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作者 標題 [外絮] McCaw的特殊身份為勇士未來合約帶來隱憂
時間 Wed Jul 12 15:01:19 2017
來源:The Mercury News
Patrick McCaw's tricky Warriors contract situation looming
Next summer, Patrick McCaw will be a restricted free agent — which could be a tough spot for the Dubs. ...
Patrick McCaw’s potentially tricky contract situation looming for Warriors
LAS VEGAS — This summer, Stephen Curry signed through the 2022 season, Kevin
Durant linked back with a loud gesture that hinted at his long-term
intentions and Andre Iguodala recommitted for three more years. Klay Thompson
’s contract is not up until 2019, Draymond Green’s until 2020.
The Warriors’ five most important pieces are settled, which is settling for
an organization. But another under-the-radar, potentially tricky financial
decision awaits next summer: Patrick McCaw, who is perhaps the team’s
sixth-most important piece from a team-building standpoint, will be a
restricted free agent.
It’s a situation that has crept up on the Warriors quickly. McCaw was the
38th overall pick in the draft just 13 months ago. Immediately, he morphed
into the exact thing a team with expensive superstar talent needs: Cheap,
useful labor off the bench.
McCaw only made $543,471 last year — or just about what Curry will make per
game next season. McCaw’s salary will jump to $1.3 million in Year 2, but
that remains an extreme bargain for a versatile wing the coaching staff
increasingly believes is capable of 20-plus productive minutes per night.
“I think the biggest jump you ever make in your career is between Year 1 and
2,” coach Steve Kerr said. “Year 1 you realize you can play in this league.
Now he’s realizing he can be really good in this league.”
And that’s where the benefits of his second-round status shift from the
Warriors to McCaw. First-round rookie contracts contain team options for a
third and fourth year. McCaw’s doesn’t. He can hit restricted free agency
two years before the first 30 players selected in his same draft.
“To be so young and know that I have a chance to be coming into a nice
amount of money, it’s crazy to me,” McCaw said.
Fourteen years ago, a far different Warriors front office regime was in a
somewhat similar situation. They drafted Gilbert Arenas with the first pick
of the second round in 2001. By his second season, Arenas averaged 18.3
points per game.
輪選了Gilbert Arenas,在Arenas第二年結束的時候,Arenas的數據平均每場18.3分。
The Wizards gave him a six-year, $60 million contract that offseason. The
Warriors, already over the salary cap, had no ability to match the offer
because they couldn’t equal the first year’s salary. The second-round
superstar they found and nourished had bolted by Year 3, off to spend his
prime seasons elsewhere.
So starting with the 2005 Collective Bargaining Agreement, the NBA added a
provision — named the Arenas Rule — that allows incumbent teams an ability
to match all offers made to their second-round now restricted free agents.
$55 million offer sheet next offseason. But the first year of the deal can’t
be more than the mid-level exception — which will be around $9 million —
and the second year can’t be more than a small raise of about five percent,
before jumping to huge numbers in Years 3 and 4.
Using their exception or their Early Bird rights — allowing them to sign
McCaw for 105 percent of the league average salary — the Warriors will have
an ability to match any contract McCaw receives next summer.
So then the question becomes what does McCaw actually get and are the
Warriors willing to shell out that much guaranteed money to one of their
non-superstars just as their luxury tax numbers skyrocket.
The market for McCaw, you would expect, will be fierce. Plenty will depend on
how he plays this upcoming season — “It’s huge for me,” he said — but
McCaw fits the trend of today’s NBA. He’s a long, rangy, versatile two-way
wing with great defensive technique, the ability to hit 3s, a splash of
playmaking and an NBA upbringing in a championship environment.
“So patient out on the floor,” assistant coach Mike Brown said. “His pace
is unbelievable for a young kid. Most times when you see young guys come into
the league, their pace is so frantic, up and down, running all over the
place, jacking shots. But from Day 1, Patrick’s pace has been fantastic …
very uncanny.”
「所以就在場上保持耐心吧!」助理教練Mike Brown說到。「McCaw在聯盟的進步,以他這
There won’t be nearly as much available money next offseason as there was
last offseason, when Tyler Johnson, a more unproven second-round wing, got a
four-year, $50 million offer sheet from the Nets ($5.6 and $5.8 million in
the first two years, $18.8 and $19.6 million in the final two).
下一季將不會有太多的錢可以拿,就拿Tyler Johnson跟籃網的合約來說--4年5000萬鎂(第
But it only takes one team to spike McCaw’s value. Maybe it is the Nets, who
continue to toss mega offer sheets at younger options who fit their
rebuilding timeline, or the Hawks, who have a general manager — former
Warriors front office scouting guru Travis Schlenk — who knows McCaw so well.
“I really don’t know what to expect. It’s crazy to even say that I’ll be
a restricted free agent,” McCaw said. “I know what that is. I know what
that means. Now it’s about handling that situation at 22 years old, talking
to different teams, meeting with different teams, things like that, trying to
figure out the best situation for me to do. Because at the end of the day, it
’s all a business. I built great relationships in my first year with a lot
of GMs and the organization, with Golden State.”
That relationship with the Warriors could prove important. Restricted free
agents in search of a way out often concoct offer sheets with suitors that
include poison pills to scare away their current teams. Maybe it’s a trade
kicker or a deal that stings the incumbent in an important year — like, say,
in the 2020 offseason when Draymond Green’s contract is up.
But if McCaw and the Warriors are intent on continuing their partnership,
they could better sculpt a deal that helps both sides.
“Who knows where I’ll be,” McCaw said. “Hopefully I’m still with Golden
State. …To be a part of this team, this organization the first two years, to
learn — because every organization is not like Golden State. To have guys,
superstar level talented players taking pay cuts to keep something together
means a lot to me being young, having a group of guys who want to be together
no matter the cost. It’s huge. It’s unreal I’m in this situation right now.
對我們這些年輕球員影響很大,他們只希望一起打球,不管代價,這真的太不可思議。」Weeks before his own free agency nearly took him elsewhere, Andre Iguodala
used his championship parade speech to shed some light on his relationship
with McCaw, a guy he mentored last season.
“It can be hard for a guy like me, who basically sees my replacement,”
Iguodala said. “You see your replacement and you want to hold on and get
your extra years and your extra money. But I had some great veterans, Aaron
McKie and Kevin Ollie, who brought me up the right way. So it’s only right I
give back. Patrick McCaw is next.”
Aaron McKie跟Kevin Ollie,把我帶向正確的道路。現在是我回饋的時候了,McCaw就是我
Aaron McKie跟Kevin Ollie,把我帶向正確的道路。現在是我回饋的時候了,McCaw就是我
Then Iguodala — who pried his extra years (three) and money ($48 million)
from the Warriors — paused for a second, realizing that McCaw may not just
be “next” up on the depth chart, but is next up at the negotiating table.
“He’s a second-rounder, so it’s tough,” Iguodala said. “Somebody’s
going to try to steal him next year.”
If the Warriors are willing to pay — and so far, they certainly have been —
then no one can steal him away. But teams will likely try.
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※ 編輯: pneumo (, 07/12/2017 15:02:12
推 : 勇士不放這隻 肯定豪華稅破億1F 07/12 15:06
推 : 明年好像又可以複製貼上ZZZ2F 07/12 15:06
推 : 不用太擔心吧 說不定離開勇士根本打不出來 變浪人3F 07/12 15:06
推 : 想太多 勇士根本不缺這隻雜魚4F 07/12 15:06
推 : 籃網 :下毒名單+15F 07/12 15:06
推 : 又不一定要跟 搞不好勇士 照樣能從後面選上堪用的6F 07/12 15:07
推 : 一定有人拿大約賭7F 07/12 15:07
→ : 整天在幻想勇士有隱憂8F 07/12 15:08
推 : 勇士不一定會跟吧 可能會賣掉也說不定9F 07/12 15:08
→ : 不可能沒人要吧 季後賽證明過自己的優質球員10F 07/12 15:08
推 : 選秀選堪用的或是找老將底薪戰隊就好11F 07/12 15:09
推 : 特殊身份聽起來以為是幹臥底的12F 07/12 15:09
推 : 離開勇士體系就不行了13F 07/12 15:10
推 : 季後賽打得比小雞好耶..14F 07/12 15:12
→ : 不會有大約吧, 只是小約勇士也吞不下15F 07/12 15:12
推 : 拿FMVP的老大都少拿一千萬了 還不懂得自己降薪?16F 07/12 15:13
推 : 看二年級會不會撞牆吧17F 07/12 15:13
→ : 留不住就換隊而已18F 07/12 15:13
→ : 季後賽比小雞好也太誇張19F 07/12 15:14
推 : 勇士自己養起來的,不可能放20F 07/12 15:17
推 : 他如果能打出可以爭取到千萬合約等級的成績,勇士高21F 07/12 15:19
噓 : 特殊身分是勇士老闆的私生子之類的咧22F 07/12 15:19
→ : 還以為^
→ : 還以為^
→ : 興都來不及了。現階段他離能爭取中產以上合約還有點24F 07/12 15:19
推 : 勇士少哪一個就會被說是隱憂,那其他隊怎麼辦25F 07/12 15:20
→ : 距離,不太需要去考慮arenas條款26F 07/12 15:20
推 : 他對勇士根本可有可無27F 07/12 15:21
推 : 還在跳針FMVP是老大喔 別妄想拉28F 07/12 15:21
推 : 這隻有差嗎?29F 07/12 15:22
推 : 而且勇士也沒什麼兩難的,真的有人丟中產大概就直30F 07/12 15:23
→ : 接放人了
→ : 接放人了
推 : 以前也有個Jerome James用季後賽證明過自己啊...32F 07/12 15:24
推 : 又不是每個38順位都養得出來 那勇士也太神了33F 07/12 15:27
噓 : KD都降薪給你看了你牌子有他大嗎?識相一點吧34F 07/12 15:30
推 : 四巨頭還在,放誰沒什麼差…35F 07/12 15:30
推 : 這隻500以上勇士就不會跟了吧,豪華稅很恐怖的36F 07/12 15:30
推 : 可取代 沒啥好擔心的37F 07/12 15:30
推 : J.James季後賽打得跟歐肥一樣 撈到大約後就怕爽死了38F 07/12 15:33
推 : 這隻打出千萬身價勇士就交易去換籤 就怕只有500萬39F 07/12 15:34
→ : 這樣勇士才會猶豫要不要跟
→ : 這樣勇士才會猶豫要不要跟
→ : 不差你一個41F 07/12 15:35
→ : RFA直接出價就好了 幹嘛跟你換籤42F 07/12 15:38
推 : 叫KD再降一些呀43F 07/12 15:39
→ : 這標題我以為有八卦可以看…44F 07/12 15:39
推 : 籃網:Hi ~你好嗎~45F 07/12 15:46
→ : 第八人、第九人是有啥好兩難的46F 07/12 15:46
推 : 這隻沒強到可以取代小Ai47F 07/12 15:48
推 : 既然勇士這麼會養人 根本不會開大約給他喇48F 07/12 15:50
→ : 再找新人養就好阿 反正勇士體系 不缺這類型的
→ : 再找新人養就好阿 反正勇士體系 不缺這類型的
推 : 除了5小+Liv不能動 其它沒什麼不能取代的50F 07/12 15:51
推 : 麥考目前看來還好啦51F 07/12 15:53
→ : 球商是不錯 心態沉穩
→ : 運球和視野以側翼來看不錯
→ : 但三分出手不穩 身材也太瘦
→ : 防守腳步不夠好
→ : 而勇士休賽季又補的這麼誇張
→ : 未來上場機會可能會比今年還少
→ : 球商是不錯 心態沉穩
→ : 運球和視野以側翼來看不錯
→ : 但三分出手不穩 身材也太瘦
→ : 防守腳步不夠好
→ : 而勇士休賽季又補的這麼誇張
→ : 未來上場機會可能會比今年還少
推 : 這隻還好吧58F 07/12 15:53
→ : 這樣的狀況能讓打出別隊想開大約的表現嗎?59F 07/12 15:54
→ : 除非那隊是尼克
→ : 除非那隊是尼克
推 : 如果是勇士自養的中鋒或者大前可能還需要考慮61F 07/12 15:55
推 : KD為球隊犧牲成這樣 還不夠嗎 屌虐MJ62F 07/12 15:57
推 : 真的 就防守來說 差太多了 老母雞跟雛鳥的差距63F 07/12 15:58
→ : 那就先賣掉啊64F 07/12 16:00
→ : 還要帶著練看看 誰跟你賣=..=65F 07/12 16:04
噓 : 勇士不缺約僱人員 再選就有66F 07/12 16:04
推 : 這老鷹值得可以出一支後段首輪換67F 07/12 16:05
推 : 按照過去勇士的作法,這種程度就在簽別人來養68F 07/12 16:05
→ : 拿未來十年的38籤來換!(X)69F 07/12 16:07
推 : 傻傻的,當然是領底薪留在舒服圈70F 07/12 16:09
推 : 傻傻的 可以輕鬆賺戒指 還不滿意?71F 07/12 16:11
推 : [人家今年就可以兩個戒指了 當然是尋求大約72F 07/12 16:19
推 : 隨便出個一千勇士就跟不上了吧73F 07/12 16:20
→ : 除非他能在第二年成為不錯的3D 不然勇士沒必要更74F 07/12 16:26
推 : 頂多丟掉再從新秀選或是買就好了啊75F 07/12 16:28
推 : 這隻哪有這麼重要 在選不就好了76F 07/12 16:34
推 : 都有戒指了 一定會去外面領大約的呀~77F 07/12 16:38
推 : 這隻真的沒有非留不可的必要78F 07/12 16:38
→ : 勇士也沒差 就再找人養 或是自然會有人來抱腿79F 07/12 16:38
推 : 講半天就是不管Mccaw死活XD80F 07/12 16:41
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 63
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