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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 情報三則(國王、76人、賽爾提克)
時間 Tue Jun 14 13:35:58 2016
The Boston Celtics are hoping to convert the third overall pick into an
impact player further along in their career than be patient for a rookie to
The Celtics have been a playoff team in each of the past two seasons with a
strong overall team that lacks a true star.
"[I'm] hearing that No. 3 pick overall is the one that they are really
shopping," said Blakely, "trying to be as aggressive as possible in trying to
move that pick, because they want to get a difference-making, impact player
right now. And they believe using that No. 3 pick, and maybe some other
players and/or picks, might be the best way to [make] that happen."
Blakely was asked about the type of players the Celtics are targeting.
"The guys that they want are the guys that everybody wants," said Blakely.
"We're talking about [Kevin] Durant, we're talking about Jimmy Butler, those
type of players. And those guys are going to be at the top of their wish list
until those guys say, 'We don't want to come to Boston.' "
Celtics Aggressively Shopping 3rd Overall Pick - RealGM Wiretap Celtics Aggressively Shopping 3rd Overall Pick - RealGM Wiretap ...
The Philadelphia 76ers would prefer to trade Jahlil Okafor instead of Nerlens
Noel this offseason.
Both Okafor and Noel have been discussed in trades.
Okafor averaged 17.5 points, 7.0 rebounds, 1.2 assists and 1.2 blocks per
game for the 76ers in his rookie season.
Okafor underwent season-ending surgery on March 22nd to repair the meniscus
in his right knee.
76ers Prefer To Trade Jahlil Okafor Over Nerlens Noel - RealGM Wiretap 76ers Prefer To Trade Jahlil Okafor Over Nerlens Noel - RealGM Wiretap ...
Rajon Rondo was critical of his experience with the Sacramento Kings.
Rondo will be a free agent again this offseason after signing with the Kings
in 2015.
"There were too many distractions on and off the court. The organization as a
whole, I don't think was together completely. I think as a team you have to
want the best for the next man beside you, and that wasn't the case with the
Sacramento Kings," he said.
Of DeMarcus Cousins' relationship with George Karl and his staff, Rondo said
there was "a lot of tension at first."
"Too much tension. I've never witnessed or experienced a thing like that in
my 10-year career," he said.
Rondo said he would "love to continue to play with" Cousins, but for that to
happen, he and the Kings need to "come together and figure out if we can
work, but if not, I'm always in, I'm open. I'm open this summer and I look
forward to having a great career."
As for his free-agent options this summer, Rondo said, "I want to see myself
in a situation where guys want to grow, guys want to get better. I don't want
to be the hardest-working guy in the gym."
Rajon Rondo Critical Of 'Tension' Kings Played Under - RealGM Wiretap Rajon Rondo Critical Of 'Tension' Kings Played Under - RealGM Wiretap ...
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※ 編輯: ericl1234567 (, 06/14/2016 13:37:42
恩恩 已改 感謝
→ : 76人竟然想交易Okafor....1F 06/14 13:37
推 : 想抱腿啊軟豆2F 06/14 13:37
推 : 那個七六人,有在經營球隊嗎?3F 06/14 13:37
→ : 軟豆想要變好?4F 06/14 13:37
推 : 賽隊拿籤換OK4 雙贏5F 06/14 13:38
→ : 76人要每年抽抽樂麻6F 06/14 13:38
推 : Rondo 好像在哪隊多少都有相處上的問題 XD7F 06/14 13:38
推 : 我這肥宅竟然看成費德提克8F 06/14 13:39
→ : 1和2兩隊交易就可以了阿9F 06/14 13:39
推 : 軟豆來尼克10F 06/14 13:39
→ : Rondo不是說他跟這些人有相處上的問題啊...11F 06/14 13:39
推 : they can have Kevin Love12F 06/14 13:39
推 : 76人到底想幹嘛啊...13F 06/14 13:40
推 : 青賽還在幻想三號籤換遍全聯盟14F 06/14 13:40
→ : 是說他來的時候表弟跟Karl關係就很爛了15F 06/14 13:40
推 : 76人就是砍帳號刷首抽16F 06/14 13:40
→ : 我還以為這2個中二哥倆好~17F 06/14 13:40
→ : 76人就內線太多人了要賣掉一個 很合理啊18F 06/14 13:40
推 : Rondo賽季中超安份的 現在講這些感覺有點驚訝19F 06/14 13:41
→ : 國王的問題倒不能怪軟豆,表弟跟Carl的問題無解20F 06/14 13:42
→ : 我看Noel和Okafor兩個都會被賣21F 06/14 13:42
推 : 賽隊多貼幾枚籤搞不好可以換到OK4 76人正好拿籤補齊22F 06/14 13:42
推 : 七六人就OK4去換探花籤選Dunn或Murray,雙贏23F 06/14 13:42
→ : 陣容 雙贏24F 06/14 13:42
推 : 76人誰都可以交易25F 06/14 13:45
→ : 軟豆這似曾相識阿...26F 06/14 13:45
推 : 有人能解釋76人到底想幹嘛嗎==?27F 06/14 13:46
推 : 軟豆的日常ˊ_>ˋ28F 06/14 13:47
推 : 76人就是各隊農場 養好就換掉29F 06/14 13:47
推 : 想換後衛吧 內線都爆滿了30F 06/14 13:48
推 : 我不想成為球館裡最努力的人 = =||31F 06/14 13:49
推 : 內線多歸多 但是Ok4這種低位根本難以取代 embiid、s32F 06/14 13:49
→ : aric都沒打過一場NBA 根本未知數 noel目前也只有防
→ : 守
→ : aric都沒打過一場NBA 根本未知數 noel目前也只有防
→ : 守
推 : 探花換ok4感覺不錯喔35F 06/14 13:50
推 : Rondo的部分翻譯有誤,他不是在講自己的36F 06/14 13:50
→ : 事,而是在評論Cousins的事。他的意思是
→ : 說,Cousin與教練/制服組的關係超緊繃,
→ : 他從沒看過也沒經歷過這種緊繃關係
→ : 事,而是在評論Cousins的事。他的意思是
→ : 說,Cousin與教練/制服組的關係超緊繃,
→ : 他從沒看過也沒經歷過這種緊繃關係
恩恩 已改 感謝
推 : Jrue Holiday第二 76人:你打得還不錯 可以交易了40F 06/14 13:50
推 : 他說Okafor可以賣 沒說會賤賣啊...41F 06/14 13:51
→ : NOEL和OK4不能同時擺在場上吧 放在替補又太浪費42F 06/14 13:51
→ : 拿其中一個去換
→ : 拿其中一個去換
→ : Jrue Holiday那個不太一樣...七六人當時就是要重建44F 06/14 13:53
→ : 現在反而是要換即戰力來想拼成績了
※ 編輯: ericl1234567 (, 06/14/2016 13:54:54→ : 現在反而是要換即戰力來想拼成績了
推 : OK4只是賣相比較好......46F 06/14 13:54
→ : NBA都已派人界入76人的經營 76人應該不太可能會亂搞47F 06/14 13:56
→ : 67人大概被聯盟盯緊了,不敢亂玩了..48F 06/14 13:57
推 : 軟豆在小牛打壞身價 在國王挺乖的 打拼為薪水~49F 06/14 13:57
推 : RR講這種話只是讓人抓出來罵而已50F 06/14 13:57
推 : OK4快逃啊51F 06/14 13:59
→ : 76其實從頭到尾都沒在亂玩 只是砍掉重練累積天賦...52F 06/14 14:00
推 : 太好了 OK4快逃啊53F 06/14 14:01
→ : 你換任何一個正常GM來看七六人這個陣容 再加上今年54F 06/14 14:04
推 : 感覺軟豆這番話跟KOBE很合 不過KOBE退了~XD55F 06/14 14:04
推 : Rondo只是想待在一隻上下一心的球隊吧56F 06/14 14:04
→ : 選秀的籤 都會得到應該至少交易掉一個內線的結論..57F 06/14 14:04
→ : 期待超賽明年起飛~~58F 06/14 14:05
推 : OK4換個環境也好 看他身手絕對不只如此59F 06/14 14:10
噓 : I湯:60F 06/14 14:11
推 : IT:………………我不是真正的明星61F 06/14 14:15
噓 : IT非明星?62F 06/14 14:16
推 : 來超賽拜託63F 06/14 14:17
→ : 後補上去算是真正的明星?64F 06/14 14:19
噓 : I湯不是明星?65F 06/14 14:19
→ : 矮子本來就不是66F 06/14 14:21
噓 : Rondo的話67F 06/14 14:23
推 : 76人的Okafor本來就是選來當交易籌碼用的68F 06/14 14:27
→ : 上去看一下原文吧 他指的真正的明星是那些.. IT? XD69F 06/14 14:28
推 : 龍肚這次談話得宜70F 06/14 14:28
推 : 賽爾提克可以搶魔獸啊71F 06/14 14:29
→ : 軟豆蠻可惜的 今年頗努力
→ : 軟豆蠻可惜的 今年頗努力
噓 : 軟豆自己就是氣氛破壞者了,還好意思說別人73F 06/14 14:32
推 : 交易Noel或OK4就兩種走向啊,Noel體能型藍領適合打快74F 06/14 14:35
→ : ,OK4就年輕版的Big Al.
→ : ,OK4就年輕版的Big Al.
推 : IT今年很棒 但只是過度期用的 安吉想要子龍那種的76F 06/14 14:36
推 : rondo一直有休息室的問題,要有人可以壓他77F 06/14 14:36
→ : 軟豆今年在國王應該很難鬧,畢竟表弟與老卡爾之爭,還78F 06/14 14:37
→ : 有管理層紊亂這點都比他來得更土產了.
→ : 有管理層紊亂這點都比他來得更土產了.
推 : 軟豆只跟小牛和雷不群有問題吧80F 06/14 14:41
推 : 他這季就場上和裁判小鬧一下而已,更衣室與他無關.81F 06/14 14:43
→ : OK4是因為賣相好 Noel目前看來只有防守....82F 06/14 14:44
推 : 個人還是相信軟豆身手 國王內部不和也不是一天兩天83F 06/14 14:44
→ : 趕緊找個好東家
→ : 趕緊找個好東家
推 : 因為76人還有推特王 不可能同時留推特王跟ok485F 06/14 14:47
→ : 當初選OK4就是先選天分高的 反正到時候也可以賣
→ : 當初選OK4就是先選天分高的 反正到時候也可以賣
→ : 那為何不交易推特王?XD87F 06/14 14:50
※ heyguys123:轉錄至看板 Kings 06/14 14:52
推 : 借轉國王版~88F 06/14 14:56
推 : Embiid現在賣相差其他隊不要阿89F 06/14 14:56
推 : 推特王現在可能連個前10籤都換不到90F 06/14 15:04
噓 : 76人根本其他球隊農場吧91F 06/14 15:06
噓 : 這屆3號籤跟垃圾一樣 安吉又想搶劫別人喔92F 06/14 15:06
→ : 就多貼幾枚籤來換啊93F 06/14 15:08
推 : 本屆3~10實力其實沒差很多,所以很多人想換94F 06/14 15:09
推 : Embiid 連夏聯都不能打了 你覺得能換到什麼95F 06/14 15:10
→ : Cousins96F 06/14 15:19
推 : 軟豆是講表弟比他還毒97F 06/14 15:23
推 : Cousins的腳底皮吧,還真會幻想咧98F 06/14 15:23
推 : 賽爾想搶劫?99F 06/14 15:52
推 : 青賽需要的是超級球星,OK4對青賽幫助不大100F 06/14 15:57
推 : 76人看來是要認真了101F 06/14 16:52
推 : 果然是爛豆 到哪都是別人的問題102F 06/14 17:20
→ : 有看到塞爾好像也對子龍有興趣103F 06/14 17:31
推 : 76人只想玩選秀會而已吧104F 06/14 17:32
推 : 雙坦的湖人跟76人,有誰不能被交易嗎?105F 06/14 17:33
推 : 軟豆哪有說都是they的錯...他只是在評論Cousins和國106F 06/14 17:35
→ : 王教練Karl和制服組本來就陷入很緊繃的關係了
→ : 王教練Karl和制服組本來就陷入很緊繃的關係了
推 : 打得好才能逃離76人(無誤)108F 06/14 17:36
推 : 76人到底要擺爛到甚麼時候啊109F 06/14 17:43
推 : 76人搞屁啊110F 06/14 17:47
→ : 軟豆這十年沒經歷過,但這十年他隊友都有經歷過111F 06/14 18:00
推 : Rose換OK4112F 06/14 18:09
推 : Olafor場外問題很多。交易不意外113F 06/14 18:50
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 51