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看板 NBA
作者 colin4235tw (杰哥)
標題 [外絮] James Jones與騎士保持合約洽談
時間 Tue Jul 19 13:05:47 2016

James Jones and Cavaliers hold contract talks
With the Cleveland Cavaliers still needing to re-sign LeBron James and J.R. Smith, James Jones has kind of fallen off of the radar. James and Smith ar ...


With the Cleveland Cavaliers still needing to re-sign LeBron James and J.R.
Smith, James Jones has kind of fallen off of the radar.


James and Smith are obviously Cleveland's highest priorities at the moment,
but that doesn't mean they still don't want to re-sign the 36-year-old
Jones., according to Brian Windhorst of ESPN:


"The Cavs have also had talks with veteran free agent James Jones, who
remains unsigned. Jones wants to return to the Cavs but has options
elsewhere, agent Joel Bell said."


It's not known if Jones actually has other teams interested in him, or if his
agent is simply using that as leverage for negotiations with the Cavaliers.


The veteran small forward will have his greatest value by playing with the
Cavaliers. James holds Jones in high regard, having won three total
championships with him as a teammate. Kevin Love went so far as to say Jones
is the best teammate he's ever had.


The team currently has a logjam at small forward. Assuming James re-signs,
the Cavaliers will also have Mike Dunleavy, Richard Jefferson and Dahntay
Jones as small forwards. If Smith re-signs, it would probably be fair to
assume Cleveland allows Jones to walk in free agency. If they can't re-sign
Smith, they will likely re-sign Jones as soon as possible.


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er800100    : 真正大腿1F 07/19 13:06
benson60913 : James 抱 James的大腿 東區六連霸2F 07/19 13:06
orange7986  : 休息室老大3F 07/19 13:07
※ 編輯: colin4235tw (, 07/19/2016 13:08:08
jack3600683 : 有姆斯東冠保證耶4F 07/19 13:09
ask5566     : 簽這廝真怪...沒辦法  朋友是姆斯5F 07/19 13:09
benson60913 : XD6F 07/19 13:10
Vincredible : 底薪續約James                             Jones7F 07/19 13:10
comebuy5566 : 帶LeBron拿那麼多冠軍,這麼粗的腿你不簽?8F 07/19 13:12
JameerNe1son: 沾姆斯大帝你敢不簽?9F 07/19 13:18
nowiski     : 阿仁!!10F 07/19 13:18
k960674     : \三冠王/11F 07/19 13:18
JayFans0610 : 一點都不奇怪阿,就是休息室老將的功能12F 07/19 13:22
JayFans0610 : Love還在總冠軍賽後公開表達對James Jones的感謝
lef1986     : 皇帝旁邊的軍機大臣,用來鎮住亂臣賊子用的14F 07/19 13:23
simon0987   : 感覺是休息室安定者 很多隊友都有感謝他15F 07/19 13:26
Ironmanisme : 阿仁16F 07/19 13:33
JSMJ        : 豬王的腳色17F 07/19 13:33
kenbo       : 這咖真的不要鬧了,完全巴著LBJ大腿的18F 07/19 13:34
capirex     : 在熱火的時候就說要退休 沒想到一路跟來騎士19F 07/19 13:38
gibe        : 其實人家比姆斯還早在熱火欸...20F 07/19 13:40
transa      : 姆斯沒有一座冠軍沒有他21F 07/19 13:43
aa08666     : 有他就有冠軍 LBJ最愛的大腿22F 07/19 13:44
a9504836    : 這咖當年在總冠軍可是狂飆3分....23F 07/19 13:47
reaper317   : 詹姆斯大帝24F 07/19 13:50
ts012108    : 阿仁蹬來啦25F 07/19 13:52
donkilu     : 阿仁其實可以轉教練了= =26F 07/19 13:52
skatekid    : 其實不是感謝他啊...是不感謝他就不知道要對他說啥27F 07/19 13:56
skatekid    : 了
skatekid    : 是吧???
Leaflock    : 阿仁!!!30F 07/19 13:57
qqchuzai    : 不是james大腿james三冠嗎31F 07/19 14:23
shinewonder : ======================阿仁======================32F 07/19 14:32
pounil      : 簽他也不能取代JR吧33F 07/19 14:58
tgmrvmle    : http://0rz.tw/xWIY534F 07/19 15:20
Lizardon    : 4(三分球王)>3懂?35F 07/19 16:07
kano2525    : LBJ最愛隊友你敢嘴?36F 07/19 16:43
Number41    : 姆斯投三分還要靠我。37F 07/19 16:45
blairchief  : 神主牌概念38F 07/19 16:54
martinshi   : 真姆斯大帝39F 07/19 17:28
Jerry6012   : 姆斯小弟之一 跟著一腿抱一腿就ok 一個小眾遷徙文化40F 07/19 17:45
Lucario     : 不懂別亂酸 他是姆斯的大哥41F 07/19 17:57
luxylu      : 簽這吉祥物衝山小 浪費錢42F 07/19 18:04
evan700607  : King James Jones43F 07/19 18:09
dannyts     : 跟著姆斯 變成NBA勝利組44F 07/19 18:34
no1577      : James大帝  連六年進冠軍賽 誰敢不敬45F 07/19 19:25
wj790418    : 底薪加盟吧...真●腿王46F 07/19 20:13
ramirez     : 六進總冠軍賽你敢嘴?47F 07/19 20:20
arthur02    : 安撫Love必先安JJ48F 07/19 20:51
ldr521      : 詹黃49F 07/19 23:11

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