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作者 標題 [分享] Royals hoping Wang is spring success s
時間 Wed Mar 16 16:03:25 2016
http://tinyurl.com/hnwda2c 官網總算有老王文章 隨意翻一下
Chien-Ming Wang looking to make Royals roster | royals.com
SURPRISE, Ariz. -- In every Royals camp, it seems, someone off baseball's radar screen suddenly emerges. Last year it was Ryan Madson, who hadn't pitched in the big leagues since 2011, but he made the Royals' Opening Day roster and had a superb season. ...
Veteran right-hander impressing new club with increased velocity
In every Royals camp, it seems, someone off baseball's radar screen suddenly
Last year it was Ryan Madson, who hadn't pitched in the big leagues since
2011, but he made the Royals' Opening Day roster and had a superb season.
This year's camp surprise could be 35-year-old Chien-Ming Wang, who won 19
games in back-to-back seasons in 2006-07. But Wang hasn't pitched in the big
leagues since '13.
Those kind of slim odds seem right up the Royals' alley.
Kansas City signed him to a Minor League deal this offseason, just to take a
chance and based, too, on the fact he used to work with pitching coach Dave
Eiland when the two were with the Yankees.
老王的加盟 和投手教練Eiland有關係 當然也是買福袋
"We just had to see where he was," manager Ned Yost said. "He won 19 games
back to back. Guys can bounce back. It's an opportunity, let's see what you
got. He's got experience. He's pitched in the big leagues. So far he has been
very impressive."
總教練: 1. 連2年19勝
2. 有經驗
3. 目前為止令人印象深刻
In four appearances this spring, Wang has given up just one run in six
innings while striking out five. He worked through the middle of the White
Sox Opening Day order on Monday in impressive fashion.
總結前4場表現: 6局 只失一分 5K
And what really has caught the coaching staff's eyes is Wang's velocity. Wang
said his velocity was stuck around 88-89 mph last season in the Minors.
This spring, Wang's velo is an eye-popping 94-95 and his fastball has showed
terrific movement.
去年同期才88-89mph, 今年有94-95, 而且很會跑
Wang credits this increase to attending the Texas Baseball Ranch, a baseball
school run in part by pitching guru Ron Wolforth, who also has helped Indians
starter Trevor Bauer.
"I heard a lot of success stories about that school," Wang said. "I felt I
had nothing to lose going there."
Wang said Wolforth helped change his arm angle slightly, and that has made a
huge difference. Wang also said he has taken his conditioning program more
"This whole Spring Training, I feel better than last season," Wang said. "I
will try to do whatever I can to help [this team]."
For now, Wang has been used primarily as a one- or two-inning guy. The Royals
signed him thinking that he could be rotational depth, knowing that Wang was
willing to start the season at Triple-A Omaha.
Wang can opt out of his deal with the Royals on May 1.
皇家當初簽下老王 是認為他能增加輪值深度
But at the moment, Wang remains in the thick of the race for the final one or
two spots in the bullpen.
All Wang wants is a shot to stick with the big league team.
"I've been up there before and it's not the time to give up [the dream] yet,"
Wang said. "I still think it can happen."
老王: 我不會放棄夢想的
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推 : 最後那句!!1F 03/16 16:06
推 : 推QQ2F 03/16 16:06
推 : 推王3F 03/16 16:07
推 : It can happen 淚 我信了4F 03/16 16:07
推 : 一堆酸他沒機會 快回台灣的臉都歪了5F 03/16 16:08
推 : 加油 很懷念大學時期常常熬夜起來看你投球6F 03/16 16:08
推 : 淚推7F 03/16 16:08
推 : 加油!!!8F 03/16 16:10
推 : I still think it can happen QQQQQQQQ9F 03/16 16:10
推 : 比較希望5月逃脫 去缺先發的球隊10F 03/16 16:10
推 : I still think it can happen too.11F 03/16 16:10
推 : 已哭12F 03/16 16:11
推 : 加油阿!!!13F 03/16 16:12
推 : 讓老王上大聯盟!!!14F 03/16 16:13
推 : 賣麵五年球速還能比大樹快比較值得驚奇15F 03/16 16:13
推 : 推推推16F 03/16 16:14
推 : 老王真的很堅持 這7年來都願意過著蹲在小聯盟的苦日子17F 03/16 16:14
推 : 帥翻了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18F 03/16 16:15
推 : 加油19F 03/16 16:16
推 : 推20F 03/16 16:16
推 : 老王我愛你啊~~~~21F 03/16 16:16
推 : 哭了 加油啊22F 03/16 16:30
推 : 老王我愛你!!!23F 03/16 16:31
推 : 努力!堅持!24F 03/16 16:31
推 : 推 走到頂端又跌落還爬起才是真男人25F 03/16 16:32
推 : 推26F 03/16 16:39
推 : 感動27F 03/16 16:48
推 : 加油! 希望今年能看到2位台灣投手先發28F 03/16 16:53
→ : 昨天大大有酸說只有台灣王迷自嗨 國外媒體根本沒人在意..29F 03/16 16:56
→ : 今天被打臉了喔 皇家官網幾乎是以頭版故事介紹王的表現
→ : 今天被打臉了喔 皇家官網幾乎是以頭版故事介紹王的表現
推 : 如果他真的上大聯盟,好像該衝了31F 03/16 16:58
推 : 當年為了王 跟老婆二度蜜月時衝洋基球場看當時的小王 四32F 03/16 17:00
→ : 處都是台灣人 有的不惜買200鎂的票 黃牛一看到台灣人樣的
→ : 處都是台灣人 有的不惜買200鎂的票 黃牛一看到台灣人樣的
推 : 如果東山再起..故事已經可以拍一部電影了34F 03/16 17:00
→ : 都直接過來兜售 因為再貴都會買35F 03/16 17:01
→ : 王對台灣人的記憶實在難以抹滅 不過王的故事在大聯盟應該
→ : 不算罕見 反而是Tsao的故事比較傳奇..如果不是黑黑的話..
→ : 王對台灣人的記憶實在難以抹滅 不過王的故事在大聯盟應該
→ : 不算罕見 反而是Tsao的故事比較傳奇..如果不是黑黑的話..
推 : 最後那句QQ38F 03/16 17:03
推 : I still think it can happen!始終堅持大聯盟夢想的39F 03/16 17:03
→ : 建仔
→ : 建仔
推 : 08年那時特地跟同事組團衝 不過人算不如天算 正好錯過在洋41F 03/16 17:03
→ : 基球場的輪值 不過還是賽後到巴士等他 然後沒想到回國後就
→ : 看到他跑壘受傷@@
→ : 基球場的輪值 不過還是賽後到巴士等他 然後沒想到回國後就
→ : 看到他跑壘受傷@@
推 : 推44F 03/16 17:08
推 : 推老王45F 03/16 17:13
推 : 看看小小郭跟老王 真的不得不佩服台灣人的韌性46F 03/16 17:14
→ : 曹要不是自作孽黑掉 他也另外一個不放棄 賣麵都還努力偷練47F 03/16 17:16
推 : 推老王不放手48F 03/16 17:28
推 : 老王的問題在控球,控球沒進步球速一掉一樣就不行了49F 03/16 17:31
推 : 應該在姿勢吧而不是控球 他的威力就是來自於速度和位移50F 03/16 17:33
推 : 這次春訓好球率頗高,看來有控球又有球速51F 03/16 17:34
推 : 葛格必推52F 03/16 17:36
推 : QQ53F 03/16 17:38
推 : 加油54F 03/16 17:42
推 : 老王比較適合先發55F 03/16 17:42
推 : 勵志啊!56F 03/16 17:43
推 : 加油啊!!!57F 03/16 17:44
推 : 老王!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QAQ~~~~~~58F 03/16 17:55
推 : \\老王//59F 03/16 17:57
推 : push60F 03/16 18:15
推 : 淚推末句QQ61F 03/16 18:20
推 : QAQ62F 03/16 18:29
推 : \王朝再起/63F 03/16 18:44
推 : cheer up and reach your dream once more.64F 03/16 19:05
推 : 老王加油65F 03/16 19:17
推 : 加油66F 03/16 19:19
推 : 王建民加油!67F 03/16 19:24
推 : 加油!!!!!!!!68F 03/16 19:40
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 57
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