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看板 MobileComm
作者 標題 [新聞] ARM新處理器性能追平intel i5
時間 Sat Jun 2 07:36:03 2018
ARM promises laptop-level performance in 2019 | Ars Technica
Chip design company claims performance comparable to Intel's Kaby Lake. ...
ARM promises laptop-level performance in 2019
Chip design company claims performance comparable to Intel's Kaby Lake.
它的效能會跟intel 的Kaby Lake 一樣
Chip design company ARM has unveiled its latest high performance processor
design, the Cortex-A76. The company claims that the new design is 35 percent
faster than the current Cortex-A75, making for performance that's comparable
with Intel's Skylake i5 processors.
ARM揭露了Cortex-A76,它比A75快了35%。這使的它的速度跟intel i5一樣快
ARM licenses both chip designs and the instruction set that the chips use.
Apple's smartphones and tablets use the ARM instruction set with custom,
in-house designs from Cupertino. Most other smartphones and tablets, however,
use processors that are either unmodified ARM designs (for example, Mediatek
does this), or lightly customized ARM designs (such as Qualcomm's latest
processors). Chips using the new design should hit the market in 2019.
The extra performance of the new design should help close the gap both with
Apple's custom designs—in most situations, they're the fastest ARM chips on
the market—and Intel's x86 processors. Speaking to CNET, ARM's lead
processor architect Mike Filippo said that the new design would "do well"
against Apple and roughly match the Intel Core i5-7300. That processor is a
two-core, four-thread chip running at between 2.6 and 3.5 GHz using Intel's
Kaby Lake architecture. With more cache, Filippo says that even i7 parts
should be within reach.
新的設計幫助它們拉近與蘋果-世界最快的ARM晶片-和intel X86晶片的差距。ARM說
新的設計對抗蘋果的表現很好,而它差不多跟intel i5-7300打平。如果有更多的暫
新的設計對抗蘋果的表現很好,而它差不多跟intel i5-7300打平。如果有更多的暫
To put that into some context, the i5-7300 was released in the first quarter
of 2017. Intel's chips in 2019 should be somewhat faster (though just how
much faster isn't clear, given the company's continued difficulties in making
its 10nm manufacturing process work well), but an i5 from 2017 is
unambiguously at the level of "good enough" performance for a wide range of
laptop users. Moreover, this performance should be achieved at lower power
cost than Intel's 15W chips; ARM's performance estimates are assuming a 7nm
manufacturing process.
This combination of performance and power consumption should make the new
chips compelling for Microsoft's Always Connected Windows machines. The
current ARM Windows machines are using the Cortex-A73 design in Qualcomm's
Snapdragon 835. They've offered compelling battery life, but the performance
has been significantly weaker than that of Intel systems. Cortex-A76 is about
twice as fast as the A73, redressing that performance deficit without hurting
the excellent battery life.
在intel 10奈米一直擠不出來下,使用7奈米設計的Cortex-A76基本上可以贏過
intel 14奈米的筆電晶片了。在此情況下,windows 10 for ARM可以提供20小時
intel 14奈米的筆電晶片了。在此情況下,windows 10 for ARM可以提供20小時
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1R4TXcoc (MobileComm)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MobileComm/M.1527896166.A.CA6.html
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