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作者 標題 [專欄] 當按鈕按下了:連騎士的老將自己都不相信
時間 Fri May 19 12:01:17 2017
When a Switch Flips: Even Cavs Vets in Disbelief over Sudden Playoff Turnaround | Bleacher Report
BOSTON — Kyle Korver likes to think of himself as a well-reasoned, intelligent man. He believes in things he can see. So this magical "switch" he'd he ...
When a Switch Flips: Even Cavs Vets in Disbelief over Sudden Playoff
BOSTON — Kyle Korver likes to think of himself as a well-reasoned,
intelligent man. He believes in things he can see.
So this magical "switch" he'd heard so much about around Cleveland was no
different than other figments of imagination. Santa Claus, Easter Bunny,
tooth fairy, flip-switchers—they're all the same.
"I've always been told that it wasn't real, that there wasn't a switch that
can just be flipped on," Korver told Bleacher Report Thursday afternoon.
Korver brought this mentality with him to the court for the first
Korver brought this mentality with him to the court for the first
13-and-a-half years of his career. It's helped him carve out a niche as one
of the game's premier long-distance snipers, which is why, over the past few
weeks, he's been shocked to discover that he was wrong all along.
On Jan. 7, the Atlanta Hawks traded Korver to the defending champion
Cleveland Cavaliers. At the time, Korver thought he knew what awaited in
Cleveland. The Cavaliers were gunning for a second straight title. Their
star, LeBron James, was hunting the ghost of Michael Jordan.
This, Korver figured, would be one of the most intense and buttoned-up
basketball environments he ever entered. Instead, he watched the Cavaliers,
behind one of the weakest defenses in the league, drop 14 of their final 24
games, fall out of the No. 1 seed and enter the postseason tired, old and
"I was really concerned," Korver said. "But everyone just kept on telling me,
'Don't worry about it, we're all good.
"And it turns out they were right."
It's not just that the Cavaliers have run off nine straight wins thus far
this postseason, including an overwhelming 117-104 win over the Celtics in
Boston Wednesday night in the Eastern Conference Finals' opening game, that
has Korver reconsidering his belief in a team's ability to flip on a fake
light switch. It's the way in which they've devastated opponents like the
Celtics and Toronto Raptors, teams that ended the regular season looking like
possible threats.
Cleveland has actually upped its scoring this postseason—typically a time
where baskets are more difficult to come by—by about seven points per 100
They've also plugged up holes on the other end of the floor. The Cavs held
the Raptors to 100.9 points per 100 possessions in the second round, an
eight-point improvement from their regular-season mark.
"I mean these guys have been playing into the playoffs deep into June for
three years now. It's easy to get bored in the regular season," Cavaliers
guard Deron Williams told Bleacher Report. "The intensity isn't there game in
and game out. But now you've got rest, you're not playing back-to-backs, you
get to focus on one team and lock in on them. For a team like this, with this
many veterans, it sets up perfect for how we're built."
Like Korver, Williams, a 13-year veteran, was added to the fold late in the
season and grew concerned with what he saw.
"We didn't end the season well. It wasn't looking good for us," said
Williams, who was signed by the Cavaliers on Feb. 27 after being waived by
the Dallas Mavericks. "You know, I was nervous because I haven't been a part
of a team like this. I was like, 'I hope we can do it, I know we can lock in,
I've seen it for games.' But it just wasn't consistent."
As with everything in "Cavs Land," much of this turnaround is courtesy of
LeBron James. Over these nine games, he's played perhaps the best basketball
of his career. He's averaging 34.8 points—on 56.0 percent shooting—9.0
rebounds and 7.1 assists this postseason. He's left opposing coaches grasping
for ways to slow him down.
"It's hard to believe, but he's better than when I got into the league [four
years ago]," Celtics head coach Brad Stevens told reporters after Game 1. "A
lot better. Just as you get older, you gain more experience, see more things.
I didn't think he could get any better after that, but he is."
But both Korver and Williams, the lone newcomers in the Cavaliers' primary
rotation, believe there's more to it.
"Really, I think, it's all on the defensive end, I think our offense, really
all season was great; just defensively we weren't very sharp, we weren't
where we needed to be," Korver said.
"The coverages that this team is best at...they take a lot of energy, they
take a lot of showing and blitzing and trapping, guys who play so long into
the summer every year; it's easy to lose focus on that, to play with that
The difference, according to Korver, is simple: In the playoffs there are no
games on consecutive nights. Also, teams have more time to develop and
implement game plans, and players have more time to absorb them.
So, does that mean Korver is ready to become a believer in proverbial
electric levers?
"The switch is certainly real here," he said. "But only here."
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推 : 他寫的是第二冠吧?還是我看錯1F 05/19 12:02
※ 編輯: kyle5241 (, 05/19/2017 12:03:29推 : 藏招藏到嚇到新來的菜雞2F 05/19 12:04
推 : THE 藏 ~3F 05/19 12:04
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推 : 晶片啟動!6F 05/19 12:05
推 : 心得和二樓都蠻好笑的7F 05/19 12:05
推 : 喬丹的鬼魂是殺小8F 05/19 12:06
推 : 新來的快嚇死 XDD9F 05/19 12:06
→ : 就 東區廢到騎士季賽能隨便打囉 哈哈10F 05/19 12:08
推 : 就追逐喬丹的意思吧11F 05/19 12:08
推 : 按鈕已經啟動,倒數計時開始12F 05/19 12:08
推 : 難道西區有強到勇士季賽不能隨便打嗎XD13F 05/19 12:08
推 : 進入到季後賽之前,覺得按鈕說在虎爛14F 05/19 12:09
→ : 就喬丹的歷史定位啦15F 05/19 12:09
推 : 太藏了!!!16F 05/19 12:09
推 : 勇士隊伍更齊備啊,他們傷KD或者SC還是西區第一17F 05/19 12:09
→ : DW待過一堆爐主隊 翻譯怪怪的18F 05/19 12:10
推 : 代表西區其他隊更沒競爭力19F 05/19 12:10
推 : The switch20F 05/19 12:10
推 : 是在唬爛沒錯啊,沒看到第一輪那個鳥樣,騎士也是一21F 05/19 12:11
→ : 輪一輪慢慢進步,特別是防守,開關就是半調侃的說法
→ : 輪一輪慢慢進步,特別是防守,開關就是半調侃的說法
→ : 這不是什麼按鈕 完全是心態問題23F 05/19 12:11
推 : 馬刺季末還不是在隨便打 這種穩進的球隊三月份最重24F 05/19 12:12
→ : 要的是休息跟不受傷 戰績隨意
→ : 要的是休息跟不受傷 戰績隨意
推 : 連搶東區季賽第一都懶 哈哈26F 05/19 12:12
推 : DW那邊的原文完全沒有"爛隊"的意思啊27F 05/19 12:12
推 : 所謂的開關其實有很多因素,休息時間、團練頻繁程28F 05/19 12:13
→ : 度、球員積極度、還有對手固定方便制定防守策略
→ : 度、球員積極度、還有對手固定方便制定防守策略
→ : 全明星等級的雜魚30F 05/19 12:13
推 : 季賽第一有什麼用 又不會比勇士高31F 05/19 12:13
※ 編輯: kyle5241 (, 05/19/2017 12:14:49推 : 所以說東區根本不被騎士放在眼裡啊 哈哈32F 05/19 12:14
→ : 有阿 你看髒賽不就靠主場解決巫師了33F 05/19 12:14
推 : 有搶東區第一啊,只是搶不贏,輸老鷹那兩場主力上34F 05/19 12:15
→ : 場時間都很高啊,只是打的很荒唐而輸掉
→ : 場時間都很高啊,只是打的很荒唐而輸掉
推 : the 按36F 05/19 12:15
推 : 虎爛 連主場優勢都沒了還講幹話37F 05/19 12:16
推 : 有人還是會拿戰績比啦 什麼例行賽對戰他區的 等到38F 05/19 12:17
→ : 其他隊 又不適用了 例如C's
→ : 其他隊 又不適用了 例如C's
推 : 惡靈追捕手 - 姆斯40F 05/19 12:18
推 : KK不得不信全力詹41F 05/19 12:18
→ : Williams確定當初待在籃網狀況沒有更爛嗎42F 05/19 12:18
推 : 就說藏招了43F 05/19 12:19
推 : SW_LBJ_1_ON/OFF44F 05/19 12:19
→ : 季末騎士不是還輸的比籃網多嗎?45F 05/19 12:19
→ : 不對 LBJ應該是Reset46F 05/19 12:20
推 : 今年季後賽的狀態是這三年最佳,真迷的球隊47F 05/19 12:20
推 : 唯一有資格講季賽無用論的球隊48F 05/19 12:21
推 : 我真的不信一個打了七次冠軍賽的人還會多在乎季賽49F 05/19 12:21
→ : 戰績如何
→ : 戰績如何
推 : 藏到連自己人都不相信51F 05/19 12:21
推 : LBJ換個季候賽晶片就ok了啦52F 05/19 12:22
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 41
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