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看板 NBA
作者 TreeNewBee (吹牛B!!!)
標題 [外絮] 表弟也救不了鵜鶘總管犯的錯
時間 Sun Nov  5 11:46:58 2017

Not even Boogie Cousins can save the Pelicans from their general manager's



There is no question that the New Orleans Pelicans made an excellent trade to
acquire DeMarcus Cousins from the Sacramento Kings in February. Cousins has
been every bit as good as advertised, even while sharing the ball and
spotlight with superstar teammate Anthony Davis. The Pelicans gave up Buddy
Hield and a draft pick in that deal: Hield has improved in a more suitable
environment and the pick became Justin Jackson and Harry Giles, but New
Orleans would do that deal again in a heartbeat.

鵜鶘做了個絕佳的交易--換來表弟,只用了Buddy Hield+選秀權

The question is not whether the Cousins trade was a good one. All evidence
suggests that it was. The question is whether the Pelicans were in too deep a
hole for the Cousins trade to allow them to recover.


First, let’s run through the evidence that the Cousins trade has itself been
a success. In 2016-17, after the trade, lineups featuring both Cousins and
Davis were +41 in 394 minutes, or roughly +5 per 48 minutes. In Davis’ other
1,795 minutes last season, the Pelicans were +10, which works out to +0.25
per 48 minutes.

上賽季,表弟+AD同時在場上,贏對手5 point/48 mins
只有AD在場上時,贏對手0.25 point/48 mins

Through seven games this season, the Pelicans are +44 in 147 minutes Cousins
and Davis have shared on the floor. In 55 minutes with Davis on the floor and
Cousins off, the Pelicans are -38. In 113 minutes with Cousins on the floor
and Davis off, the Pelicans are -3. In the 21 minutes with neither on the
floor, the Pelicans are -12.


In other words, the Pelicans are +14 per 48 minutes — something like a
60-win team — with Cousins and Davis on the floor together. They’re a -13
per 48 minutes — something like a 20-win team — when one or both sits.

This is a failure of team-building.

雙塔---贏14 point/48 mins--------->60勝超級強隊
單塔/0塔---輸13 point/48 mins----->20勝搶狀元


Jrue Holiday matters to this conversation, as the lead point guard often
plays with both bigs and only sometimes when just one of them is on the
court. Obviously, the starting lineup is suited to making the Boogie-Brow duo
shine. The bench units — including those which feature just one of the pair
— suffer. Head coach Alvin Gentry has been good at staggering rest for Davis
and Cousins; it just hasn’t mattered much. When one of them sits, the team
— which has been smashing opposing starting lineups — folds.


Demps didn’t do much in free agency before this season because he couldn’t.
He’d hamstrung himself over the years with bad deals and poor draft picks.
In 2014, Demps traded a draft pick for Omer Asik, a lumbering relic with no
place in the modern NBA. He compounded the mistake by giving Asik an enormous
contract in free agency. Asik hasn’t seen a second of action this season.
That same summer of 2015, Demps gave Alexis Ajinca — another center who isn’
t fit for today’s NBA — a sizeable deal.



These centers aren’t just limiting New Orleans’ cap space. They are taking
up valuable roster spots since the Pelicans are unwilling to cut bait and pay
them to go away. Demps won the Jameer Nelson sweepstakes after Denver cut him
loose. But to sign Nelson (a necessity with Rajon Rondo injured), the Pels
had to waive a useful Jordan Crawford — all because Asik and Ajinca were
taking up roster spots.

傷了軟豆,幸好找來尼二嬸,但因為名額上限也裁了能打的Jordan Crawford

The draft might as well not even exist for New Orleans. Demps has been around
for seven drafts. Only two first-round picks in that time played at least one
full season for the Pelicans: Anthony Davis and Austin Rivers. Only Davis
finished out his rookie deal in New Orleans. Nerlens Noel was traded in the
Jrue Holiday deal on draft day; Hield went out in the Cousins swap. Consider
this: Demps’ Pelicans has traded the team’s 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and
2017 first-round picks for Holiday, Asik, and Cousins.

dding to this pile of problems, Demps has failed to pull in any second-round
draft gems.



As evidenced by Asik and Ajinca, Demps hasn’t fared much better in free
agency. Spending big on Tyreke Evans in 2013 didn’t work out, and the
Solomon Hill deal in 2016 was a classic reach that limited New Orleans in
2017. Rondo and Tony Allen received modest deals this summer — under the gun
to re-up Holiday, all the Pels could offer were modest deals — that can’t
hurt. But the fact that neither can shoot from distance poses spectacular fit
issues. Somehow, the latest Demps pick-up — Josh Smith — seems unlikely to
resolve that problem.

2013年-------------大約簽下Tyreke Evans
2016年經典作-------大約找來Solomon Hill
2017年不錯---------找來軟豆跟Tony Allen

最近簽的Josh Smith也半斤八兩

What exactly has Demps done right in New Orleans?

He drafted Davis and traded for Cousins. The Jrue Holiday trade worked out
pretty well, in part because Nerlens Noel remains a walking question mark.
Everything else Demps has done has been a complete mess.


Now we are learning that the few huge roster victories can’t paper over the
parade of failures. Unless the Pelicans figure out a way to survive those
essential minutes when Boogie and the Brow aren’t on the court together,
Demps dug himself a hole too deep to climb out of.


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IBIZA       : 找來的球員簡崔不會用也怪GM?1F 11/05 11:50
IBIZA       : 樓下支援AD流淚圖
qazwsx879345: ASIK當初在火箭也是很猛 GM也不知道球風變那麼快3F 11/05 11:51
tim8333     : 後衛爛掉爆4F 11/05 11:51
NIOHA       : TE灰熊用的好爽5F 11/05 11:51
abcde010710 : Demp跟簡崔都炒起來6F 11/05 11:52
NIOHA       : EG RA去了火箭都考100分了7F 11/05 11:52
IBIZA       : 後衛太爛?假日在七六人也很猛,走掉的EG到火箭也很8F 11/05 11:53
IBIZA       : 猛
semicoma    : 如果不是你這篇的數據 我都差點被Maxslack大大大誤10F 11/05 11:54
semicoma    : 導為Cousins很爛惹嗚嗚
JCrawford   : 只能說高估強力內線的影響力了吧 AD自己本身也蠻痛12F 11/05 11:55
liefuchen   : 反正最後留不住AD demp也差不多了13F 11/05 11:55
IBIZA       : hield到國王馬上變少主14F 11/05 11:55
JCrawford   : 數據刷的漂亮輸球的強力內線也不只他一個 很多人都15F 11/05 11:56
JCrawford   : 有這毛病
semicoma    : 回來原文 我是覺得TE是好球員 季前也希望我爵能搶下17F 11/05 11:56
semicoma    : Jordan Crawford也是好綠葉 其他不熟不多說
IBIZA       : reke不管在國王還是在灰熊,都比在鵜鶘好很多19F 11/05 11:57
IBIZA       : 簡崔打小球卻用不好後衛,怪誰?
semicoma    : 對啊 所以除了傷兵史以及在水鳥的成績 這麼乖又努力21F 11/05 11:59
semicoma    : 天賦也還在的球員 不搶可惜啊
skoyeee     : 原來水鳥是教練的問題23F 11/05 12:01
IBIZA       : 雙塔只是簡崔的遮羞布而已24F 11/05 12:01
semicoma    : 查了一下 今年才10.2M 有夠便宜25F 11/05 12:01
IBIZA       : 水鳥本來就教練問題26F 11/05 12:02
AndoliniV   : 猶記得當初換掉Monty,歡天喜地的XD27F 11/05 12:02
EX37        : Hield我王少主?是不是有什麼誤會28F 11/05 12:02
AndoliniV   : 但也不能否認總管的交易做很糟,個人覺得操之過急29F 11/05 12:03
IBIZA       : 今年還有Fox啦30F 11/05 12:03
IBIZA       : 去年Hield轉隊後的確打出少主架勢,有什麼問題嗎
c8c812345678: 如果都是丟外線造成長籃板 哪兩個大個也沒有優勢32F 11/05 12:05
c8c812345678: 打法應該還是圍繞兩個長人 所以目前數據正常
lovemeteor  : Hield現在狀況國王迷比較清楚吧?34F 11/05 12:07
michaelch   : Hield現在炸裂中 沒有人知道他怎麼會變那麼爛XDDDDD35F 11/05 12:09
MK12        : 很簡單 看看火箭的Gordon跟RA 就知道 馬上起飛36F 11/05 12:18
IBIZA       : hield這幾場打不好,也比在鵜鶘PER高很多37F 11/05 12:19
s925407     : 鵜鶘總管爛是有目共睹,但是簡崔還是會領繩的,怪教38F 11/05 12:20
s925407     : 練最簡單了,完全不用思考
IBIZA       : 簡崔爛才是有目共睹吧40F 11/05 12:22
IBIZA       : 不管手上有什麼料都要炒一樣的菜
IBIZA       : 明明有能力的球員,只是不適合炒那道菜,也不知道稍
IBIZA       : 微調整,就直接當噴
IBIZA       : 表弟跟AD是還好還能適應小球,不然這篇講的就不只Ai
IBIZA       : sk了
IBIZA       : 愛炒一樣的菜1就算了,偏偏主要的調味料又用不好
James78923  : 戴迷都認為隊友拖累AD,結果表弟比他還CARRY47F 11/05 12:28
IBIZA       : 一堆優質後衛甚至明星後衛的材料,看看在簡崔手上打48F 11/05 12:28
IBIZA       : 怎樣,離開後打怎樣
IBIZA       : 高價簽明星來,簡崔用爛,結果不續約去別隊又變強,
IBIZA       : 都GM的鍋?
James78923  : 給AD一樣的隊友結果輸表弟一人帶隊時35分52F 11/05 12:30
aoka        : 好期待rondo回歸53F 11/05 12:33
gsg0910     : 裁Jordan少幹分的 真的無言54F 11/05 12:36
Kobelikeshit: 後場籃板塔來幹、運球推進前場塔來幹、一條龍快攻終55F 11/05 12:40
Kobelikeshit: 結塔來幹、半場落位組織塔來幹、半場持球單打塔來幹
Kobelikeshit: 外圍分球塔來幹、外線直接投籃塔來幹....
Kobelikeshit: 後衛最有存在感的是亂刀尼二嬸,其他人外線永遠有一
Kobelikeshit: 場沒一場的,一群在外圍移動裝忙的邊緣人
afdm1234    : 球隊少了兩個主力不會打球,不是再正常不過的事嗎60F 11/05 12:43
auron4041   : 我覺得還是GM的鍋 假日說在76人強 也是那個時候強61F 11/05 12:45
auron4041   : 有大傷過還給高薪 這個不能單怪教練吧
IBIZA       : 等不續約離開就知道了,看看EG63F 11/05 12:46
auron4041   : 另外水鳥的側翼 我是不知道詳細 但是應該是聯盟後段64F 11/05 12:46
auron4041   : Moore我記得到水鳥前都是二線還是三線替補的
Pixis       : 噓Asik66F 11/05 12:47
auron4041   : 他們的陣容整個太過不平衡了....光是禁區的薪資就佔67F 11/05 12:48
auron4041   : 整支球隊2/3了
IBIZA       : 講到Moore,又要提EG了69F 11/05 12:50
JCrawford   : Asik是生病到不能打球70F 11/05 12:50
JCrawford   : 健康時 是堪用的藍領
IBIZA       : 還有Reke72F 11/05 12:51
Kobelikeshit: 不會都是GM的鍋,看看76人的TJ McConnell,小後衛內73F 11/05 12:53
Kobelikeshit: 外交錯,該分球分球該送球送球,球在他手上就是有一
g820215     : monty帶的最後一年其實打的還不錯75F 11/05 12:53
Kobelikeshit: 定掌控度,不會什麼事都丟給Embiid做,讓他在外面邊76F 11/05 12:54
Kobelikeshit: 緣,Gentry第一年來就叫AD在那邊外圍發動單打,到現
webberpopo  : 沒關係表弟這季結束會走人 大家好像都忘記這件事?78F 11/05 12:55
Kobelikeshit: 在還是把塔當西河用,練不出TJM這種能頂一下節奏的79F 11/05 12:56
Kobelikeshit: 雙塔極度消耗使用爆發也就是打普隊剛好過線程度,一
Kobelikeshit: 掛傷號少一個或狀況略差,就是一盤散沙,一樣搶樂透
Kobelikeshit: 的程度,塔當西河用,就是等搶關鍵戰績時又沒塔可用
davy50707   : 他們還不留 Casspi83F 11/05 12:59
anguskenneth: 就看軟豆能把二陣帶怎樣…84F 11/05 13:00
a870631     : TE到灰熊 真的回來了打得很猛85F 11/05 13:01
shinesun286 : 如果今年續約表弟,雙塔占薪資應該是7成86F 11/05 13:01
autechre    : 問題是Gentry比較大 好人不等於好教練87F 11/05 13:04
r44621      : Gentry和Demps都該滾了88F 11/05 13:12
plan1       : 爛教練爛總管雞肋球員 老闆預算不多才沒辦法像湖人89F 11/05 13:21
plan1       : 一直換教練
ji394tb     : 看雙塔是蠻爽的 但是其他就沒了91F 11/05 13:22
beariscut   : 明明是教練問題 超塞水鳥互換教練看看92F 11/05 13:49
ghostxx     : 教練就廢啊,鵜鶘不換就是不換93F 11/05 13:52
stu931134   : 萬能雙塔配一票3D和幾個組織後衛,這個配置概念各大94F 11/05 13:55
stu931134   : 論壇、球評與專欄已經是共識也講爛了,但問題是鵜鶘
stu931134   : 除了Omer Asik、E’Twaun Moore、Alexis Ajinca和So
stu931134   : lomon Hill合計4500萬的爛約,假日與雙塔難以兼容的
idlewolf    : 不用爭誰爛 教練總管一樣爛98F 11/05 13:56
coiico      : 基本上還是GM的鍋....教練也是GM找的啊~99F 11/05 13:56
Righto      : 水鳥教練問題很大100F 11/05 14:13
WLR         : 雙塔真的強,希望戰績能打出來101F 11/05 14:25
sam54824    : 哈哈哈102F 11/05 14:26
thbw666     : 再說一次  雙塔不會用至少輪流上場分攤時間  AD每場103F 11/05 14:28
thbw666     : 40分中真的hen可憐
super009    : 只有本季前7場就不用拿來放大說嘴 上季樣本數更多105F 11/05 14:39
super009    : 的確是AD一人在場時比較好
aegis43210  : 肯定是GM的鍋,GM當太久了107F 11/05 14:48
pp787753    : 給所羅門山那種合約真的是廢到笑108F 11/05 16:56

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