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看板 NBA
作者 djviva (時鼠無奈)
標題 [外絮] KD & Curry still finding a balance
時間 Tue Jan 10 15:59:45 2017

Warriors schedule week 12: Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry still finding a balance
勇士本季的第12週: KD跟Curry依然再找共處的平衡點 http://tinyurl.com/hy57c9k
Warriors schedule week 12: Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry still finding a balance - CBSSports.com
After a dreadful loss against the Grizzlies, Golden State's late-game offense is under the microscope ...


In between Friday's loss to the Memphis Grizzlies and Sunday's win over the
Sacramento Kings, it felt a lot like the beginning of the Golden State
Warriors' season. They talked about needing to grow, figuring each other out
and peaking come playoff time. Observers opined about how coach Steve Kerr
should handle late-game situations. There was concern about how Kevin
Durant's presence has affected Stephen Curry, and balancing his ability to
create his own shot with the Warriors' beloved ball movement.

週五輸給灰熊以及週日擊敗國王, 金州勇士感覺還像是剛開季在磨合, 依然說著還需要
繼續成長, 繼續熟悉彼此, 好以顛峰狀態進入季後賽; 觀察者認為Kerr應該好好控制住
比賽後段的局面, 外界也有著KD加盟後對於Curry造成影響的關心, 以及KD 在一邊融入
勇士引以為傲的流動球時, 該如何平衡替自己創造出手機會的能力

I'm not going to say all this was unwarranted. Golden State showed some
previously unseen flaws in last year's playoffs, and they came to light again
in its Christmas Day loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers and its collapse against
Memphis. The Warriors have clearly been the best team in the league over the
course of the season, but there are lingering questions about them that
cannot be answered in the couple of games they play this week. That makes
them more interesting, doesn't it?

我不會去說這些都是沒有根據的, 勇士的確在上季季後賽中露出了弱點, 之後這季輸給
騎士跟灰熊亦然, 勇士顯然已是聯盟最好的隊伍, 但卻仍有著揮不去的問號纏在身上,
這些都讓勇士更讓人感興趣, 不是嗎?

Durant's isolations

After arriving in the Bay Area, Durant said his new team showed him that he
had a lot to learn about the game. He had never played in a system like this,
so reliant on movement, misdirection and timing. For the most part, he has
adjusted well. He is holding the ball and dribbling it less than he did with
the Oklahoma City Thunder, and he has cut down his turnovers and increased
his shooting percentage. Durant is benefiting from open looks created by his
teammates, and in some games he's been equal parts facilitator and scorer.
When you factor in his defense, he has perhaps never been better.

關於KD的單打 -- 加盟勇士之後, KD說過勇士讓他感受到關於比賽他還有很多需要學習
的地方, 勇士更加的依賴流動性 & 錯位 & 時機, KD從沒在這樣的系統打過球; 但大多
數時間裡KD適應得不錯, 控球跟運球都比以前在雷霆時更少, 失誤減少然後命中率提升
, KD受益於勇士隊友們替他創造出的空檔, 在某些場次的比賽中, KD甚至傳球跟得分都
同時做得很好, 而他的防守還可能是生涯最好的

Still, there is a natural tension between his ability to get buckets and the
philosophy that has guided Golden State since Kerr took over. After Draymond
Green screamed at him on Friday, that tension has come back into the

但他的進攻能力跟Kerr的籃球哲學之間仍有著自然而然的緊張, 在週五Draymond Green
朝著他大吼之後, 這緊張感便浮上檯面成為話題

"I know how to play, I know how to move," Durant said Saturday, via the San
Jose Mercury News' Anthony Slater. "When coach calls the play, I just run the
play. So if he calls for me to get in the pick-and-roll. I'ma get in the
pick-and-roll. If he wants me to ISO, I'ma ISO. [If he wants me to] move
around, I'll move around. I know how to play. It's not that I'm just, like,
restricted. But yeah, our offense has been good throughout the whole season.
There's certain times throughout the game where we get a little stagnant, but
when you have guys that move around so much and you have guys that can ISO,
it's kind of hard to figure out, 'All right, what do we need to do, how's the
game flowing, do we need more ISOs, do we need to run more movement stuff?'
So it's a good problem to have, but sometimes you get lost in the middle and
you don't know the balance between them both."

KD週六說到:"我知道該怎麼去打, 真的, 教練安排的戰術無論是擋拆/單打/跑動, 我都
會照著去做; 這季我們的進攻都很好, 雖然有些時候我們打得有點停滯, 但當大家跑動
的那樣多, 又有著可以打ISO的隊友, 要在當下找出最佳進攻方式真的有點難, 會去想
"現在我們需要做什麼? 比賽局面如何呢? 需要更多ISO嗎? 還是更多跑動呢?" 所以我
覺得這是對我們來說很棒的問題, 但真的有時會在抉擇之間迷失, 會忘記之間的平衡點

Part of the reason the Warriors wanted Durant was to create shots for himself

quickly. This is useful in short-clock situations and against switching
defenses, and it's generally accepted to be an asset in crunch time.

有部分的原因是勇士想要KD快速的替自己創造出手機會, 這在讀秒階段跟對手換防時很
管用, 也被視作關鍵時刻的利器

"I think he's capable of getting almost anything he wants, and I wouldn't
know what the hell that would feel like, but sometimes, I guess if you have
so many options, maybe it's harder," Kerr said, via the San Jose Mercury
News' Anthony Slater. "Because there's uncertainty as to which option you
should choose. But I think part of that is playing as a group, playing all
five guys together, getting used to one another. It's different. It is
different for him and for us, and we've gotta continue to grow together and
become more comfortable with the new group that we have."

Kerr則表示:"KD很萬能, 我不曉得有著那樣豐富的技能欄會是怎樣的感覺, 但有時我想
當一個人有著這樣多進攻武器時做判斷應該是更難的吧, 因為你是在一個團隊中打球,
跟其他四名隊友一起奮鬥, 所以要做判斷會有不確定性在, 這對他跟對我們來說都很不
同, 我們會持續一起成長, 讓這個新的團隊變成更舒適"

Fourth-quarter issues!  第四節毛病

Last week, we went with "Fourth-quarter issues?" After the debacle against
the Grizzlies, an exclamation point seems appropriate. Also, just a week
later, it's pretty funny that I wrote, "I'm not ready to call this a real
problem, but I'll keep it in mind."

上週在勇士輸給灰熊後我們聊到了"第四節毛病", 其中一個觀點看來是對的, 然後才過了
僅僅一週, 對於我當時寫的"我還沒準備好去說這是個真正的問題, 我會先放在心裡繼續

Green gave an honest assessment of the Warriors' late-game offense, and I
loved every second of it. Not only is it true that it's easier to work on
weaknesses when you're losing, it's easier to work on them when they're out
in the open. This was the first time anyone around Golden State had said
publicly that this was an issue, and Green must hope it will be a turning

對於勇士比賽後段的進攻, Draymond Green給了個很中肯的評論, 這是第一次有勇士球員
公開的指出這個問題, 而他也必定希望這會是球隊的轉捩點

Over the last couple of years, the Warriors have tended to avoid close games
and have found ways to win them when necessary. All of this is new, and the
league is watching to see if they'll reverse this trend.

前幾季的勇士都不太需要去在比賽後段努力去贏下比賽, 但需要時他們也往往能找出方法
去終結比賽; 現在的狀況是全新的, 而整個聯盟也正在看他們是否能扭轉這趨勢

"We're not used to these fourth-quarter struggles," Kerr said Saturday, via
the Mercury News' Anthony Slater. "We've really closed teams well the last
couple years. So it feels different. It feels weird."

Kerr表示"我們不太習慣這些第四節的崩潰, 前幾季我們都是能好好結束比賽的球隊, 現
在的狀況很不同, 也很怪"

Curry being Curry?

Just as the noise about Curry having a subpar season (by his standards) got
louder, the back-to-back MVP dropped a total of 105 points on 72 shots
against Portland, Memphis and Sacramento. In all three games, he led Golden
State in points and shot attempts.

當質疑Curry有著對比上季低迷的聲音越來越多時, 兩屆MVP的Curry前三戰共72次出手拿
下105分, 這三場比賽他都是全隊出手最多並且得分最高的

Curry's usage rate is 28.5 percent compared to last year's 32.6 percent, and
nobody should expect that number to get back to where it was. It'll be
significant, though, if Curry takes over more games and/or starts making more
deep 3s off the dribble. Those things happened all the time pre-Durant.

使用率方面Curry上季32.6%這季28.5%, 我們不該去期待使用率在回到上季的水準

當然啦, 如果Curry像上季KD還沒來之前那樣去接管更多比賽, 或是開始出現更多的運球
後出手大號三分, 會是很讚的!

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kingrichman : 很可惜,就像哈登和魔獸一樣,擺一隊沒有化學效應1F 01/10 16:00
LabaK       : 勇士是KD的球隊 只是他不霸位 讓curry跟他平起平坐2F 01/10 16:01
jorden      : 三個射手沒水喝 KD個人成績新高  是犧牲其他三人的3F 01/10 16:02
e49523      : lady不拿來單打才是浪費4F 01/10 16:02
kingrichman : KD偏單打,球隊傳導反而沒上季順暢5F 01/10 16:02
lemonchin   : 推推6F 01/10 16:03
mybo        : 三個人輪流投籃  選我正解7F 01/10 16:03
kingrichman : 我覺得本季結束咖哩或KD其中一人會走8F 01/10 16:04
micbrimac   : 奪冠的話可能會再留一兩年 沒奪冠應該就會走人9F 01/10 16:05
brosucks    : KD去帶替補飆分唯一解 可惜不可能10F 01/10 16:08
gn02355346yi: 勇士現在第一 被說成跟哈登魔獸一樣是哪招11F 01/10 16:09
kai08130623 : 不看好這組合能長久同隊12F 01/10 16:10
mack860120  : 這季結束差不多就散了吧13F 01/10 16:10
Aggro       : 他是近十年最強得分手 給他自幹也不能說錯拉...14F 01/10 16:10
Aggro       : 勇士現在就是今晚要吃高級牛排還是高級鐵板燒 奢侈
Aggro       : 的煩惱
jones17188  : 看到2樓差點笑死在床上17F 01/10 16:12
gn02355346yi: 看看去年被酸到不行的Love 給點時間嘛18F 01/10 16:13
jorden      : 勇士打焦土戰  球給KD跟curry結果都差不多19F 01/10 16:14
jorden      : 也沒啥高級不高級的煩惱  頂多是誰軟手誰可靠問題
f496328mm   : Love也是經過兩季才變成今年這樣21F 01/10 16:14
f496328mm   : KD等不到兩季的
Aggro       : 問題是 這隻勇士有時間面子壓力..XD23F 01/10 16:14
hojoe       : KD沒有切入吸引包夾然後傳球的選項嗎24F 01/10 16:17
gn02355346yi: 焦土戰KD跟HB就差很多了 防守壓力完全不一樣25F 01/10 16:17
jorden      : 我覺得KD會是崩解勇士這支隊伍的最後一根稻草26F 01/10 16:17
shifa       : 勇士原本的算盤應該是機動戰主打Curry,陣地戰主打K27F 01/10 16:19
shifa       : D吧,只是加入KD球流動不順就變成陣地戰了 XD
BCKEDWARD   : 季後賽遇到灰熊馬刺大概就掰了29F 01/10 16:27
teruhyde12  : 還在喬誰是老大,一山不容二虎30F 01/10 16:33
arcss       : 焦土戰KD的命中率也是頗慘......31F 01/10 16:34
arcss       : 去年季後賽,KD的命中率下降量查一下就知道,同樣下
ccf0423     : 組巨頭隊本來就會有這種煩惱33F 01/10 16:35
arcss       : 降量的在東區是被叫做暴龍雙鐵......34F 01/10 16:35
guardian128 : 二樓講的笑話史上第一   比總亞軍好笑35F 01/10 16:39
swingingbear: love是信心問題 前兩年打的很龜 偶爾想硬打也是磨36F 01/10 16:40
swingingbear: 兩下就傳無意義的回球 今年是打不進也要碾到禁區
alecgood    : 還沒調整好就聯盟第一了...奢侈的煩惱!38F 01/10 16:40
Aggro       : 不過去年KD攻守兩端燒也是個原因 今年也難說39F 01/10 16:41
Aggro       : 現在不就磨合的跑第一 重建的拿第二 缺控衛的是老三
Aggro       : 缺禁區的戰績第四 剩下後面其他人到底搞啥鬼阿XD
phix        : KT:那我呢???42F 01/10 16:43
dameontree  : 我要看Curry接管比賽啦 不要看KD一人球隊43F 01/10 16:44
ccf0423     : 其他隊缺更多吧..XDD44F 01/10 16:49
awazikat    : 死的是kt吧,看這幾埸就知了,curry增加出手的結果45F 01/10 17:02
brokenXD    : KD是球霸阿  要讓他走才對  壓縮到其他人出手46F 01/10 17:08
black259    : 只有我覺的防守的問題比較大嗎..?47F 01/10 17:08
black259    : 勇士現在的進攻問題是武器太多在做平衡而已
black259    : 希望2月勇士能把柏格給遷回來~
jamison33   : 聯盟防守前幾名的有啥防守問題50F 01/10 17:12
jpnldvh     : kt又不吃球權 最近表現不好要怪他自己烙賽比較多51F 01/10 17:14
jamison33   : zaza,kd,綠,防守也是前段班的52F 01/10 17:14
Nakata0911  : 三個人一人投一球  進了繼續  沒進的換下一個53F 01/10 17:16
Nakata0911  : 選我正解
UltraKill   : KD做好防守就好啦 減少出手 勇士會更可怕55F 01/10 17:18
xiahself    : K湯出手數沒有壓縮問題 最近的確是他自己狀況不好56F 01/10 17:21
walttsao    : 不用煩了 kd老大哭貍等球57F 01/10 17:26
JALAL       : FGA KD 644 Curry 659 KT 658 還蠻平均的阿58F 01/10 17:26
linchunan   : 被酸民講得好像聯盟倒數、球星內鬥快垮台的球隊XD59F 01/10 17:35
ms0545173   : 繼續找沒關係 總冠軍賽再慢慢找 不急60F 01/10 17:39
sk2gjordan  : 明明勇士就戰績第一,難道要從頭贏到尾才算磨合成功61F 01/10 17:44
sk2gjordan  : 嗎?
timmy6666   : 輸灰熊兩場問題很嚴重啊,這隻球隊是要來拿總冠的63F 01/10 17:50
cp3jl17     : 輸給自己64F 01/10 17:50
timmy6666   : 雖然灰熊是真的滿強就是了,有三分後陣型刻勇士65F 01/10 17:50
mytelson    : 提早在季賽發現問題,比發生在季後賽好。都還沒磨合66F 01/10 17:53
mytelson    : 成功,戰績還能第一,那就慢慢改善吧
mathrew     : 一個人出手 15 次,次數到了  直接下場68F 01/10 17:54
megumirei   : 有著這樣多進攻武器時做判斷應該是更難 MJ:會嗎0.0?69F 01/10 18:02
az753951    : 勇士是KD的球隊XDDD 我差點笑死70F 01/10 18:06
AI3yanzi    : 笑啥  勇士本來就是KD的球隊阿  沒看比賽還在那邊笑71F 01/10 18:08
eskawater   : 因為其他人的壓力讓防守者沒法專注守kd 給kd很多機72F 01/10 18:08
eskawater   : 會刷數據
zvmxbcn     : 咦?勇士戰績第一不是因為沒有輪休嗎74F 01/10 18:23
Linlosehow  : 學小牛每球都教練叫戰術啊75F 01/10 18:25
jacksn      : 看推文還以為勇士快沒季後賽可打了76F 01/10 18:43
wetrest     : KD除了是進攻核心 還是防守核心77F 01/10 19:02
kinuhata    : 輸一場就各種檢討文 好像勇士已經爛到沒救了一樣78F 01/10 19:04
wayne77925  : 到底什麼人會覺得勇士是KD的球隊……79F 01/10 19:13
sm84113     : 沒有人犧牲,就不會拿到勝利,目前勇士還看不到80F 01/10 19:13
noahlin     : KD要走的機率很低啦 擺明要衝冠可以走去哪81F 01/10 19:18
crazywill   : 不管有沒拿冠, kd證明 他比curry 強了82F 01/10 19:26
iloveyu     : 每天都在比誰比較強是小學生嗎?83F 01/10 19:29
gcar        : 要KD去擋拆就跟要老爹去執行點球一樣,很難讓本人84F 01/10 19:51
gcar        : 接受的
majongson   : 那些一直在說勇士是KD的球隊的,真的有每場在看球嗎86F 01/10 20:37
majongson   : 請你看兩個重點1.出場順序2.主場MVP的喊聲
majongson   : 勇士現在是KD的形狀沒錯,但是...還是Curry的球隊

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