※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-03-07 18:45:27
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] OKC before losing Andre Roberson to in
時間 Wed Mar 7 15:05:05 2018
OKC before losing Andre Roberson to injury:
5th in defensive efficiency
10th in FG% allowed
OKC since losing Andre Roberson to injury:
23rd in defensive efficiency
24th in FG% allowed
Andre Roberson在受傷前, 雷霆在防守效率排名第5, 限制對手命中率方面排名第10
受傷後, 防守效率排名23, 限制對手命中率24
Russ on the former OKC trio of himself/KD/Harden becoming MVP-caliber
players: “It’s a blessing to be able to play with each one of those guys,
but at the same time know & understand each individual journey it took for
them to get to the level they’re at”
我感到很幸運, 曾經跟他們一起並肩作戰過, 但同時我們也都知道我們各自踏上自己
@FredKatzRuss on the former OKC trio of himself/KD/Harden becoming MVP-caliber players: “It’s a blessing to be able to play with each one of those guys, but at the same time know & understand each individual journey it took for them to get to the level they’re at” https://www.instagram.com/p/Bf_dttWlo5k/?hl=en&taken-by=fredkatznba …
Russ got asked about what he learned during the 2014-15 playoff race that he
can apply in 2018: “What year is this? What year is this?”
龜反問: 今年是哪一年? 今年是哪一年?
@FredKatzRuss got asked about what he learned during the 2014-15 playoff race that he can apply in 2018: “What year is this? What year is this?”
How’s this for Clutch City? James Harden and Chris Paul have the best clutch
offensive rating (161.7!) of any duo with 30+ minutes in at least a decade.
Story with many assists from @MicahAdams13:
在過去10年, 出場至少30分鐘, CP3及鬍子在關鍵時刻擁有最佳的進攻效率161.7
@espn_macmahonHow’s this for Clutch City? James Harden and Chris Paul have the best clutch offensive rating (161.7!) of any duo with 30+ minutes in at least a decade. Story with many assists from @MicahAdams13:http://es.pn/2FZ5vtC
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1520406313.A.917.html
→ : 有了 聯盟最佳後場雙槍換人當1F 03/07 15:06
※ 編輯: JHarden (, 03/07/2018 15:09:21推 : 蘿蔔真大腿2F 03/07 15:10
→ : 快沒季後賽了3F 03/07 15:11
→ : 非雷迷 但原本要支持 蘿蔔DPOY的說4F 03/07 15:11
推 : 大腿蘿蔔5F 03/07 15:14
推 : today is Sunday6F 03/07 15:15
推 : 沒蘿蔔真的可惜 那時候雷霆好不容易感覺要起飛了7F 03/07 15:16
→ : 小龜記憶力不太好哦XDD8F 03/07 15:17
推 : 龜:今夕是何年?9F 03/07 15:17
推 : 刷龜輸到不知道時間了10F 03/07 15:25
推 : 西河覺得問號吧 14-15的事情現在說?11F 03/07 15:25
推 : 只會閱讀比賽,不會閱讀日曆12F 03/07 15:49
→ : 蘿蔔真大腿13F 03/07 15:49
推 : 看出誰才是大腿了14F 03/07 15:58
推 : 蘿蔔腿15F 03/07 16:02
推 : 幹你娘這記者真的沒被打過 超靠北XDDD16F 03/07 16:44
推 : 蘿蔔真大腿!17F 03/07 16:56
推 : 三少MVP等級那段回答滿得體的18F 03/07 17:05
推 : 真核蘿蔔不在 不意外19F 03/07 17:13
推 : 雷霆三哨少一哨20F 03/07 17:14
推 : 蘿蔔+喬治 應該是僅次可愛+綠的最強鋒衛防守了21F 03/07 17:32
→ : 真的覺得這陣容應該請出小范甘迪出師 防守有機會第
→ : 一
→ : 龜進攻端雖常中二 但防守也是一流 加上adams鐵壁
→ : 真的覺得這陣容應該請出小范甘迪出師 防守有機會第
→ : 一
→ : 龜進攻端雖常中二 但防守也是一流 加上adams鐵壁
推 : 龜的防守是靠籃板數據拉到好看吧?有很好嗎?25F 03/07 17:36
→ : 認真說的話 龜防守 愛守不守而已 他防守真的不差26F 03/07 17:39
→ : 不過雷防守核心確實是羅伯沒錯 傷了基本上一定走不
→ : 遠
→ : 不過雷防守核心確實是羅伯沒錯 傷了基本上一定走不
→ : 遠
推 : 龜防守能力好 防守態度很差29F 03/07 17:41
推 : 龜龜守備位置是游擊手那種30F 03/07 17:48
推 : 西河防守是很好的 只是愛守不守的 監視防守ㄧ堆31F 03/07 17:52
推 : 沒了蘿蔔 雷迷就抱著看一場少一場的心態了QQ32F 03/07 18:19
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 30
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