※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-01-28 20:55:02
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 [情報] 限時免費 照片分享Dropbox Photo Sender
時間 Sat Jan 28 20:27:52 2012
[app]限時免費 照片分享工具 Dropbox Photo Sender
允許您將多個照片和影片發送到 Dropbox 中,
並可以在背景模式下 上傳/下載 檔案。
可以從你的 iPhone 將照片上載到 Dropbox 存儲,
並將它們下載到您的 PC 或 iPhone。
相當方便的Dropbox影片/照片 上傳/下載 管理工具,
App Store - Dropbox Photo Sender
[Dropbox Photo Sender] lets you send multiple photos and videos to Dropbox with ease and joy. By virtue of it's efficient memory management and performance, you can even send up to thousands of photos/videos. [Dropbox Photo Sender] uploads the photos/videos even when you leave the app. The upload is ...
[Dropbox Photo Sender] lets you send multiple photos and videos to Dropbox with ease and joy. By virtue of it's efficient memory management and performance, you can even send up to thousands of photos/videos. [Dropbox Photo Sender] uploads the photos/videos even when you leave the app. The upload is ...
或縮網址: http://goo.gl/q7NnV
App Store - Dropbox Photo Sender
[Dropbox Photo Sender] lets you send multiple photos and videos to Dropbox with ease and joy. By virtue of it's efficient memory management and performance, you can even send up to thousands of photos/videos. [Dropbox Photo Sender] uploads the photos/videos even when you leave the app. The upload is ...
[Dropbox Photo Sender] lets you send multiple photos and videos to Dropbox with ease and joy. By virtue of it's efficient memory management and performance, you can even send up to thousands of photos/videos. [Dropbox Photo Sender] uploads the photos/videos even when you leave the app. The upload is ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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推 :推一個1F 01/28 20:32
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