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作者 標題 [情報] Kerr現身勇士隊的練習
時間 Sun May 14 12:48:44 2017
Chris Haynes
ESPN Staff Writer
OAKLAND, Calif. -- Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr attended Saturday's practice leading up to Game 1 of the Western Conference finals against the San Antonio Spurs on Sunday.
It's the first time Kerr has been at a home practice since he took a leave of absence in the middle of the first round to find a remedy for the pain he's been dealing with stemming from back surgery he had almost two years ago.
For many on the team, it was the first time they had seen Kerr in nearly two weeks.
勇士隊的教練Steve Kerr參與球隊準備西冠Game1的練習。
Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr attends first home practice since taking leave
Warriors coach Steve Kerr attended Saturday's practice, the first time Kerr has been at a home practice since he took a leave of absence in the middle ...
Warriors coach Steve Kerr attended Saturday's practice, the first time Kerr has been at a home practice since he took a leave of absence in the middle ...
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→ : 刷存在感1F 05/14 12:49
推 : 避免被恩返2F 05/14 12:49
推 : 趕快回來吧 完全體的勇士無人可擋3F 05/14 12:51
推 : 果然知道MB是臥底了4F 05/14 12:51
推 : 來抓臥底的5F 05/14 12:52
噓 : 我不相信這個臥底6F 05/14 12:53
→ : 看起來很憔悴7F 05/14 12:54
推 : 有內鬼!終止交易8F 05/14 12:56
推 : 會回來準備打馬刺G1嗎?9F 05/14 12:57
推 : 回來吧 Kerr10F 05/14 12:59
推 : Kerr: 練球好嗎?11F 05/14 13:02
推 : 士氣大振 西冠等於總冠前哨 kerr很會12F 05/14 13:02
→ : 帳號太久沒登入會被刪掉13F 05/14 13:05
→ : 有內鬼!14F 05/14 13:08
推 : 幹幹幹復活啦15F 05/14 13:11
推 : 總教練不在 釣魚的釣魚 煮菜的煮菜不回來看看行嗎?16F 05/14 13:11
推 : 康復囉!恭喜17F 05/14 13:11
推 : 怕MB扛不住popo了18F 05/14 13:13
推 : 怕MB被恩返吧19F 05/14 13:17
推 : 知道西瓜不能在放太久20F 05/14 13:23
→ : 哈欠21F 05/14 13:24
推 : Kerr:帳號還我!22F 05/14 13:34
推 : 下面的炒菜釣魚買房子 上面的狂笑變成梗圖 躺不住了23F 05/14 13:46
推 : Kerr:借你玩封頂帳玩你還他X給我把紫卡全丟商店換24F 05/14 13:49
→ : 銅幣??
→ : 銅幣??
推 : 果然不放心西瓜對波波26F 05/14 14:00
推 : 不讓惹27F 05/14 14:05
推 : 太好了!28F 05/14 14:19
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 31
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