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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-05-02 11:40:35
看板 NBA
作者 love1500274 (CoWuCoWu)
標題 [情報] Woj: 尼克隊希望在這週決定主教練人選
時間 Wed May  2 05:00:35 2018

Mike Brown has last interview for New York Knicks coaching job
Warriors assistant Mike Brown was the last candidate to interview for the Knicks' head-coaching job, sources told ESPN. ...



After talking with Golden State Warriors assistant Mike Brown, the New York
Knicks have completed interviews for the franchise's head-coaching job and
team officials are huddling to reach a consensus on the hiring of a
candidate, league sources told ESPN.

The Knicks hope to hire a new coach this week, sources said.

Former Grizzlies coach David Fizdale, former Cavaliers coach David Blatt and
former Hawks coach Mike Budenholzer are among the candidates Knicks president
Steve Mills and general manager Scott Perry have met with in recent weeks.

Former Warriors coach Mark Jackson, Heat assistant Juwan Howard, Spurs
assistant James Borrego, Toronto G League coach Jerry Stackhouse, Celtics
assistant Jay Larranaga, Clippers assistant Mike Woodson and television
analyst Kenny Smith are among the candidates the Knicks interviewed to
replace Jeff Hornacek, who was fired in April after two seasons as coach.

The Knicks are searching for their 11th head coach since the 2001-02 season.
Management hopes this hire can help bring stability to a franchise that
hasn't reached the playoffs in five seasons.

Mills and Perry hope to build a young core around All-Star center Kristaps
Porzingis, who isn't expected back until midway through next season as he
recovers from a torn ACL. The Knicks own all of their future first-round
draft picks and project to have significant cap space in the 2019 offseason.

"I think this is a very desirable place and job, and I think a lot of
candidates will see and understand the vision that we have, the type of
people that we are," Perry said last month. "In conjunction with the city of
New York and the historical significance of the New York Knicks, this will be
an attractive job for a lot of coaches and [there] will be a lot of interest
in this job."

Mills said last month that the franchise's next coaching hire will need to
"understand today's player" and be a strong communicator.

Said Mills: "Today's players are very different from yesterday's players. So
you have to be a person that understands who these guys are, where they come
from, what their basketball journey is."


尼克和勇士隊的助理教練Mike Brown面試結束後



前灰熊隊教練 David Fizdale
前騎士隊教練 David Blatt
前老鷹隊教練 Mike Budenholzer
前勇士隊教練 Mark Jackson
熱火隊助理教練 Juwan Howard
馬刺隊助理教練 James Borrego
暴龍隊發展聯盟教練 Jerry Stackhouse
塞爾提克隊助理教練 Jay Larranaga
快艇隊助理教練 Mike Woodson
TNT台分析師 Kenny Smith


管理層希望新教練能帶領尼克 打破連五年沒進季後賽的窘境

總管Steve Mills和經理Scott Perry表示

球隊將圍繞Kristaps Porzingis建隊 (KP預計下季中能回到球場)

而尼克握有 所有未來的首輪選秀權

且在2019的賽季結束後 擁有龐大的薪資空間

https://i.imgur.com/aBbNYAD.png (薪資參考)

紐約主教練的位置 必須具備和球員良好的溝通能力

現今球員和以前球員不一樣了 教練必須徹頭徹尾的了解這些球員


"目前" 看起來 尼克要重返季後賽 下個賽季會有點難度
KP季中才會回歸 加上現有的陣容和薪資空間
新教練的人選 可能會決定KP 未來要不要繼續留在大蘋果

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kerogunpla  : 連Juwan Howard都有...怎麼不找大猩猩1F 05/02 05:08
Blink41     : 想看Blatt教練2F 05/02 05:27
chieher     : 我勇出品助理教練又要進軍大城市啦3F 05/02 05:34
randy101021 : 只希望尼克因此好一點吧 不然東區太無聊4F 05/02 05:52
allen12126  : 老闆不換,誰當總教練都無能為力5F 05/02 06:09
NLchu       : 選誰有差嗎,HQ都是一堆飯桶6F 05/02 06:13
raychen0322 : MB之前的薪水領完了嗎7F 05/02 06:13
yw1002      : NBA球隊裡還有哪些沒得過總冠的?8F 05/02 06:15
kingroy     : ABA跟上古時代都算應該很少沒冠的9F 05/02 06:37
kuloda      : 其實這季KP沒受傷前尼克還蠻強的10F 05/02 06:44
SamDalembert: 沒找Vogal?11F 05/02 06:47
SamDalembert:        e
nuturewind  : 連kenny smith都找…這名單也太天馬行空xd13F 05/02 06:50
steven87066 : 看著薪資 空間真大呢 Noah好意思?14F 05/02 06:51
kevin890117 : 讓BS回來15F 05/02 06:54
Toy17       : KP不是可能明年再休整季?16F 05/02 06:55
rioslo      : KP預期是明星賽後回歸17F 05/02 07:00
pttsac      : 禪師:第一題  你敢吃章魚觸手嗎~~~~~~~~~~~~18F 05/02 07:02
iandol      : 感覺Mark Jackson可以試試19F 05/02 07:11
Nobodyesi   : 記得猩猩在帶高中?20F 05/02 07:18
rioslo      : 借轉萬人海選教練版(?21F 05/02 07:20
rioslo:轉錄至看板 Knicks                                        05/02 07:20
Hohenzollern: Mike Brown是NBA的蘇秦 之前能同時領湖人騎士勇士22F 05/02 07:20
Hohenzollern: 的薪水
kaede0711   : 這週決定新的入火坑人選24F 05/02 07:49
Oskar       : 結果是豆總(咦25F 05/02 07:51
srwcc       : 球員看到Kenny smith會不會想笑XD26F 05/02 07:54
srwcc       : 這麼幽默的人
summercat   : 突然想看Kenny smith當教練28F 05/02 08:05
rainice     : 支持 Blatt, 大屁股 跟 牛排屋 ~ 武僧滾蛋29F 05/02 08:26
WarIII      : 誰來都是幫尼克管理背鍋而已 問題就不在教練上30F 05/02 08:33
yeustream   : 就是個屎缺,布朗爺只在尼克失敗31F 05/02 08:43
liafree     : 灰熊教練不錯吧32F 05/02 08:46
aa29824306  : 魏永泰跟范耿祥 其實也可以考慮 世界名教33F 05/02 08:52
hunt5566    : 就可愛舅舅吧34F 05/02 09:03
f22313467   : 找許晉哲啊35F 05/02 09:03
a9564208    : 明年坦一下36F 05/02 09:04
hutten      : 反正都要坦 可以選我37F 05/02 09:12
dakkk       : 要坦找scott38F 05/02 09:15
barbeilt    : 世界和平哩?39F 05/02 09:20
owhfr69c    : Bs 相信史總  幫你坦籤40F 05/02 09:21
hsu749      : 這薪資空間叫龐大嗎?卡了noah和holiday 還有新秀換41F 05/02 09:26
hsu749      : 約和選秀簽約 不是空白就是龐大好嗎
lovecmgirls : 好好坦比較實在啦 不要再想些有的沒的43F 05/02 09:42
lovecmgirls : 簽一堆高薪低能的傢伙
grimnir158  : 找誰都沒用啦 好教練過去都會黑掉45F 05/02 09:54
yor         : 阿泰不是有想去 沒去面試?46F 05/02 09:54
o0991758566 : 高層不換  沒用47F 05/02 09:56
ghostxx     : 有這種老闆底下都砲灰不如找新面孔吧48F 05/02 09:58
tacochung   : 選我選我,我幫坦一流的49F 05/02 10:00
loho        :50F 05/02 10:00
seiya1201   : 面試王Mike Brown又來面試了51F 05/02 10:08
wayne291291 : 猜Mark Jackson52F 05/02 10:16
canlest     : 想看kenny XDD53F 05/02 10:38
foreverc    : Kenny阿54F 05/02 10:38
jevin       : 我豪回歸啊55F 05/02 10:46
j33669      : 等等,kenny是那個訪談整天拿大夢故事出來喇賽的56F 05/02 10:46
j33669      : 傢伙嗎?
allen12126  : KP看起來也是個痛痛人 不管誰當教練 尼克都不樂觀58F 05/02 10:52
vol6sim     : 換許晉哲啦59F 05/02 10:56
kipi91718   :  Kenny Smith???60F 05/02 10:58
jack19931993: 接生孩子有興趣回紐約嗎61F 05/02 10:58
ArtTao      : kenny smith總教練,俠客巴克利助理教練62F 05/02 11:04
ArtTao      : 騎士kerr可以當總教練,smith也沒問題
pounil      : 換許晉哲幹嘛 麥班達邱大宗都比較好64F 05/02 11:08
pi020412    : 熱火變新一代教練農場?65F 05/02 11:10
st890284    : 看到Kenny就笑了66F 05/02 11:17
waterfall   : 選誰有差嗎?爛老闆一樣會搞死你67F 05/02 11:20
Hohenzollern: 麥班達的語言溝通最沒問題68F 05/02 11:28
bearbig     : 尼克 holiday????????69F 05/02 11:34
xeroma      : Kenny+Shaq+Barkley70F 05/02 11:38

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