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看板 NBA
作者 kairiyu (E N O U G H  is  enough)
標題 [外絮] 馬丁在林書豪傷後聯繫了林書豪
時間 Fri Feb  2 12:57:54 2018

Kenyon Martin reaches out to Nets guard Jeremy Lin after his injury

Nets news: Kenyon Martin reaches out to Jeremy Lin after his injury
Brooklyn Nets guard is on his way to full recovery after suffering an early-season injury back in October. In a soon-to-be-released documentary, Lin a ...


The long and unfortunate list of injuries this season has Jeremy Lin’s name.
The Brooklyn Nets guard was one of the first players to suffer a
season-ending injury on the year, as he got sidelined during the team’s
2017-18 debut last October. He landed awkwardly after a lay-up, and his knee
just gave out. The clip of a devastated Lin saying “I’m done, I’m done”
following the fall was tough to watch.


Now under rehab, the eighth-year guard is being featured on a Sport’s
Illustrated docuseries called The Life of Lin: Refocused. It chronicles his
journey to nursing the ruptured patella tendon on his right knee, as well as
various things along the way. In the trailer for the series premiere, he
revealed that he got a call of support from someone surprising:


Sports Illustrated
One unexpected person who reached out to Jeremy Lin after his season-ending injury? Kenyon Martin.

Episode 1 of our behind-the-scenes look at @JLin7's recovery: http://on.si.com/2EqN9kq 

“A lot of players reached out. I would say the one that like I really didn’
t expect is Kenyon Martin. [He] called me and told me if I needed anything
regarding the rehab process and whatever. [He also] talked about his knee
injury. And I was like, ‘Man that was really kind of him.'”


The two, as you may remember, got in a quick back-and-forth on social media
during the off-season. Kenyon Martin threw a jab at Jeremy Lin with regards
to having dreadlocks, and Lin responded in the classiest and savagest way
possible. The air was cleared right away, but they indeed had a memorable


Nevertheless, it’s good to see that these two NBA vets are cool with each
other. It was also a nice gesture on Martin’s part.


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※ 編輯: kairiyu (, 02/02/2018 13:00:03
peter229    : 書豪真會做人1F 02/02 12:58
WizZ        : 嘴人家髮型又關心人家膝蓋 感覺很cp2F 02/02 12:58
jlincredible: 很久很久以前的新聞了.....3F 02/02 12:59
MonkeyCL    : Kmart真男人4F 02/02 12:59
ksk0516     : 牧師豪豪感化人數+15F 02/02 12:59
Dragic      : 球員合好了 球迷不給合好6F 02/02 13:01
mmmn52332   : 不錯了拉~~7F 02/02 13:01
anoymouse   : 書豪之友+18F 02/02 13:01
chengzan9309: 豪豪的人品感化他人9F 02/02 13:01
leo755269   : 豪神以德服人10F 02/02 13:02
NewNewBaby  : 不打不相識啊 很多朋友都是這樣認識的11F 02/02 13:02
x50516x50516: 哇~~12F 02/02 13:02
o0991758566 : 感化成功13F 02/02 13:03
aaagang     : 完美14F 02/02 13:03
penny1986   : 豪哥以仁義為本15F 02/02 13:03
chieh27     : 斯德哥爾摩症候群發作了嗎?16F 02/02 13:04
chieh27     : 一個公然種族歧視的人 還幫他找理由說是好人
holyhelm    : 書豪之友+118F 02/02 13:06
zaqpptuse   : 書豪的人品級別根本歷史級的19F 02/02 13:06
ewc024      : 感化教育20F 02/02 13:07
jlincredible: 補推 謝謝用心翻譯21F 02/02 13:08
c871111116  : 真牧師  反觀克城牧師22F 02/02 13:08
djviva      : 祝福兩人23F 02/02 13:10
mailman     : Kmart之前不是種族歧視?24F 02/02 13:11
theskyofblue: 感化成功 招降等級上升25F 02/02 13:11
yun0215     : 豪豪人真好26F 02/02 13:12
Wojnarowski : 豪牧師27F 02/02 13:12
OPPAISuki   : 改邪歸正28F 02/02 13:13
sengoddard  : 這樣不是很好嗎29F 02/02 13:17
iverson88   : 好厲害XD30F 02/02 13:17
gold97972000: 我家豪豪成功招降31F 02/02 13:17
congaconga  : 林牧師32F 02/02 13:19
hungchannnn : 書豪的人品真的超高33F 02/02 13:19
iamaq18c    : 豪豪牧師招降成功!34F 02/02 13:20
FireNdsl    : 牧師林35F 02/02 13:20
shitsucker  : 收服孟獲了36F 02/02 13:20
Wb2029T     : Good37F 02/02 13:20
arcss       : 招降數+138F 02/02 13:21
IamJack1    : 很好 以後馬丁的相關新聞標題可下林書豪之友39F 02/02 13:21
hsuaba      : 讚讚40F 02/02 13:22
poetwang    : 神秘馬丁41F 02/02 13:24
Raskolnikov : 馬丁:豪牧師 我有罪42F 02/02 13:24
ksk0516     : 豪鬼快引薦K-Mart來SBL吧43F 02/02 13:26
ksk0516     : 記得之前有K-Mart摟兩個台妹的照片
ZIDENS      : 而且奶還很大45F 02/02 13:29
paullegend  : 書豪以德報怨 境界之高46F 02/02 13:30
phix        : 豪豪春風化雨47F 02/02 13:30
ZIDENS      : K罵左右腳好像都不只一次 算是經驗豐富48F 02/02 13:30
formap      : 書豪人品好是事實 但馬丁算了吧49F 02/02 13:31
formap      : 可能有什麼大生意在亞洲被摸透了吧笑死
annshop     : 他還在喔51F 02/02 13:32
s66449      : 阿豪人緣好52F 02/02 13:33
Sullinger   : 馬丁之前嘲笑腎病的莫寧,這樣就可以洗白?53F 02/02 13:33
rick8523tw  : 劉備豪豪54F 02/02 13:34
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tomlee1130  : pg56F 02/02 13:34
t32908      : 豪豪牧師57F 02/02 13:35
xavier2011  : 豪豪牧師 招降成功58F 02/02 13:37
whatahw1    : 豪豪感化成功59F 02/02 13:38
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rs813011    : 種族平等招Lv.max61F 02/02 13:41
COLONELLIU  : 書豪EQ真的很高62F 02/02 13:45
chi12345678 : 嗯?這之前有傳出過了吧63F 02/02 13:46
chi12345678 : 舊聞?
sylviehsiang: 這標題很饒舌66F 02/02 13:52
ask5566     : 稱讚華裔中國人 為CBA做撲路67F 02/02 13:55
DeaGoo      : 豪哥招降成功68F 02/02 14:05
thisiskialin: 好人好事69F 02/02 14:14
iwinlottery : 知道嘴不贏哈佛吧 哈哈70F 02/02 14:16
sexycute    : 溫腥恩逼欸71F 02/02 14:17
garnett05   : 結果變朋友72F 02/02 14:26
qwerty789   : K-Mart我必噓 種族歧視第一73F 02/02 14:26
WWIII       : 我希望書豪可以當壞男人 人太好讓亞洲人變娘了74F 02/02 14:39
hooliya     : 克城那隻是巫師吧75F 02/02 14:40
scorpioleo  : 書豪之友+176F 02/02 15:02
x44025      : 我以為是Kevin Martin77F 02/02 15:07
christos1989: 聖光啊~78F 02/02 15:10
k5a         : 還不錯啦 多個朋友總比多個仇家好79F 02/02 15:21
cejb2003    : 嘲笑莫寧當時真的讓人不爽到爆80F 02/02 15:21
astro1217   : 新聞過後也拍了影片 馬丁也沒必要再私底下關心他啊81F 02/02 15:25
astro1217   :  感覺是真心這樣做的 給推
ppo7741     : 感化成功83F 02/02 15:38
shawncarter : 好啦不錯啦 反正不快過去了對方主動釋出善意了不是84F 02/02 15:53
googlo      : 豪哥感化了腫足騎士85F 02/02 16:19
Bonjwa      : 兩個書豪兩個推86F 02/02 16:33
WizZ        : 兩人夏天會不會共遊台灣XD 當年那個大餒餒真的阿斯87F 02/02 16:36
sj210444    : 至少是過來人關心 就不噓馬丁了 祝書豪早日康復88F 02/02 16:55
gp03dan     : 林書豪很會做人89F 02/02 17:34
TitanEric   : 推我豪牧師90F 02/02 17:41
yoshro      : 書豪之友+191F 02/02 18:06
funeasy     : 不打不相識 男人很多這樣交朋友的92F 02/02 18:46

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