※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-13 16:39:12
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 對不起了勇士球員 KT不買烤土司麵包機了
時間 Tue Jun 13 14:55:28 2017
來源:Mercury News
Sorry Warriors, no toasters from Klay Thompson
The Warriors didn’t go 16-0, so Klay Thompson doesn’t have to fork over toasters to his teammates. ...
Sorry Warriors, no toasters from Klay Thompson
抱歉隊友們 我KT不買烤土司麵包機給大家了
The Warriors didn’t go 16-0, so Klay Thompson won’t be purchasing toasters
for his teammates.
Thompson, inspired by the success, agreed before the Finals started that he’
d buy every player on the team a toaster if they completed their unbeaten run
through the playoffs.
He said he’ll invite the fan who had him autograph the toaster to Thursday’
s parade, but the team is in no luck.
“We were supposed to go 16-0 for everyone to get toasters,” Thompson said.
Draymond Green’s OK with that.
“I got a toaster at home,” he said. “I don’t want one. I’m good.”
魔法烤麵包機才是勇士拿冠軍的最大功臣啊! 每隊都應該買一台!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PFunb9I (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1497336933.A.252.html
→ : 烤姆斯麵包機1F 06/13 14:56
推 : 這樣會被說敗人品啦!2F 06/13 14:56
→ : 嘴綠有夠靠北wwww3F 06/13 14:56
→ : 我以為他要偷嘴XDD結果沒有4F 06/13 14:56
推 : 姆斯現在立刻買10台5F 06/13 14:56
推 : 嘴綠接梗6F 06/13 14:56
推 : 裁判不喜歡吃烤吐司7F 06/13 14:56
→ : 省了一筆8F 06/13 14:56
→ : 感謝裁判省了一筆9F 06/13 14:57
→ : 買水波爐比較有誠意啦10F 06/13 14:57
噓 : 再敗人品阿 下一場給你好看11F 06/13 14:57
推 : 美國人知道水波爐嗎?12F 06/13 14:58
噓 : 這支隊伍都已經KD化了....13F 06/13 14:58
推 : XD14F 06/13 14:58
推 : 美國有steam oven15F 06/13 14:59
推 : 沒下一場了16F 06/13 14:59
推 : 推下一場 幽默17F 06/13 15:00
推 : 下一場要到下年6月了18F 06/13 15:00
推 : 開始大賣,UM有賣嗎19F 06/13 15:00
推 : 可以給我豪一台20F 06/13 15:01
→ : 場上麵包夠多了,不用買麵包機21F 06/13 15:02
---------------------------------------------------------推 : 省一筆 爽22F 06/13 15:04
噓 : 再敗人品啊,等下16-4逆轉23F 06/13 15:05
※ 編輯: pneumo (, 06/13/2017 15:06:11推 : 要不是上一場8打5我早就有熱吐司可以吃了24F 06/13 15:06
推 : 本尊給推25F 06/13 15:10
噓 : 騎士要連贏4場了…咦?26F 06/13 15:13
推 : 賺27F 06/13 15:14
推 : 靠北16-4是什麼啦XD28F 06/13 15:14
推 : 拿土司機簽名的超級爽29F 06/13 15:17
噓 : 幫我勇低調30F 06/13 15:18
推 : 簽書豪進來就好了啊,幹嘛要買烤麵包機??31F 06/13 15:19
推 : 說的好,簽林書豪就有麵包機了32F 06/13 15:30
推 : 怎麼可能會有16-4啦XDDDDD33F 06/13 15:42
推 : 本尊給推34F 06/13 15:46
推 : 當初簽吐司機真的超好笑35F 06/13 16:27
推 : I'm good 翻成我不用 比較好一點^^〃36F 06/13 16:32
推 : 勇士球員們:我不缺麵包機37F 06/13 16:37
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 55
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