※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-08 14:11:39
看板 Baseball
作者 標題 [情報] Realmuto去費城人
時間 Fri Feb 8 01:42:56 2019
@Joelsherman1Have now heard from 2 sources that Realmuto to #Phillies is down to physical reviews and 3d piece beyond Alfaro/Sanchez. But I have NOT been told anything is final.
Have now heard from 2 sources that Realmuto to #Phillies is down to physical rev
iews and 3d piece beyond Alfaro/Sanchez. But I have NOT been told anything is fi
大魚拿的跟早上看到的情報差不多,主菜是Sixto Sanchez+Jorge Alfaro
@Ken_Rosenthal#Phillies view Realmuto, if acquired, as another potential enticement for Harper or Machado. Obviously, the biggest enticement will be money.https://twitter.com/Ken_Rosenthal/status/1093562009860407296 …
Sources confirm: #Phillies moving toward deal for #Marlins’ Realmuto. Jorge Alfaro, Sixto Sanchez will head to MIA if trade is completed. Teams still working on third piece, working through medical reviews. On it: @Joelsherman1, @jonmorosi.
#Phillies view Realmuto, if acquired, as another potential enticement for Harper
or Machado. Obviously, the biggest enticement will be money.
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不過你說的也是 改個標題好了
※ 編輯: polanco (, 02/08/2019 01:53:23
→ : 真木頭+西門+鉛筆+吉巴+塔巴 76人不讓了7F 02/08 01:55
※ 編輯: polanco (, 02/08/2019 02:01:44推 : 今天NBA玩比較大8F 02/08 02:04
→ : 費城要重返農藥了嗎 策略變了 上次集投手 這次收打者9F 02/08 02:06
推 : 看了其他記者推特應該是八九不離十了 差包裹細項而已10F 02/08 02:07
推 : 費城=王者之城11F 02/08 02:17
→ : 還好第三個沒要前段的 兩個主菜配個還在低階的還可以12F 02/08 02:20
推 : 偉殷沒順便打包送走喔13F 02/08 02:24
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推 : 真木頭+西門+鉛筆+吉巴 幾冠18F 02/08 07:30
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