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作者 標題 [外絮] Horford的妹妹推特:Fxxx you JR!
時間 Wed May 16 16:53:46 2018
JR Smith DIRTY PLAY Marcus Smart Wants To Fight - YouTube
Things getting heated. Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe for more. Turn on notifications for the next one! ignore tags NBA 2017-18 Season REFS CONTROVERSIAL Mo...
Things getting heated. Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe for more. Turn on notifications for the next one! ignore tags NBA 2017-18 Season REFS CONTROVERSIAL Mo...
然後活佛的妹妹Anna生氣了 馬上發推
Anna Horford
@AnnaHorfordFUCK YOU JR
@AnnaHorfordFUCK YOU JR
Anna Horford
幹X媽的JR Smith!
God, I love Smart.
天啊 我愛聰明哥!
Emotions were clearly running high, lol. Damn, that made me mad.
情緒有點太激動了 哈哈! 靠! 這真的讓我很生氣!
Jared Weiss
@JaredWeissNBAHorford on JR Smith shove: "I thought that was uncalled for, that type of the play here. But that's the one thing about our group of guys. We have each other's backs. It is what it is. We moved on to the next play."
@JaredWeissNBAHorford on JR Smith shove: "I thought that was uncalled for, that type of the play here. But that's the one thing about our group of guys. We have each other's backs. It is what it is. We moved on to the next play."
Horford on JR Smith shove: "I thought that was uncalled for, that type of the
play here. But that's the one thing about our group of guys. We have each
other's backs. It is what it is. We moved on to the next play."
Adam Himmelsbach
@AdamHimmelsbachMarcus Smart: "This is not the first time JR has done some dirty stuff, especially against us….You keep letting a bully pick on you until you stand up, and that’s what I tried to do."
@AdamHimmelsbachMarcus Smart: "This is not the first time JR has done some dirty stuff, especially against us….You keep letting a bully pick on you until you stand up, and that’s what I tried to do."
especially against us….You keep letting a bully pick on you until you stand
up, and that’s what I tried to do."
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推 : JR:咪吐1F 05/16 16:54
推 : JR:好哇2F 05/16 16:55
推 : JR:我的床又大又柔軟3F 05/16 16:55
※ 編輯: bigDwinsch (, 05/16/2018 16:56:58推 : JR:>\\\\\\\<4F 05/16 16:56
推 : JR:這要求我這輩子沒見過5F 05/16 16:56
→ : 痾 smart有好到哪去?6F 05/16 16:57
推 : JR:ok,come on7F 05/16 16:57
→ : JR:正面上我啊8F 05/16 16:57
推 : JR : 某樓閉嘴讓我享受-////-9F 05/16 16:57
推 : 讓我代替JR受罪吧10F 05/16 16:57
推 : JR:大家都聽到啦 是他叫我X他我才X他的11F 05/16 16:57
推 : Kobe:早說嘛12F 05/16 16:58
推 : KD: 我覺得不要Fxxk JR 應該Fxxk KD13F 05/16 16:58
推 : 下場比賽 騎士一堆人在推15F 05/16 16:58
→ : 我可><16F 05/16 16:58
推 : JR:羞17F 05/16 16:59
推 : JR:OK18F 05/16 16:59
推 : 趁亂告白欸19F 05/16 16:59
→ : 我不行 但jr應該可以20F 05/16 16:59
推 : Jr:居然釣到21F 05/16 17:01
→ : kardashian帶起來的長相22F 05/16 17:02
推 : 她這種黑人很愛吧23F 05/16 17:03
推 : JR:來呀!24F 05/16 17:04
→ : 重看這影片好幾次,某人都在邊邊慢慢跟上26F 05/16 17:04
推 : smart哪裡不好27F 05/16 17:04
推 : 算很正了吧 Horford本身長的就斯文斯文的28F 05/16 17:04
→ : 蠻正的啊 而且很兇30F 05/16 17:05
→ : 聰明哥:你愛我還是JR31F 05/16 17:06
推 : 修圖才那麼亮的吧 不然真的黑人你吃得下去?32F 05/16 17:07
推 : 這型我不行, 可是她很正很兇阿~33F 05/16 17:08
推 : NBA:感謝抖...誤會 ㄅ歉34F 05/16 17:09
推 : 可啊 有些黑人也很性感35F 05/16 17:09
推 : Horford 又不黑.....你以為每個黑人都小黑碳阿36F 05/16 17:09
推 : JR表示快來罷托~37F 05/16 17:11
推 : JR接受挑戰38F 05/16 17:12
→ : 活佛本身眼睛就超漂亮,睫毛超長40F 05/16 17:12
→ : JR:我看到一個大屁股在眼前 情不自禁41F 05/16 17:13
推 : JR:I WAIT FOR YOU42F 05/16 17:14
推 : JR:嘻嘻43F 05/16 17:14
推 : 和利菁有像到44F 05/16 17:14
推 : 歪樓了啦45F 05/16 17:16
推 : 沒辦法… 臉孔感覺像身材不錯的男人46F 05/16 17:16
推 : JR:正面上我R47F 05/16 17:16
推 : 完了 JR要多推幾下了48F 05/16 17:20
推 : 另一個妹妹Maria更正49F 05/16 17:20
推 : JR:Yeah fxxk me as hard as you can bxxxh!50F 05/16 17:21
推 : JR:來吧!51F 05/16 17:21
推 : 女生那麼主動==52F 05/16 17:22
推 : 對 活佛的睫毛超長原來不是只有我發現XDD53F 05/16 17:23
推 : JR:抱歉,我只想推倒你哥54F 05/16 17:26
推 : 給某樓,Smart最常做的事情是假摔,這頂多沒摔好傷55F 05/16 17:28
→ : 到自己,可不會傷到別人喔
→ : 到自己,可不會傷到別人喔
推 : JR:今天零分很不爽57F 05/16 17:29
推 : 哈58F 05/16 17:29
推 : 活佛的姊妹都不錯阿,可惡想吃姊妹丼(誤59F 05/16 17:32
推 : 活佛有波斯血統嗎?60F 05/16 17:35
推 : [水桶] AnnaHorford 14天61F 05/16 17:39
推 : 0分仔62F 05/16 17:42
推 : 很正63F 05/16 17:44
→ : 活佛那個眼睛扮女裝應該正(誤64F 05/16 17:45
→ : JR那個動作太超過65F 05/16 17:49
推 : JR:不要光說不練喔66F 05/16 17:49
→ : 為啥老美女性都愛畫得像人妖一樣 然後啥都要大大大67F 05/16 17:52
→ : 眼睛也要大 嘴唇也要大 奶也要大 屁股也要大
→ : 眼睛也要大 嘴唇也要大 奶也要大 屁股也要大
推 : 因為美國什麼的大呀69F 05/16 17:54
推 : 活佛眼睛真的滿美的70F 05/16 17:55
推 : 感覺整很大71F 05/16 17:55
推 : >\\\<72F 05/16 17:55
推 : JR:嘿嘿73F 05/16 17:59
推 : Horford本身就長的不差啊74F 05/16 17:59
→ : 像大一號的Grant Hill
→ : 像大一號的Grant Hill
推 : smart哪裡不好?76F 05/16 18:02
推 : 看朋友現場的影片,全場觀眾都在喊這句XD77F 05/16 18:02
推 : 老婆超正78F 05/16 18:04
推 : JR:好久沒看過這麼主動的79F 05/16 18:06
推 : 放開JR有種衝著我來80F 05/16 18:07
推 : 其實活佛比較正欸哈哈哈哈81F 05/16 18:09
推 : 應該是說活佛顏值高吧82F 05/16 18:16
推 : JR爽了,推個人還可以再推另個人83F 05/16 18:18
→ : 活佛眼可以看出一家好基因87F 05/16 18:22
→ : 半斤八兩88F 05/16 18:27
推 : 全場一起喊的欸XD89F 05/16 18:28
"Fuck you JR" - YouTube
Celtics fans chanting fuck you JR after he pushes Al Horford during the NBA Playoffs Eastern Conference Finals game 2
Celtics fans chanting fuck you JR after he pushes Al Horford during the NBA Playoffs Eastern Conference Finals game 2
推 : 那根本少女漫畫的眼睛92F 05/16 18:31
推 : 推93F 05/16 18:37
推 : Horford老婆才正94F 05/16 18:37
→ : 我不行...95F 05/16 18:38
推 : 笑死全場都想XJR 這樣喊一定舒壓96F 05/16 18:46
推 : JR:好喔,come baby97F 05/16 18:56
噓 : 二線球員被一線球員推也能上版面98F 05/16 18:57
噓 : 髒,瞧不起騎士99F 05/16 18:59
→ : REI3173你貼的活佛超像男大姊XDDDDDDDDDDD100F 05/16 19:04
推 : 靠北好兇XD101F 05/16 19:09
推 : JR:說過的話不能不算數喔!y102F 05/16 19:10
推 : JR:我等不及啦!103F 05/16 19:13
推 : Horford的弟弟是之前看拉拉隊那個嗎XD104F 05/16 19:17
推 : JR: 讓妳嘗嘗老衲的棒子!!105F 05/16 19:19
推 : 推一下換一發 那下一場我要再繼續推!106F 05/16 19:21
→ : 在約嗎107F 05/16 19:22
推 : JR:Come on !Do it!!!!108F 05/16 19:35
推 : 活佛其實蠻帥的 斯文型的109F 05/16 20:04
推 : 活佛眼睛漂亮原來不是只有我這麼覺得XD110F 05/16 20:24
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 92