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作者 標題 [外絮] Lue不打算調整第三戰先發陣容
時間 Wed Jun 7 04:15:56 2017
Tyronn Lue says no major changes for Cavs for Game 3
Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue says no major changes for Game 3 of NBA Finals
Cavs coach Tyronn Lue plans on sticking with J.R. Smith as the starting shooting guard and doesn't plan on any major changes heading into Game 3 of th ...
Cavs coach Tyronn Lue plans on sticking with J.R. Smith as the starting shooting guard and doesn't plan on any major changes heading into Game 3 of th ...
CLEVELAND -- Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue is digging in his heels on his
approach to coaching his team despite trailing the Golden State Warriors 0-2
heading into Wednesday's Game 3.
Lue announced Tuesday that he will keep J.R. Smith as his starting shooting
guard, even though Smith combined for just three points on 1-for-6 shooting,
two rebounds and zero assists, steals and blocks in Games 1 and 2.
Lue在美國時間周二時宣布他將繼續將JR Smith擺在他的先發得分後衛的位子,即便JR
A Cavs source told ESPN following Game 2 that the team would consider
starting Iman Shumpert over Smith after Shumpert had some success guarding
Kevin Durant and played aggressively on offense. Lue, however, is sticking
with Smith, who started 35 of the 41 games in which he played this season.
Shumpert, who required an IV after Game 2, appeared Tuesday to have recovered
from the cramps that plagued him Sunday. He and Smith engaged in a spirited
game of 1-on-1 during the portion of the practice that was open to the media
and Shumpert could be heard encouraging Smith to bring the same mindset he
displayed in practice to the rest of the series.
Lue also remained steadfast in the Cavs playing with a frenetic pace, even
though the Warriors have outscored them 245-204 in the series so far. The
Cavs were average, at best, in terms of pace during the regular season,
ranking 16th in the league.
"I think taking good shots when we're playing with pace and not turning the
basketball over, letting them get out in transition," Lue said. "So, that's
our game. We're not going to change our game because of who we're playing.
And I'm confident that we can play that way, and we did it last year. A lot
of people said we couldn't. But that's our game. That's who we are. And we're
not going to change just pause we're playing Golden State."
The Cavs are playing at a quicker pace than LeBron James has ever played
before. James has played with an average pace of 90.6 possessions per game in
his 14-year career, according to ESPN Stats & Information. In the Finals, the
Cavs are averaging 105.5 possessions per game so far.
In the first quarter of Game 2, the Cavs played with the fastest pace of any
quarter of the 1,275 games James has played -- regular season or postesason.
Despite the extra possessions, Cleveland trailed 40-34 heading into the
second. The quickened pace was not sustainable in Game 2, as the Cavs had 59
possessions in the first half and 49 possessions in the second half.
James rejected a reporter's call for more of a halfcourt-oriented game from
the Cavs on Wednesday.
"That's not our game. We don't play slowdown basketball," James said. "We
play at our pace. We play our game. We got to this point playing our way. We
have won a lot of games playing the way we play, so we're not going to
Lue acknowledged one adjustment, saying that starting center Tristan Thompson
could continue to play reduced minutes.
但Lue卻有明確提到Tristan Thompson將會持續減少上場時間。
"It's not anything Tristan isn't doing," Lue said. "I just think that against
this team you have to score the basketball."
If it's not Thompson, the Cavs will likely go more to Channing Frye, who was
1-for-5 for two points in Game 2. He is not the only role player struggling.
Smith, of course, has yet to make an impact, and Deron Williams is 0-for-9 in
the Finals so far.
打的掙扎的角色球員,JR尚未發揮出他應有的影響力,而Deron Williams總冠軍賽目前為
打的掙扎的角色球員,JR尚未發揮出他應有的影響力,而Deron Williams總冠軍賽目前為
"We have done a great job of getting everyone involved and making sure that
everyone feels comfortable, but now we need everything and everybody," Kyrie
Irving said. "And I know they know how important they are. And it's our job,
my job to exude as much confidence as I can in them in order to get the very
best, and I will do that."
結論:第三戰騎士不打算變陣 JR持續先發 但TT的上場時間會減少
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推 : 反正已經有冠了1F 06/07 04:21
推 : 到底有沒有料2F 06/07 04:32
推 : 骰了這麼久總該出個6了3F 06/07 04:37
推 : 支持繼續打快,尤其LBJ天下武功,唯快不破4F 06/07 04:37
推 : 用心翻退一個。週四等著15-05F 06/07 04:49
→ : 推
→ : 推
噓 : JR得分能破10嗎?7F 06/07 04:51
推 : 跟勇士比快感覺不是個好戰術8F 06/07 04:54
→ : 連出手都沒辦法跟骰到幾無關了9F 06/07 05:00
推 : 那就準備0-3吧10F 06/07 05:02
推 : 勇士球迷對不起,我們不能在家奪冠了11F 06/07 05:08
推 : 香波成功守住KD???12F 06/07 05:10
推 : 成功守住KD? 鬼扯吧?13F 06/07 05:18
→ : 不管從什麼角度看G1 G2比賽內容和數據,我都看不出
→ : 騎士有誰守住KD。
→ : 不管從什麼角度看G1 G2比賽內容和數據,我都看不出
→ : 騎士有誰守住KD。
→ : 打快就是消耗戰,看誰的燃料先用盡16F 06/07 05:20
推 : 可能是指香波守KD守的跟LBJ一樣好,就算他守住了八17F 06/07 05:21
推 : JR根本是被守到沒有外圍出手空間吧。18F 06/07 05:23
推 : 球給姆斯~19F 06/07 05:25
推 : 那沒守住KD數據是如何?20F 06/07 05:28
推 : 辛苦推!21F 06/07 05:31
推 : 第二場看喇叭打到累成狗。確定跟勇士打快是好主意?22F 06/07 05:44
推 : 人家陣容比你年輕 快節奏比你擅長 硬要打快...23F 06/07 05:45
推 : 很多人也說14馬刺可愛守住姆斯 數據上我也看不出來24F 06/07 05:45
→ : 成敗全看喇叭這已經不是秘密 但是他今年已經33了 真25F 06/07 05:47
→ : 當生化人喔
→ : 當生化人喔
→ : 順理成章把錯誤全推給魁儡叫他下台負責喔27F 06/07 05:51
推 : 拉低比賽節奏 跟對方打泥巴戰 對單打強的球隊才有利28F 06/07 05:52
推 : 去年Final pace才92 今年到現在103 這是勇士擅長的`
推 : 去年Final pace才92 今年到現在103 這是勇士擅長的`
推 : 香波成功守住KD 黑人問號???30F 06/07 06:10
推 : 不滿意這套先發? 那請問今年的列強對戰成績跟12-1是31F 06/07 06:12
→ : 怎麼來的 輸勇士兩場? 今年勇士是Bug不能正常評斷
→ : 事實上騎士這組搭配先發猛板凳偶有暴徒回春已經是頂
→ : 級強隊了 打了兩場就被全盤否定是怎麼回事
→ : 怎麼來的 輸勇士兩場? 今年勇士是Bug不能正常評斷
→ : 事實上騎士這組搭配先發猛板凳偶有暴徒回春已經是頂
→ : 級強隊了 打了兩場就被全盤否定是怎麼回事
→ : 這傢伙根本只是姆斯的傀儡.......完全沒料35F 06/07 06:15
噓 : The 藏36F 06/07 06:26
噓 : 唉 只有一個LBJ猛對上KD Curry,進攻回合越多越不利37F 06/07 06:39
推 : 還沒到姆斯接管比賽的時刻39F 06/07 06:55
推 : 姆斯的回答就說明一切了 怎麼打是姆斯決定的40F 06/07 07:08
推 : 怎還有人認為關鍵在LBJ,都30分加大三元了....就算41F 06/07 07:08
→ : 給你40分加大三元,就會贏勇士嗎?其他人(包含教練
→ : )要有所表現才行吧
→ : 給你40分加大三元,就會贏勇士嗎?其他人(包含教練
→ : )要有所表現才行吧
→ : Lbj下場休息時,誰能站出來才是關鍵44F 06/07 07:15
推 : 馬刺都不敢打快了,你敢?45F 06/07 07:17
→ : 東區咖算列強嗎46F 06/07 07:29
推 : 一直講去年可以 去年做到了...47F 06/07 07:29
→ : JR地雷埋的好只是沒成功而已,當然繼續用48F 06/07 07:36
→ : 朕再說一次49F 06/07 07:40
推 : 掰50F 06/07 07:48
推 : 一個MVP怎麼鬥兩個MVP 再換都一樣51F 06/07 07:50
→ : 坦克切就是攻防轉換威力最大,玩陣地反而會拉開和KD52F 06/07 07:54
→ : 進攻差距
→ : 進攻差距
推 : 騎士說好的閃電夾擊呢?54F 06/07 07:56
推 : 翻譯:姆斯不打算改變陣容55F 06/07 08:01
推 : 看今年會不會再一次逆轉,應該是沒機會了56F 06/07 08:06
推 : 跟去年一樣..裁判出手的時候到了57F 06/07 08:08
推 : 教練應該很清楚去年怎麼逆轉的 不能沉醉在裡頭58F 06/07 08:09
→ : 賭JR骰到10 似乎也只剩這招了59F 06/07 08:12
推 : JR有埋雷的重要任務,怎可輕易下場呢?60F 06/07 08:14
推 : 想輸放推了61F 06/07 08:19
推 : 西瓜62F 06/07 08:23
推 : The埋63F 06/07 08:26
→ : 慢下來要刷數據很不方便64F 06/07 08:27
推 : 智障 到底想不想贏阿 勇士最擅長就快攻還跟人家硬拼65F 06/07 08:27
→ : 沒看姆斯第三節就喘的要死
→ : 沒看姆斯第三節就喘的要死
噓 : 反正沒用不是嗎?67F 06/07 08:29
推 : 放推了68F 06/07 08:33
推 : 第三戰就可以見分曉69F 06/07 08:48
推 : 明年騎士又有勇士的香檳味了!!!!70F 06/07 08:51
→ : 跟勇士拚快只會輸吧..勇士很多得分都空檔出手..根本71F 06/07 08:53
→ : 沒甚麼消耗體力
→ : 沒甚麼消耗體力
推 : Lue:不是啊教練沒有說指示啊73F 06/07 08:54
→ : 其實KI進攻回來就有機會贏了啦74F 06/07 08:57
推 : 明年調整教練..75F 06/07 08:58
推 : 歷史上有03逆轉的嗎76F 06/07 09:07
噓 : 因為怎麼打都輸,不用調77F 06/07 09:19
→ : 騎士打算拼火力了......最好的防守就是進攻?78F 06/07 09:23
推 : The 想放假79F 06/07 09:24
推 : 我是覺得就算換成Iman也沒辦法擋住KD...80F 06/07 09:25
推 : Lue 就沒啥料的教練啊 有料的去年去流放海外了 XD81F 06/07 09:30
推 : The 西瓜82F 06/07 09:31
→ : 真正的戰術會講出來嗎...83F 06/07 09:35
推 : 騎士都忘了去年是打慢才贏的84F 06/07 09:37
→ : LBJ只剩2節無雙了
→ : LBJ只剩2節無雙了
→ : 先發誰無所謂,但跟勇士拼快根本找死86F 06/07 09:41
推 : 欺敵戰術87F 06/07 09:44
推 : 可能是想K湯能回神 JR也可以88F 06/07 09:49
推 : TT雖然數據爛 但勇士可是花了1~3個人去卡他位89F 06/07 09:53
→ : 賭JR 結果JR賭外圍怎麼辦... 不懂要堅持什麼90F 06/07 09:55
推 : 我小胖QQ91F 06/07 09:57
推 : Lue不打算調整先發(X) Lbj不打算調整先發(O)92F 06/07 09:58
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