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作者 標題 [情報] Curry確認參加三分球大賽
時間 Sat Jan 26 22:49:34 2019
Stephen Curry Will Join Brother Seth in 2019 3-Point Contest | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
The 2019 Three-Point Contest will be a family affair for Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors and Seth Curry of the Portland Trail Blazers . Per ...
The 2019 Three-Point Contest will be a family affair for Stephen Curry of the
Golden State Warriors and Seth Curry of the Portland Trail Blazers.
Per ESPN.com's Adrian Wojnarowski, Stephen confirmed Friday he will join his b
rother in the NBA's annual shooting exhibition during All-Star Weekend in thei
r hometown.
"Just being in Charlotte, there's a nice storyline," Stephen said. "[Seth] was
leading the league in percentage for a while. In terms of family history, my
dad playing 10 years in Charlotte, being one of the original Hornets to now ha
ving the All-Star Game in Charlotte.
Stephen will be returning to the Three-Point Contest after skipping the event
the previous two years. He told reporters in 2017 he "wanted to capitalize off
that rest" presented by the All-Star break to help Golden State prepare for t
he stretch run.
The two-time MVP will be making his sixth appearance in the contest. He previo
usly won in 2015 and finished second to Warriors teammate Klay Thompson in 201
The Curry brothers have been among the NBA's best three-point shooters this se
ason. Seth ranks second in the league with a 48 percent success rate. Stephen
is tied for sixth at 44.4 percent, but he's made 68 more threes (191) than his
brother has attempted (123).
Stephen and Seth were born and raised in Charlotte, and now both will let it f
ly from distance Feb. 16.
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→ : !!三分麵包XDDD1F 01/26 22:50
請各位手下留情,我翻得不好QAQ※ 編輯: Sheng16 (, 01/26/2019 22:50:34
推 : 麵包仔參加啦2F 01/26 22:51
推 : 哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦!!!3F 01/26 22:51
推 : 手工現做咖哩麵包4F 01/26 22:52
推 : 為了弟弟參賽 給弟弟打敗我的機會5F 01/26 22:53
推 : 兄弟對決!6F 01/26 22:53
推 : 前幾樓怎麼會幼稚的這麼好笑XD7F 01/26 22:54
推 : 有沒有像灌籃大賽一樣 籃下假灌真滑倒三分8F 01/26 22:54
推 : 疑 還需要看嗎?冠軍當然是Curry9F 01/26 22:56
推 : KT會參加嗎10F 01/26 22:57
→ : 我下咖喱贏11F 01/26 22:59
推 : 麵包仔12F 01/26 22:59
推 : 會滑倒嗎?13F 01/26 23:01
推 : 好看!!14F 01/26 23:02
推 : Seth今年也投了這麼多顆了喔15F 01/26 23:03
推 : 結果是司機贏了^^16F 01/26 23:08
推 : 兄弟對決17F 01/26 23:09
推 : 司機會不會成為最大贏家XD18F 01/26 23:11
推 : 提到麵包怎麼能不提__19F 01/26 23:14
→ : 話題性十足20F 01/26 23:17
推 : 喔喔喔喔!!!希望KT也參加><21F 01/26 23:17
推 : Seth是出手123顆不是命中123顆喔22F 01/26 23:19
謝謝大大!看到了~※ 編輯: Sheng16 (, 01/26/2019 23:21:41
推 : 好希望KK也參加23F 01/26 23:21
推 : 這樣翻可能會有誤會24F 01/26 23:21
※ 編輯: Sheng16 (, 01/26/2019 23:22:15推 : 原來是 鼬· curry阿25F 01/26 23:22
推 : attempted 出手 命中5926F 01/26 23:23
噓 : 咖哩小子可以用前幾天的那招組合技了!28F 01/26 23:34
推 : 推29F 01/26 23:36
→ : 咖哩麵包超人!!!31F 01/26 23:43
推 : Curry弟原來今年這麼準32F 01/26 23:55
推 : 333333333333F 01/27 00:00
推 : 咖哩麵包超人XD34F 01/27 00:01
推 : 3333333333333333333335F 01/27 00:05
→ : 不參加灌籃大賽嗎?36F 01/27 00:08
推 : 樓下支援麵包gif37F 01/27 00:08
→ : 比較想看罰球大賽 11111111139F 01/27 00:17
Stephen Curry Slips on a Dunk Attempt - Shaqtin' A Fool - Warriors vs Lakers | Jan 21, 2019 - YouTube Stephen Curry Full Game Highlights | Golden State Warriors vs Los Angeles Lakers | January 21, 2019 | 2018-19 NBA Season ✔️ Subscribe, Like & Comment for Mor...

推 : 咖哩麵包超人 XDDDDD41F 01/27 00:32
推 : 今年三分大賽很刺激42F 01/27 00:37
推 : 定點不期待,定點比較穩的是kt吧43F 01/27 00:46
推 : 不懂 curry那球為啥沒有進俠客蠢44F 01/27 00:54
→ : 3分投起來~~45F 01/27 01:05
推 : 推推~~~46F 01/27 01:40
推 : 哈登:有一分球比賽嗎47F 01/27 01:43
推 : 本來不看三分。 今年要看一下了48F 01/27 03:34
推 : 蠻有種的 沒拿冠軍肯定被酸還敢參加給推49F 01/27 06:08
推 : 應該是你typo,內文Seth是ranks second歐50F 01/27 06:43
推 : 推51F 01/27 07:10
推 : 加油啊柯瑞52F 01/27 08:31
→ : 滑到把球架弄倒 結果0分53F 01/27 08:33
推 : 第五段英文寫Seth 三分命中率第二名嗎?54F 01/27 08:42
→ : KT參加的話 冠軍就不一定了55F 01/27 08:55
推 : 敢參加只要不拿冠等於失敗的比賽真的滿有種的,另一56F 01/27 09:35
→ : 邊就很有自知之明灌籃大賽不去就是不去
→ : 邊就很有自知之明灌籃大賽不去就是不去
推 : 真的覺得蠻穩的,一定第一58F 01/27 10:29
推 : 不敢報灌籃大賽嗎59F 01/27 11:08
噓 : 希望明星賽不要變成罰球大賽!60F 01/27 11:11
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