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看板 NBA
作者 s90523 (Korver我腦公>//<)
標題 [外絮] 受傷空白的兩年幫助了Embiid更加進步
時間 Thu Dec 29 04:20:24 2016

原文網址 : https://goo.gl/kPeyQx


This is when the frustration of setback after setback pays off. When the deep
sighs of missing 164 games in a row morphs into a fist pump of
accomplishment. When the literal pain from the foot problems that seemingly
would never heal and the figurative pain from only being able to stand still
gives way to numbers so gratifying that even Joel Embiid has to admit missing
two seasons in a row helped him.




Not that he wanted it to happen this way, a 2014 Draft pick rookie in 2016
who had to prove he could be healthy before proving he could be good. But the
truth is undeniable since it did: Embiid has been an instant 3-point threat
as a 7-foot center/power forward who was never considered a stretch anything
because of the unwanted time off.



但這個事實是不可否認的: 現在的Embiid的三分出手是相當有威脅性的,


“Yeah, definitely,” he said. “I don’t think I would be as good as if I
would have played my first year. I don’t think I was going to shoot the ball
from 3 at all. But those (two) years really helped me a lot, especially for
my shot.”



Embiid couldn’t play five-on-five, not even with his own 76ers teammates who
would surely keep a safe distance rather than risk another injury to a
foundation of the franchise. So he did a lot of drills. There were a lot of
times he couldn’t even run, or so much as walk without a boot, so he
remained stationary. And shot.





The next thing anyone knows, the same player who took five 3-pointers as a
Kansas one-and-done in 2013-14, making one, is not the same player. Still
gifted with enviable instincts for someone with relatively little experience
even before college, yes, still with the look of potential greatness if only
he could stay healthy, but the Embiid of 2016-17 is at 40.3 percent behind
the arc.





As if the start to his pro career wasn’t already impressive enough, Embiid's
25 makes in 62 attempts in 21 appearances is good enough for the fourth-best
showing among newcomers, while still being force-fed games off as part of the



Embiid would be the clear favorite for Kia Rookie of the Year anyway.
Expanding his game like this just makes the possibilities in the seasons
ahead seem that much more limitless.



Catcher A.J. Ellis was Greinke's best friend in Dodgers. According to media
accounts, they were playing general manager one day and kicking around ways to
make the team better when Ellis asked Greinke for his thoughts.
    “My first move would be to trade you and sign Brian McCann,"
                                     ------- Greinke told his buddy.

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donnylee    : 真貨…1F 12/29 04:22
※ 編輯: s90523 (, 12/29/2016 04:23:48
believeevery: 這要真的熱愛籃球才做的到的熱情2F 12/29 04:34
arcss       : 簽到乾脆養著練兩年投籃....好像有搞頭 XD3F 12/29 04:34
arcss       : 以後搞不好會有球隊實驗,低順位的就這樣搞看看
s4340392    : 推5F 12/29 04:57
pantient    : 或許哪一天,人們將不再爭論14梯最強的圍巾還是park6F 12/29 05:08
pantient    : er了
chi12345678 : 囧丸:可惡,要是當時我也....8F 12/29 06:42
neptune317  : 本來面試的時後就要挑性格了啊9F 12/29 06:53
kenny781558 : 大推Embiid 未來的第一統治級中鋒10F 12/29 06:58
OPPAISuki   : 尤其是發推社群能力進步最多11F 12/29 07:10
iamaq18c    : 三分線真的是練起來的! 真的努力!!!12F 12/29 08:13
tim8333     : 目前14梯最亮眼的就Embiid跟Parker了 圍巾我就不想13F 12/29 08:17
tim8333     : 講他今年的防守了
CarisLeVert : 還早,還有傷病史,能打多久才是重點15F 12/29 08:26
worthit     : Parker跟Embiid都還在長Wiggins就没那麼明顯惹T T16F 12/29 08:34
interact    : 圍巾切入強,但不到球隊可依靠的程度17F 12/29 08:42
ClutchShot  : 也很難說 有些三分就一直練不起來18F 12/29 08:46
IBIZA       : 他不是必須脫鞋走路,而是相反,沒有保護靴他甚至不19F 12/29 08:56
IBIZA       : 能走路
Alipapa     : 兩年就練成這樣 除了天才我找不到其他形容詞了...21F 12/29 08:56
IBIZA       : 你應該是把much看成must了22F 12/29 08:57
Alipapa     : 看來現在能擊敗他的真的只有健康了...23F 12/29 08:57
Maupassant  : 真的頗強24F 12/29 09:03
lovecmgirls : 當年本來就是狀元大熱門呀 沒傷肯定就被騎士挑了25F 12/29 09:13
andrew1357  : #Trust the process26F 12/29 09:26
owhfr69c    : 雖說是推特王,但並非光說不練,真貨27F 12/29 09:50

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