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作者 標題 [情報] Nikola Miroti接受了 Portis 的道歉
時間 Thu Nov 30 10:18:37 2017
Bulls' Niko Mirotic accepts Portis apology over fight - Chicago Tribune
Niko Mirotic accepted Bobby Portis' apology on Wednesday, six weeks after their ugly altercation at practice led to a hospitalization and a suspe ...
Niko Mirotic accepted Bobby Portis' apology on Wednesday, six weeks after
their ugly altercation at practice led to a hospitalization and a suspension.
Things remain awkward for the Chicago Bulls.
Mirotic 接受了 Portis 的道歉,但他們還是有點尷尬
A day after he sat on the bench for the first time all season, Mirotic
finally spoke publicly about the Oct. 17 incident that left him hospitalized
with two facial fractures and a concussion. Portis served an eight-game
suspension and Mirotic didn't return to practice until Monday.
Mirotic, who has a no-trade clause, declined to comment when asked if he had
requested a trade from the Bulls. The two players were seen giving each other
a fist bump during Tuesday night's 104-99 home loss to Phoenix, but Mirotic
suggested the interaction between the two players has been limited.
"Right now, we are on the same team and we are working to make it work,"
Mirotic said. "The only thing I can tell you . I was always a good teammate
so I was professional with everybody and I'll continue to do that. If I'm
here, it's because I want to support the team. He's a part of the team and
I'm going to support him, too. Obviously, I'm going to give him hands like
he'd give me hands, too."
Mirotic: 我們現在是同隊的,同隊的就是要挺隊友啦。他跟我擊掌,我就跟他擊掌
Portis issued a public apology shortly after he received his suspension and
acknowledged he would be open to the two working together.
"I'd welcome him in with open arms," Portis said on Nov. 13, the same day
Mirotic started working out again with the team.
Mirotic said he had yet to inform Portis he had accepted his apology.
"You know, we are teammates," Mirotic said. "On the same team. Fighting for
the same team and we're both going to do what we need to do to make it work.
Yeah, I accept it. I'm comfortable being on the team. I've had a lot of
support from my teammates, from everybody. Right now, it's on me to relax and
enjoy playing basketball again."
Coach Fred Hoiberg said Mirotic's actions Wednesday were critical to helping
the team get back on track. The Bulls (3-16) have lost six straight games.
"I do think that's an important first step," Hoiberg said. "Obviously, the
first thing was getting back on the floor after the incident, to start
getting himself back in shape. The next thing was to get back with the group,
which he's done here the past few days.
"It's good to have Niko back out on the floor with the guys and another
important step talking about it for the first time and then continuing trying
to move past it."
總仔:Mirotic hen棒。下一步就是讓他回到球場上
Mirotic will remain in Chicago while the team travels to Denver for Thursday
night's game.
Hoiberg said the earliest Mirotic would return to action is Monday when the
Bulls host the Cleveland Cavaliers. Though he acknowledged his return is much
closer than before, Mirotic also said he wouldn't get ahead of himself as he
focuses on conditioning.
不過 Mirotic 沒有隨隊。最早上場時間是下週一主場對戰騎士
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→ : 湯圓搓好搓滿1F 11/30 10:19
→ : 吞下去2F 11/30 10:20
推 : 等待復仇的一刻(誤3F 11/30 10:20
→ : 還是別跟自己過不去 有球打最好4F 11/30 10:20
推 : 等以後不是隊友,Portis就知死5F 11/30 10:20
推 : 有球打真的重要多了 一起賺錢就好 氣啥6F 11/30 10:21
推 : 不是不報7F 11/30 10:21
推 : 發現交易不出去 還是摸摸鼻子裝死好了8F 11/30 10:21
推 : 河蟹好吃9F 11/30 10:22
→ : 位置已經被佔走了 等交易掉再說 白領壓得下來嗎10F 11/30 10:22
推 : 不和解就一起當冷凍仔,不服憋著!11F 11/30 10:23
推 : 好負面的推文 就不能相信他們和好嗎 鄉民是有多陰暗12F 11/30 10:23
→ : 的人格啊
→ : 的人格啊
→ : 把你打骨折說和好就和好 呵呵14F 11/30 10:24
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推 : 那麼慢才接受有點迫於無奈的感覺啊16F 11/30 10:25
推 : 有點 小尷尬17F 11/30 10:26
推 : 打你骨折、搶你位置 ! 和好 ?!18F 11/30 10:27
→ : 經紀人應該沒找到下家 只好上演大和解了 不然沒球打19F 11/30 10:28
→ : 會相信真的和好是不是太天真了啊?20F 11/30 10:29
推 : 一定會找機會弄死你的21F 11/30 10:31
→ : 說好的恢復前只能留一個呢?22F 11/30 10:34
推 : 一開始講很硬啊23F 11/30 10:34
推 : 所以mirotic到底有沒有嗆尼哥啊?24F 11/30 10:36
推 : 時間久了 自然也就消氣了 畢竟也不是什麼深仇大恨25F 11/30 10:38
推 : 到底演哪初戲?26F 11/30 10:41
推 : 某d真的天真 可能是學生不知道社會黑暗面吧27F 11/30 10:43
推 : 在被交易之前一定要假裝一下的 不然大家多尷尬28F 11/30 10:45
推 : 被摸頭了29F 11/30 10:45
推 : 怕跟ok4一下就乖乖打球30F 11/30 10:49
推 : 反正芬蘭司機打出來了 這兩個就不是那麼重要了31F 11/30 10:51
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