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作者 標題 [外絮] Anthony Davis, bolstered by 31.6 avera
時間 Tue Nov 29 15:57:13 2016
Anthony Davis, bolstered by 31.6 average, goes on D over teammates
鵜鶘的AD場均得分噴上31.6分, 受訪時維護隊友們 http://tinyurl.com/zatdzno
Anthony Davis, leading NBA in scoring, defends New Orleans Pelicans
Anthony Davis hears the rumblings about his predicament -- he leads the NBA in scoring on a Pelicans team that is 6-12 -- but doesn't agree that it's ...
As Anthony Davis' scoring average has soared, now to the highest mark in the
NBA, so too has criticism over the lack of support he is getting from his New
Orleans Pelicans teammates to make a similar rise in the Western Conference
當AD場均得分目前上升到NBA首位時, 外界對於他鵜鶘隊友們沒提供足夠的支援, 導致球
Davis, speaking to ESPN's Marc Stein on the "TrueHoop: Conversations"
podcast, acknowledged that he hears talk about his current predicament but
doesn't necessarily agree.
"I hear it. I see it. I'm on social media, so I see it all the time," Davis
told Stein. "But I think, for me, it's just about the guys in that locker
room. I know they come out here every day in practice and every night in the
game and fight and leave everything on the floor. It's nothing that I try to
pay attention to as much. But you see it. You have to pay attention to it.
AD受訪時表示他有聽聞到這些關於他現在處境的話, 但並不贊同
"For me, that's not my M.O. to get into all the media and all that stuff. I
just worry about what's going on in that locker room and on the floor with
the guys I have in the locker room."
他說:"對我來說, 去關切媒體跟外界的那些傳言這並不是我的作風, 我只關心跟我的隊
Davis has reached new heights in his fifth season in New Orleans. As of
Monday, he leads the NBA in points (31.6) and blocks (2.8) while averaging
career highs in rebounds (11.0), steals (1.8) and minutes (37.2). The
23-year-old said his ability to block out the public conversation, much like
his game, has grown over the years.
AD在鵜鶘的第五季迎來個人數據生涯新高, 場均得分31.6跟火鍋2.8全聯盟最高, 場均籃
板11顆跟場均抄截1.8次以及上場時間37.2分鐘也是生涯新高. 23歲的他表示, 他對於不
理會外界對他評語的能力, 就像他在比賽時的表現一樣, 逐年成長
板11顆跟場均抄截1.8次以及上場時間37.2分鐘也是生涯新高. 23歲的他表示, 他對於不
理會外界對他評語的能力, 就像他在比賽時的表現一樣, 逐年成長
"Of course, my rookie year, it's really the first time people are really,
really talking about you," Anthony said. "Of course we had it at Kentucky and
a little bit at high school, but when you get to the NBA and of course you're
the No. 1 pick, all this media's going to be around you.
"And so when they start [saying], 'Oh, injury prone,' 'He's not a leader,'
'He can't carry [a team],' all this stuff, you start to see it. But after a
while, as you get older and more established in the league and more
experienced, you kind of find a way to tune it out. I think that's the point
I'm at right now."
他說:"當然了, 我的新秀年真的是第一次人們真的真的在談論我, 我大學跟高中時也有
這些, 但當你進入NBA還是選秀狀元時, 所有的媒體都湧上前圍繞著你了; 而當他們開始
說著 '他容易受傷', '他不是個leader材料', '他無法carry球隊'等等之類的, 你就會
開始注意到這些, 但隨著時間過去當你年紀越來越大, 也在聯盟中建立起一些成績並更
有經驗時, 你自然會找到方法關掉這些雜音, 我想這就是我現在的狀況"
The Pelicans, who rank 12th in the West at 6-12, started the season 0-8. They
won their first four games after the return of Jrue Holiday but recently lost
both ends of a two-game road streak, including a 91-81 defeat to the
last-place Dallas Mavericks on Sunday.
鵜鶘目前在西區以6-12排名第12位, 以8連敗開季, 他們在JH回歸後取得首勝, 但最近客
場二連敗, 包括91-81輸給了聯盟墊底的小牛
Although the Pelicans have fought their way back, Davis admitted the early
struggles seemed ominous.
雖然鵜鶘已經努力的回到了正軌, 但AD承認開季的連敗是種不祥的徵兆
"We were very worried," Davis told Stein. "We didn't envision ourselves being
in that situation. But we dug ourselves a hole. We're slowly climbing out of
it, and we just have to keep fighting. Nobody wants to start 0-8. Nobody
wants to start off on the wrong foot. But it happens.
他說:"我們對此很擔憂, 因為先前並沒預期到球隊會陷入那樣的處境, 是我們自己挖的大
坑, 而我們正慢慢的從坑中往上爬出, 並得持續這樣做, 沒有人會想要用8連敗開季, 沒
有人會想要以錯誤的方式開始, 但事情就是這樣發生了"
坑, 而我們正慢慢的從坑中往上爬出, 並得持續這樣做, 沒有人會想要用8連敗開季, 沒
有人會想要以錯誤的方式開始, 但事情就是這樣發生了"
"Some teams have whoever on their team where they're able to do whatever they
want on the floor. For us, we have to be blue-collar guys who are coming in,
work, being scrappy, first to the floor, rebounding the ball, sharing the
ball. That's how we have to be. That's how we've been the past couple weeks,
and that's how we've been able to get wins."
"有些球隊有著一些可以讓他們在場上暢所欲為事情的球員, 對我們而言, 我們必須得像
藍領工作者那樣踏入球場, 競競業業的努力, 第一個到球場, 去爭搶籃板球, 去分享球
, 這就是我們現在必須得做的, 這也是我們前幾週努力做的事, 這同時更是我們是否能
藍領工作者那樣踏入球場, 競競業業的努力, 第一個到球場, 去爭搶籃板球, 去分享球
, 這就是我們現在必須得做的, 這也是我們前幾週努力做的事, 這同時更是我們是否能
Although Davis' individual production has never been better, the three-time
All-Star cited ball-handling and passing as the next evolution of his game.
縱使AD的個人數據來到前所未有的高度, 這位三次的全明星還是覺得他的比賽可以再加強
"I watch LeBron [James], Steph [Curry], all those guys make their teammates
better," he said. "They find them. Even Draymond [Green]. He plays the same
position and does the same thing, and he's able to find his teammates in a
way that I can't right now. That's definitely what I want to get better at."
他說:"我看過LeBron James跟Steph Curry的比賽, 他們都是能讓隊友們更好的球員, 他
們會找到空檔的隊友, 甚至跟我打同樣位置的Draymond Green也能做到著同樣的事, 嘴
猛綠有辦法用我現在做不到的方式找到他的隊友們, 這絕對是我想要加強的部分"
們會找到空檔的隊友, 甚至跟我打同樣位置的Draymond Green也能做到著同樣的事, 嘴
猛綠有辦法用我現在做不到的方式找到他的隊友們, 這絕對是我想要加強的部分"
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1480406237.A.600.html
※ 編輯: djviva (, 11/29/2016 15:59:26
推 : 現在看到AD標題的新聞都有點驚驚1F 11/29 15:58
推 : 又強又謙虛,只能推!2F 11/29 15:59
推 : 推AD3F 11/29 16:02
→ : Davis and his happy Holiday4F 11/29 16:02
→ : 是我還不夠好5F 11/29 16:02
推 : 他這樣還算不夠carry嗎....6F 11/29 16:02
推 : 他目前真的吸引包夾後 分球的能力還不夠好7F 11/29 16:06
推 : 同意1F8F 11/29 16:07
推 : 以下開放各隊球迷幻想各種搶劫交易9F 11/29 16:09
→ : AD take FIVE !!??10F 11/29 16:11
推 : 建議加入籃網輔佐豪豪 輕鬆不費力11F 11/29 16:12
推 : 又強又謙虛 只要不痛痛 分球再好些 就能提升隊伍了12F 11/29 16:18
推 : 希望永遠健康13F 11/29 16:18
推 : 支持AD14F 11/29 16:19
推 : 老馬什麼時候也看球了15F 11/29 16:22
推 : 才23歲16F 11/29 16:23
推 : 純推老馬17F 11/29 16:28
推 : 老馬看球看幾十年了18F 11/29 16:29
推 : 推又強態度又好19F 11/29 16:29
推 : AD真是恐怖 跟我龜一樣都是怪物級的球員20F 11/29 16:30
推 : 推AD 心態正確21F 11/29 16:31
→ : 又沒有大頭症 無限支持我龜和AD合體 在哪合體都好22F 11/29 16:32
推 : 心態推 加油23F 11/29 16:37
推 : 首勝是11/11那場,假日11/18才回來,應該是首次連勝24F 11/29 16:39
推 : 推AD25F 11/29 16:45
推 : 推26F 11/29 16:51
推 : 未來名人堂球員27F 11/29 17:00
推 : 推 這態度太好了28F 11/29 17:01
→ : 只有23歲R 跟我KI一樣年輕29F 11/29 17:13
推 : 現代神獸 最大敵人就是痛痛30F 11/29 17:13
推 : MAN真男人!31F 11/29 17:14
推 : 推AD心態很好 都表現成這樣了還有批評的聲音32F 11/29 17:14
推 : 好球員該有的心態 讚33F 11/29 17:18
推 : 推我AD QQ34F 11/29 17:21
推 : 好希望AD跟鉛筆未來能夠改變nba的球風 人人射三分35F 11/29 18:06
→ : 的小球戰術讓大部分禁區都變成苦力人員 真的很慘
→ : 的小球戰術讓大部分禁區都變成苦力人員 真的很慘
推 : 看到AD的新聞害我抖了一下,還好只是訪問37F 11/29 18:09
推 : KI才23喔 感覺他打好久了38F 11/29 18:17
→ : 這傢伙有機會超越TD39F 11/29 18:33
推 : 近幾年最強壯元40F 11/29 18:35
推 : AD來我刺啊,教你怎麼分球41F 11/29 18:44
推 : 保持健康!42F 11/29 18:53
推 : 真男人!43F 11/29 19:00
推 : 超越TD? 別鬧了44F 11/29 19:06
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