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作者 標題 [外絮] Embiid: KD大概是現今聯盟裡最好的球員
時間 Sun Mar 3 10:19:29 2019
來源: Bleacher Report
網址: http://tinyurl.com/yxv24g8k
Joel Embiid Says Kevin Durant Is 'Probably' the Best Player in the NBA | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
Joel Embiid is a constant source of amusing commentary and usually fearlessly trash-talks his fellow NBA players, but Saturday afternoon brought about ...
Joel Embiid Says Kevin Durant Is 'Probably' the Best Player in the NBA
Joel Embiid說Kevin Durant大概是聯盟最好的球員
Joel Embiid is a constant source of amusing commentary and usually fearlessly
trash-talks his fellow NBA players, but Saturday afternoon brought about a
true compliment from the Philadelphia 76ers All-Star center.
Joel Embiid常常會給大家一些充滿樂趣評論,他通常也不會怕對其他NBA球員噴垃圾話,
According to ESPN's Nick Friedell, Embiid believes Golden State Warriors
forward Kevin Durant is "probably the best player in the league."
根據ESPN記者Nick Friedell報導,Embiid認為勇士前鋒Kevin Durant"大概會是NBA裡面最
Embiid's nicety comes on the heels of Durant telling media during All-Star
Weekend that Embiid is a "great player" who could "take over this league here
once I'm done." However, competitiveness did get the best of Durant during
the All-Star Game when he jawed at Embiid following a foul.
Durant went on to be named the MVP of the All-Star Game.
Embiid has not played since that All-Star break due to left knee tendinitis,
but the 2014 No. 3 overall pick is averaging 27.3 points, 13.5 rebounds and
1.9 blocks per game for the 40-22 Sixers.
Comparisons can certainly be made between Durant and Embiid. Durant stands at
6'9", while Embiid measures an even 7'0". Embiid is averaging more rebounds
on the year—by nature of his position as a center as opposed to Durant's
fluidity as a forward—but Durant is only slightly better in the scoring
department at 27.5 points per game.
Embiid's comments come hours before Philly's prime-time tilt with Durant's
Warriors. The Sixers have already beaten Golden State 113-104 this season,
and Embiid erupted for 26 points and 20 rebounds in that game. However, he
will be sidelined Saturday night.
To Embiid's point, Durant is a 10-time All-Star, two-time NBA champion and
two-time Finals MVP. Upon entering the league as the No. 2 overall pick in
2007, Durant has reshaped the way the game is played by big men, becoming
just as much of a threat beyond the arc as he is in the paint, if not more.
If Embiid plans on taking over the league as Durant said he will, it will be
in part because Durant provided a blueprint.
KD: KD is the best
標題 [公告] NBA 板 開始舉辦樂透!
4、雙十 = 兩隊四節打完107比107進入延長賽→ : 大家別抓我 這麼難不太可能開啦><10/10 00:17
推 : 開4我直接自殺10/10 00:34
開獎結果: 雙十→ : 不自殺 想買樂透惹10/10 21:18
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推 : KD:Agree1F 03/03 10:20
推 : KD:KD要來了2F 03/03 10:20
推 : KD:鉛筆中肯 KD才是第一人3F 03/03 10:21
推 : The禮尚往來4F 03/03 10:21
推 : 我這隊很舒適5F 03/03 10:21
→ : KD:完全同意6F 03/03 10:22
→ : 招募中7F 03/03 10:22
推 : KD:KD是最棒的8F 03/03 10:22
推 : KD:KD喜歡這孩子9F 03/03 10:23
推 : 大哥要來嗎?10F 03/03 10:23
推 : 鉛筆:第一人要來嗎11F 03/03 10:23
推 : KD:推12F 03/03 10:23
→ : 招募process啟動13F 03/03 10:23
→ : 電話打起來~14F 03/03 10:25
→ : KD:kd是有魅力的人15F 03/03 10:25
→ : KD:鉛筆說的很中肯16F 03/03 10:25
推 : KD身高6尺9吋是三小 他7呎比表弟還高好嗎17F 03/03 10:26
推 : KD小弟+118F 03/03 10:27
推 : UA的小弟不挺UA的大哥嗎19F 03/03 10:29
推 : KD:KD是勇士一哥20F 03/03 10:29
→ : 龜龜表示:21F 03/03 10:30
推 : 阿銀:逼逼 違法招募22F 03/03 10:31
推 : KD:鉛筆認證KD是聯盟第一人23F 03/03 10:31
→ : 玻璃心GM:違法招募啦24F 03/03 10:32
推 : 滿認同的25F 03/03 10:33
推 : 從他說歷史第一人不是喬丹我就知道了,這咖中肯26F 03/03 10:33
推 : KD:我同意你說的27F 03/03 10:35
→ : 你要招募了是不是28F 03/03 10:40
→ : 不然以為還是LBJ嗎29F 03/03 10:40
推 : 要被追殺了30F 03/03 10:41
推 : KD:你說的沒錯31F 03/03 10:44
推 : KD:KD是勇士一哥 聯盟最好得分手32F 03/03 10:44
→ : 招募33F 03/03 10:44
噓 : KD:KD也7尺34F 03/03 10:45
推 : KD:KD也覺得自己是聯盟第一人35F 03/03 10:47
推 : KD:費城+1分36F 03/03 10:51
→ : KD:KD逃離舒適圈超有勇氣37F 03/03 10:56
推 : 咖哩是他的小弟38F 03/03 10:57
推 : KD:KD想跟鉛筆燒黃紙做兄弟39F 03/03 10:59
推 : KD:KD的確是40F 03/03 10:59
推 : 身高錯了 KD至少6呎11 穿鞋應該有7呎 Embiid7呎141F 03/03 11:01
噓 : KD:KD沒有刻意追求冠軍,只是想抱大腿~~42F 03/03 11:01
推 : 捧人招募法43F 03/03 11:04
推 : kd:kd本來就是最棒的 好棒棒44F 03/03 11:04
推 : 目前感覺是聯盟第一人45F 03/03 11:04
→ : 鉛筆我看過說7-3的46F 03/03 11:05
推 : KD:我也沒那麼強辣 只是其他人都比我爛47F 03/03 11:10
推 : KD:要加入我們嗎48F 03/03 11:10
推 : 他不只6"949F 03/03 11:14
推 : KD:KD心裡高興但KD不說50F 03/03 11:16
推 : 招募?51F 03/03 11:16
推 : 現在在姆斯下去的環境裡 成就能跟KD一戰的只有咖哩52F 03/03 11:26
→ : 不過咖哩FMVP輸 所以KD第一人勉強合理
→ : 不過咖哩FMVP輸 所以KD第一人勉強合理
推 : 不是 接棒Lebron的是字母54F 03/03 11:27
噓 : 哪麼舒適,說是第一人,換個KL、PG不就也是第一人55F 03/03 11:29
推 : 姆斯準備關機,直接棄權56F 03/03 11:33
推 : 丟炸彈57F 03/03 11:33
→ : Kd輕鬆打 真第一人58F 03/03 11:40
推 : 比你好是肯定的59F 03/03 11:40
→ : KD:KD無欲無求第一人只是虛名浮雲而已 但這是真的60F 03/03 11:42
推 : 字母成就輸kd curry很多吧61F 03/03 11:52
推 : 舒適62F 03/03 11:52
推 : KD: KD也同意KD是最好的球員63F 03/03 11:59
推 : 發現了 鉛筆是詹酸64F 03/03 12:02
推 : KD: KD是勇士的真一哥65F 03/03 12:06
推 : 給KD一份哈波的頂約66F 03/03 12:10
推 : 中肯67F 03/03 12:11
推 : 開始5招募了68F 03/03 12:13
推 : 純論得分破壞力第一人無誤 主宰力跟抗壓性得離開勇69F 03/03 12:13
→ : 士才能證明
→ : 士才能證明
推 : 想抱71F 03/03 12:16
推 : 今年最強應該是字母哥72F 03/03 12:23
噓 : 你把咖喱放在哪?73F 03/03 12:24
推 : KD:費城也滿舒適的~74F 03/03 12:29
推 : KD:你也懂?75F 03/03 12:35
推 : 說個笑話 KD6呎976F 03/03 12:38
→ : 阿銀:公然撩妹,先罰兩萬鎂77F 03/03 12:40
推 : 杜爛特可以登出恩彼得的帳號嗎78F 03/03 12:42
推 : KD:KD第一人,大家都愛KD79F 03/03 12:43
噓 : 真蛹蛹並不這麼想80F 03/03 12:48
推 : 勇迷表示一哥是史上最強射手81F 03/03 12:53
→ : kd:kd覺得中肯82F 03/03 12:59
※ 看板: Z_sports 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 105
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