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看板 NBA
作者 roger29 (看我幹麻 你把我當垃圾啊)
標題 [外絮] Wall:找來Brooks是為了冠軍 不是簽KD
時間 Sun Apr 24 15:38:35 2016

來源:Sports Illustrated
John Wall: Wizards didn’t hire Scott Brooks to sign Kevin Durant John Wall says the Wizards hired Scott Brooks to win a title, not just to make a run at soon-to-be free agent Kevin Durant. ...

時間:Sat Apr. 23, 2016

John Wall says Wizards hired Brooks to win a title, not to sign KD

John Wall told the Washington Post on Friday that the Wizards hired Scott
Brooks to win a title, not just to make a run at soon-to-be free agent Kevin
Wall在本週五時告訴華盛頓郵報,巫師聘請Scott Brooks來當總教練,是為了贏得總冠軍

Brooks, the former Thunder coach, replaced Randy Wittman as this week and
helped develop Durant for much of his career in Oklahoma City. He would be
part of the team’s expected marketing pitch in the off-season. Durant is a
native of the D.C. area.
雷霆的前任總教練Brooks將取代巫師隊之前的總教練Randy Wittman成為巫師的新總教練,

“We signed Scotty Brooks to win an NBA championship,” Wall told the Post’s
Jorge Castillo. “We didn’t sign Scotty Brooks to say, ‘Okay, Scotty, go
get him. You got to bring us Kevin Durant.’ We got Scotty Brooks because we
feel like he can help John Wall and make him a better player and make our
team get to the next step.
Wall告訴華盛頓郵報的Jorge Castillo說:「我們找來Brooks是為了贏得總冠軍,我們不

“We didn’t get Scotty Brooks just to get Kevin Durant. That’s not what
Scott is on board to do. And I hope everybody doesn’t expect just because we
got Scotty Brooks, he’s automatically going to get K.D., he’s going to
automatically jump.”

Wall told the Post he was in favor of hiring the former Thunder coach and had
heard good things from OKC star Russell Westbrook, with whom he shares a
trainer. But he reiterated that Brooks was hired to move the team forward,
first and foremost.

“I just don’t think it’s fair on [Durant] and I don’t think it’s far on
Scotty and our part as a team and an organization,” Wall said. “If that was
the case, that’s not a real smart move and I know those guys didn’t [hire
Brooks] just for that. It’s about us trying to focus and win, try to take
the next step to give us a better team. One step is getting a new coach and
now the next step is getting free agents that are going to help the team.”



The Wizards went 41–41 this season and missed the playoffs.

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jack19931993: 對啊 只是順便(?1F 04/24 15:39
a28200266   : 可是聽說他養人在行 帶隊普通欸..2F 04/24 15:39
a28200266   : 雖然我是覺得他不錯啦
sinben      : 誰知道他剛好要來?4F 04/24 15:40
Aggro       : Wall: 教練要怎拿冠軍  教練:找KD來..5F 04/24 15:40
jenchieh5   : 找來Brooks  KD就會來幫我們贏球6F 04/24 15:40
tonytony0628: Wall: 教練要怎拿冠軍  教練:把你拿去換KD7F 04/24 15:41
joey1149    : 在雷霆時期確實養出很多不錯的球員 EX:Ibaka, RJ,鬍8F 04/24 15:42
joey1149    : 子等
OneCell     : 要贏球找KD來最快10F 04/24 15:43
justwillll  : 我說真的Brooks比較適合去湖人或76人11F 04/24 15:44
fbixx500    : Brooks至少長得帥 即使是西瓜也是很帥的西瓜12F 04/24 15:44
TexasFlood  : 哈哈哈哈哈好好翹13F 04/24 15:47
crazylin924 : 牆哥地位不保?14F 04/24 15:50
sj210444    : Wall: 我才是一哥15F 04/24 15:50
arcss       : 養人在行很重要阿,你看馬刺把可愛養得多好.....16F 04/24 15:50
neos042     : 一直被捧,忽然變老二多少會心有不甘~17F 04/24 15:51
y6yv3r4d    : 發言滿得體的呀18F 04/24 15:54
juniorpenny : 你知道,我知道,獨眼龍也知道19F 04/24 15:55
cpujerry    : 該來的就是會來,現在流行歸鄉20F 04/24 15:57
※ 編輯: roger29 (, 04/24/2016 15:59:32
MASAMIFANS  : 來了  就不能霸球了21F 04/24 16:00
dustinhuang : 看看旁邊KI,Wall應該有點怕怕的22F 04/24 16:02
darkdixen   : KD跟西河配那麼久 早練出一身無球招式 換個球霸有差23F 04/24 16:04
darkdixen   : 嗎?
mark30204   : Brooks都無法幫OKC拿冠軍了  更何況是巫師...25F 04/24 16:05
otsuka123   : 江沃還沒西河強 誘因太小26F 04/24 16:08
C00L        : 嘴巴說不要 身體倒是27F 04/24 16:17
s66449      : 呵28F 04/24 16:17
phix        : 反正KD也不會去29F 04/24 16:19
mermaidhan  : 至少在東區 比在西區更能接近分區冠軍30F 04/24 16:19
phix        : 去巫師還不如去湖人 kobe都走了31F 04/24 16:21
hi750403    : 他是一個很好的教練,,很會帶心,,32F 04/24 16:27
dai26       : kd要去的是他湖33F 04/24 16:29
kira3917    : 推很帥的西瓜34F 04/24 16:31
kizo555     : 去湖人賺大錢吧 , 去東區LBJ也是KD的剋星35F 04/24 16:32
TDKnight    : 江沃:"我們找他來是因為他可以幫助江沃" 寶寶化?36F 04/24 16:32
hans0913    : 好喔 我相信你!37F 04/24 16:46
ji394tb     : 姆斯:38F 04/24 16:55
egghard29   : 說真的巫師也有一些新秀要養 Wall應該也能再進步39F 04/24 17:03
no321       : 蘭特:40F 04/24 17:04
slimak      : KD去巫師其實不錯,蔣臥不是那種自幹型球員41F 04/24 17:07
ccchen6919  : 帶風向42F 04/24 17:11
ClutchShot  : 其實蠻期待KD跟西河拆夥後各自的發展XD43F 04/24 17:29
ClutchShot  : 一山不容二虎啊... 總有種被對方限制的fu
la1aco      : 假45F 04/24 17:35
rocku112    : 要也是去勇士當大腿46F 04/24 17:37
waterfall   : 下一季,wall:簽kd是為了總冠軍47F 04/24 17:42
n924127     : 拆夥的話西河助攻會變少吧48F 04/24 17:54
james80351  : 去東區才被LBJ剋吧 這幾年雷霆可能打馬刺還贏更多49F 04/24 17:55
james80351  : 勝率
engram      : 要不要先打進季後賽??51F 04/24 17:59
ClutchShot  : 西河在KD傷退時期是大三元製造機ㄛ52F 04/24 18:04
abc06       : 連東區都進不了季後賽的爛隊53F 04/24 18:07
Baltche     : 推帥西瓜54F 04/24 18:31
b07130602   : Wall+KD也不賴啊 然後西河去湖人55F 04/24 18:45
abc06       : 江沃又沒比西河強56F 04/24 18:46
RushMonkey  : 華盛頓之心 路人皆知57F 04/24 19:05
winklly     : 不衝突啊58F 04/24 19:05
zeches2001  : 這裡沒有300兩的意思?59F 04/24 19:17
julian42    : LBJ明顯退化剋不了多久了60F 04/24 19:26
mytelson    : 語畢,哄堂大笑。Brooks能奪冠在雷霆就不會被炒了61F 04/24 19:35
Mitch       : 簽來也是很有趣62F 04/24 20:50
liugayo     : 另一篇華盛頓郵報補充KD可能不會來的原因有二,KD可63F 04/24 21:07
liugayo     : 能會留隊到明年等大約,親近KD的人說,他不喜歡在親
liugayo     : 友很多的地方打球

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