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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-04-30 18:29:00
看板 Baseball
作者 tony900735 (大頭)
標題 [分享] 覆蓋落磯主場四月雪
時間 Sun Apr 30 17:39:39 2017


Photo of the day: Coors field was blanketed in snow from a late-April storm

This weekend, the Rockies find themselves on the road for a series against the
 D-backs. Playing on the road within their division, they are not far from the
ir home in Denver. Based on the look of things at Coors Field Saturday morning
, the short distance to Phoenix is far enough.

Friday night into Saturday morning, Denver found itself in the path of a late-
April snowstorm. Coors Field was not exempt from its wrath.

The Rockies will play baseball this evening in Phoenix, where Weather.com pred
icts sun and a high of 83 degrees. They won't return to Coors Field until Frid
ay, at which time -- hopefully -- the snow will have melted and baseball can b
e played in reasonable conditions.

This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clu

而在丹佛,從美國時間週五晚上到週六早上有一場四月下旬的雪風暴,當然Coors Field

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1P1R3TLt (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1493545181.A.577.html
※ 編輯: tony900735 (, 04/30/2017 17:40:23
os30111: 好美1F 04/30 17:40
swwf: 超美的(不能只有我看到)2F 04/30 17:41
fg008kimo: 有冤案?3F 04/30 17:42
watanmila: 樓上這正常吧?4F 04/30 17:43
e7660239: 滿屌的5F 04/30 17:43
aibltjv: 還以為是曲棍球場6F 04/30 17:45
tonychen5466: 我去過一次~人生現場第一場MLB7F 04/30 17:48
achiang40: 停了8F 04/30 17:48
best0811: 美美的9F 04/30 17:49
airflow: 鄰近的Aspen是滑雪聖地,四月降雪還算正常啦10F 04/30 17:49
sonnyissonny: 大人 我有冤啊QQ11F 04/30 17:53
eiki787: 好美12F 04/30 18:00
w921216: 美~13F 04/30 18:02
KEDEN: 包大人今年會過去申堂嗎?14F 04/30 18:03
leonjapan: 六月雪較特別15F 04/30 18:20

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