※ 本文為 npc 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-09-28 22:45:48
看板 iPhone
作者 標題 Fw: [軟體] 憤怒鳥最新作品: 壞豬豬!? Bad Piggies
時間 Fri Sep 28 03:22:49 2012
※ [本文轉錄自 Android 看板 #1GPARmx_ ]
看板 Android
作者 標題 [軟體] 分怒鳥最新作品: 壞豬豬!? Bad Piggies
時間 Fri Sep 28 03:20:12 2012
搜尋: Bad Piggies
官方影片: http://goo.gl/6rSkl
Bad Piggies official gameplay trailer - YouTube
From the makers of Angry Birds, Bad Piggies will give you a chance to finally see the pig picture and take the role of the infamous green antagonists. http:/...
From the makers of Angry Birds, Bad Piggies will give you a chance to finally see the pig picture and take the role of the infamous green antagonists. http:/...
Android HD版: http://goo.gl/W8hJY
Bad Piggies HD - Android Apps on Google Play
Get ready to see pigs fly! From the creators of Angry Birds: an all new game from the PIGS’ point of view!
Create the ultimate flying/crawling/rolling/spinning/crashi...
Get ready to see pigs fly! From the creators of Angry Birds: an all new game from the PIGS’ point of view!
Create the ultimate flying/crawling/rolling/spinning/crashi...
Bad Piggies - Android Apps on Google Play
Get ready to see pigs fly! From the creators of Angry Birds: an all new game from the PIGS’ point of view!
Create the ultimate flying/crawling/rolling/spinning/crashi...
Get ready to see pigs fly! From the creators of Angry Birds: an all new game from the PIGS’ point of view!
Create the ultimate flying/crawling/rolling/spinning/crashi...
補: iOS: $0.99 / $2.99 (HD)
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: rssh0106 (, 時間: 09/28/2012 03:22:49
※ 編輯: rssh0106 來自: (09/28 03:25)
推 :為啥安卓是免費 iOS要30元台幣 囧1F 09/28 03:26
→ :好像一堆app到android就免費...怪怪2F 09/28 03:28
推 :因為安卓收費 很麻煩3F 09/28 03:29
推 :我已經下載了 真是太好玩了! 比憤怒鳥好玩多了 欲罷不能!4F 09/28 07:26
→ :比鳥還要動腦的好遊戲!5F 09/28 07:55
推 :30而已 無感6F 09/28 08:21
→ :安卓放個廣告稿不好賺的還比三十多7F 09/28 08:22
→ :30元買一個無廣告環境 無價!8F 09/28 08:33
→ :能補上iOS版本的連結嗎?9F 09/28 08:43
→ :去熱門遊戲 排第一 不知是否看錯了10F 09/28 08:45
推 :收費我沒意見,安卓也收費啊!(怒)11F 09/28 10:35
推 :問題是安卓版不要開網路就不會有廣告...囧12F 09/28 10:37
推 :看起來很好玩耶~~來下載~13F 09/28 10:47
推 :ios又要收錢~坑人! 其他軟體也是! 看看安卓多好!!14F 09/28 11:29
→ :瓦斯漲30 哇哇叫!! 遊戲收30 無感!!!
→ :瓦斯漲30 哇哇叫!! 遊戲收30 無感!!!
推 :安卓那麼好你不會去換安卓手機喔16F 09/28 11:34
→ :如果加一次油可以用一輩子我也無感,玩遊戲要一直付錢?17F 09/28 12:19
→ :拿瓦斯漲價來跟單筆消費的遊戲比較什麼怪邏輯?XD
→ :拿瓦斯漲價來跟單筆消費的遊戲比較什麼怪邏輯?XD
推 :用點數換不就好了......這是問題嗎?19F 09/28 12:38
推 :拿瓦斯跟遊戲比...有人可能高中沒畢業吧 (茶20F 09/28 12:40
推 :iOS 想當冤大頭被收費幹嘛想拖 Android 下水呢?21F 09/28 13:56
推 :使用者付費 才會有更好的APP...安卓免費軟體一堆垃圾= =22F 09/28 17:59
→ :建立好觀念 才會有好環境生存
→ :建立好觀念 才會有好環境生存
→ :很多軟體都是安卓和iOS同步的,有錢買iOS就多付點咩~24F 09/28 21:36
推 :乖乖付錢吧!看別人玩免費的吧!哈25F 09/28 22:11
※ 看板: iOS 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 177