難啊21F 10/30 11:29
rc4600206: 沒人要哭了嗎 眼睛還是獅獅獅的22F 10/30 11:29
rc4600206: 快笑死 那幾天推文一直哭耶 哭哭
jyekid: 不管啦 死者為大24F 10/30 11:31
etmummy: 有內鬼 停止交易25F 10/30 11:31
tj474474: 起風囉!嗑藥觸礁的時候可能以為自己在開破冰船吧26F 10/30 11:31
tj474474: 明天查普曼的帽子會把那個16拿掉嗎 不然就變成挺毒蟲了
a85370: 風向要轉向了嗎28F 10/30 11:32
Wojnarowski: 刪推文?不能噓OP?29F 10/30 11:33
abc06: 風向變了30F 10/30 11:33
TaiwanKimchi: 黑掉了31F 10/30 11:33
TonyDinozzo: 誰跟你刪推文 剛剛改翻譯錯字剛好你的推文沒被記錄吧32F 10/30 11:34
yulo: 退潮就知道誰沒穿褲子33F 10/30 11:36
mpyh12345: 先拔個草34F 10/30 11:36
guysBBBB: 酒精濃度超標? 但他不是開船的啊?35F 10/30 11:38
chien533: 現實的風向早就變了。。。36F 10/30 11:38
jinx55123: 吸毒給噓 出去前有想過自己的老婆孩子嗎37F 10/30 11:39
TaiwanKimchi: 有可能是服用藥物者駕駛的38F 10/30 11:39
rn940111: 那你標題要標註一下OP喔~而且編輯內文其實不影響推文XD39F 10/30 11:40
a2156700: 警方還無法確定是誰開船的喔40F 10/30 11:40
indoman: 裝熟鄉民都閉嘴了41F 10/30 11:44
jschenlemn: 半夜不睡覺跑去吸毒就已經犯法+黑掉了42F 10/30 11:46
surahinagiku: 這個濃度要換算吧 實際應該比這個小43F 10/30 11:47
hornets1221: 如果吸毒,不但東山再起獎不該給他,球衣也不應退休44F 10/30 12:01
hornets1221: 他的投球紀錄已經不純了
z1233218: 他沒有老婆...46F 10/30 12:05
girafa: cocaina....!47F 10/30 12:09
trickart: 笑死了 之前ㄧ堆棒球宅在裝熟哭哭48F 10/30 12:14
edayyuyu: 死者為大…!?49F 10/30 13:04

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