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看板 NBA
作者 pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)
標題 [外絮] 勇士用特別合約簽下Chris Boucher
時間 Sat Jun 24 10:32:27 2017

來源: The Mercury News
網址: http://tinyurl.com/y9utxmfm
What's that? Warriors sign Chris Boucher to two-way contract
Want Warriors news in your inbox? Sign up for the free DubsDaily newsletter. OAKLAND — Jordan Bell wasn’t the only Oregon product that the Warriors pa ...


What is this two-way contract the Warriors used to sign Oregon’s Chris
勇士用「雙向道」合約簽下奧勒岡前鋒Chris Boucher

OAKLAND — Jordan Bell wasn’t the only Oregon product that the Warriors
partnered with on Thursday night. After selecting Bell 38th overall, they
signed undrafted Duck forward Chris Boucher to a ‘two-way’ contract, as
first reported by The Vertical’s Shams Charania.
勇士在星期四的選秀夜不是只簽下Jordan Bell,他們也簽下了一個沒被其他隊挑走的前  
鋒Chris Boucher,而他們用了一個特別合約,叫「雙向道」合約。

So what exactly is a ‘two-way’ contract? It’s a new feature in the
recently agreed-upon Collective Bargaining Agreement, which begins on July
1st, allowing teams two extra roster spots, where prospects can slide back
and forth between the D-League (soon to be renamed the Gatorade League) and
the NBA.
所以什麼是「雙向道」合約? 那是一個在經過團體協商,會在七月一日開始生效的協議。

Their salary is dependent on which league they are currently assigned. They
will make a minimum of $75,000 per season and maximum of $275,000, depending
on how much time they spend in the NBA.

These roster spots are perfect for prospects like Boucher. At a slender
6-foot-10 with an incredible 7-foot-4 wingspan, he has intriguing length and,
in his two seasons at Oregon, he produced well, averaging 12.0 points, 6.8
rebounds and 2.7 blocks in 69 games.

But in the Pac-12 tournament this past March, Boucher tore his ACL in a game
against California. He’s still in the early stages of recovery, couldn’t
work out with teams and, already considered a likely second round pick, he
slid out of the draft.

But he’s a project worthy of a flier and, because of these new two-way
roster spots, the Warriors pounced at the opportunity to help him recover and
develop his game for future use. Stay tuned.



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whiteshirt  : 簽起來1F 06/24 10:35
James102211 : 肯定獲得2枚以上的冠軍戒指2F 06/24 10:38
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johnnykao530: 爛的情況也沒發生,基本上勇士體系是超強的,教練真
johnnykao530: 的有料
nisiya0625  : 傷的有點嚴重 修好算賺到-.-6F 06/24 10:43
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justice2008 : 原來是受傷啊...
kimuratakuya: 哈哈,超愛奧勒岡9F 06/24 10:51
laker7634   : 還以為是簽chris bosh 嚇一跳10F 06/24 10:52
hydra24018  : 冠軍隊都那麼積極,反觀其他想補強的...11F 06/24 10:54
KDSC1326    : 跟Bosh也差太多==12F 06/24 10:55
nisiya0625  : 知道為什麼要三節下班了吧(X13F 06/24 10:57
stone82513  : 之前看版上某篇好像說他常有犯規麻煩14F 06/24 10:57
turnpoint   : 明年這些人就能嗆老巴1>>>0了15F 06/24 10:58
signm       : 勇士制服組真的很會撿這種16F 06/24 11:05
seemoon2000 : 現在就是考驗勇士制服組的功力了阿17F 06/24 11:06
Fadeway     : 撿個斷腳的都能吹...18F 06/24 11:06
seemoon2000 : 球星快把薪資全吃完 要維持強度每年都要撿這種球員19F 06/24 11:06
t0510523    : 勇士簽的上一個腳斷的已經拿2冠了20F 06/24 11:08
signm       : 勇士上一個斷腿的表示:21F 06/24 11:13
blue5487    : 勇士之前斷腳變主力了22F 06/24 11:21
seemoon2000 : 聯盟現在不是還有一個斷腿球星嗎 想轉去湖人那個23F 06/24 11:22
JoeDeltaArt : 勇士上一個斷腳的拿了兩年MVP24F 06/24 11:23
toeic900    : 撿個樂透球員也可以講成這樣25F 06/24 11:28
ya01234     : 反正就是今年新增的簽約方式 可以讓你兩邊跑26F 06/24 11:28
benboy      : 對這種需要復健時間的球員也算是保障27F 06/24 11:31
dogwithheart: 現在看到廁所詹迷在生氣就好笑XD28F 06/24 11:48
asdf12169   : 勇士怎專門撿這種的...29F 06/24 11:54
CaTkinGG    : 下一個 王者30F 06/24 11:58
versace     : 勇士和馬刺的選人邏輯很特殊31F 06/24 11:58
atoe        : Go Ducks!!!32F 06/24 12:01
vans24      : 一堆菜逼八不知道李文也斷過33F 06/24 12:23
Broyz       : 李文斷成那樣都能復活了,有什麼不可能,樓下支援34F 06/24 12:28
Broyz       : 噁心影片
j22618468   : 畫面太美還是交給樓下貼36F 06/24 12:41
charmingpink: 這隻很強 復原後勇士更可怕了37F 06/24 12:41
AngelMAyCry : 勇士補潛力或角色型真的很積極38F 06/24 13:22
KeNji6029   : 呵呵 反觀騎士? 有什麼動作? 不就某人說花錢就花39F 06/24 13:52
KeNji6029   : 錢
j11j26j     : 積極成這樣......41F 06/24 14:19
CGary       : 如果他成功了 勇士的內線又多了不少助力...42F 06/24 16:35
lee85313xd  : 勇士上一個斷腳的 拿了兩個冠軍43F 06/24 19:21
ggsuperda   : 傷這麼重還敢簽!?44F 06/24 19:34

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