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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-09-22 14:33:41
看板 iOS
作者 AlexKISS (Keep it simple, stupid)
標題 [iAPP] PutyPuty 1.5.0 用來上ptt吧(發P幣 寄信 查紀錄)
時間 Sat Sep 22 08:54:21 2018


新聞 社群

‎PutyPuty on the App Store ‎Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about PutyPuty. Download PutyPuty and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

iOS 10.0 以上(含10.0)




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aass1122: 第一個有p幣嗎1F 09/22 08:57
Qusty: 推2F 09/22 08:58
leokenjenny: 推3F 09/22 09:00
woody1500000: 推4F 09/22 09:04
TS68: 推5F 09/22 09:05
SAUXO: 推6F 09/22 09:07
moriyako: 推7F 09/22 09:07
steven59420: 錢8F 09/22 09:09
moecao14: 推9F 09/22 09:12
rainin: 推10F 09/22 09:12
wegood: 推11F 09/22 09:16
karta2866860: 推12F 09/22 09:17
raindeer896: 推13F 09/22 09:18
ssman09051: 推14F 09/22 09:19
rnw: 推15F 09/22 09:19
herecomesdan: 推16F 09/22 09:19
dt9527: 推17F 09/22 09:21
r3111r: 推18F 09/22 09:21
yee1996: 推19F 09/22 09:22
stanley386: 推20F 09/22 09:23
moluck: 推21F 09/22 09:24
angelpeace: 可以IP直連嗎?否則ios要翻牆T T22F 09/22 09:25
poplinebaw: 推23F 09/22 09:27
tjl0820: 推24F 09/22 09:27
kk0521kk: 推推25F 09/22 09:27
ymgs1507: 推26F 09/22 09:28
AlexKISS: 24樓 設定裡面有一個IP模式 可以打開試試 使用上27F 09/22 09:28
AlexKISS: 若有問題請再回饋給我哦
AlexKISS: 22F 剛打錯
pigbo: 推30F 09/22 09:30
yluok: 推31F 09/22 09:31
n101116536: 推32F 09/22 09:32
home4129: 推33F 09/22 09:32
kuso10582: 推34F 09/22 09:33
jim47085: 用用看35F 09/22 09:33
kuso10582: 能不能開放ios9啊...36F 09/22 09:33
bighat0413: 推37F 09/22 09:34
danielson: 推38F 09/22 09:36
lai101011: 推39F 09/22 09:36
akajohnson: 推40F 09/22 09:37
brucebee: 推41F 09/22 09:37
j1125387: 推42F 09/22 09:37
whoisfeng: 推43F 09/22 09:38
canyoncloud: 廣告可以改上面嗎?44F 09/22 09:39
AlexKISS: iOS9的部分 難度對我來說有點高 所以不會支援哦45F 09/22 09:40
AlexKISS:  歹勢
jssmile: 推47F 09/22 09:40
andy1014: 推48F 09/22 09:40
koko00: 推49F 09/22 09:43
LeeYS: 推50F 09/22 09:43
AlexKISS: https://i.imgur.com/ssbHH0a.jpg 已發四人51F 09/22 09:45
supashang: 推52F 09/22 09:46
jssmile: 第一次收到$$~推53F 09/22 09:46
cxinwww: 推54F 09/22 09:47
shrimpthree: 推55F 09/22 09:47
aa97531aa: 試看看好不好用56F 09/22 09:48
az61007: 錢57F 09/22 09:48
colinjerry: 推58F 09/22 09:48
will4006: 推59F 09/22 09:48
DiviNeapple: 推60F 09/22 09:49
n2848123: 推61F 09/22 09:49
woody1500000: 推62F 09/22 09:50
yanfan: 好用的App 一直都在用63F 09/22 09:51
bydaspm02: 推64F 09/22 09:56
asked: !!65F 09/22 09:59
nura: 推66F 09/22 09:59
onollll: 推67F 09/22 10:01
onollll: 錢錢
wrute: 推69F 09/22 10:01
numoon: 錢70F 09/22 10:03
ddd357357: 推起來71F 09/22 10:04
BoHw3i: 推個72F 09/22 10:04
AlexKISS: https://i.imgur.com/UO3lpWL.jpg 已發6人73F 09/22 10:05
xul4rmpcl4: 推74F 09/22 10:05
xul4rmpcl4: 推
darkskyaa: 推    好像不錯76F 09/22 10:06
draft117024: 推77F 09/22 10:08
st840055: 推78F 09/22 10:08
bcpsowen: Push79F 09/22 10:08
PonEdesu: 推80F 09/22 10:09
ray410123055: 推81F 09/22 10:11
ilovepig456: 推82F 09/22 10:12
zo3099: 推83F 09/22 10:13
Skpiygs: 推84F 09/22 10:13
ji1997819: 推85F 09/22 10:16
ilove0618: 推86F 09/22 10:16
chun821543: 錢87F 09/22 10:17
mango84114: 推88F 09/22 10:18
awerte: 推89F 09/22 10:18
winfredklo: 推90F 09/22 10:19
edwsw: 卡91F 09/22 10:19
that82s3g: 推92F 09/22 10:19
psychohero: 錢93F 09/22 10:19
monsterwai: 推94F 09/22 10:21
chopper0724: 推95F 09/22 10:21
lch123456: 錢96F 09/22 10:22
KhePri: 推97F 09/22 10:23
sazabi611286: Push98F 09/22 10:25
papasusuki: 推~99F 09/22 10:25
nightop: 好100F 09/22 10:25
goldgun5566: 推101F 09/22 10:25
Heathclifff: 推102F 09/22 10:25
qoo921: 推103F 09/22 10:26
knight99: 推104F 09/22 10:26
larryXXX: 推105F 09/22 10:27
jk1565: 推106F 09/22 10:27
hsuan1995: 推107F 09/22 10:28
ladder: 推108F 09/22 10:30
c1027ool: 推109F 09/22 10:31
bfyl6902002: 推110F 09/22 10:31
AEae2014: 謝111F 09/22 10:31
mrhamil: 推112F 09/22 10:32
wjw92900: 推113F 09/22 10:33
N40805: 推114F 09/22 10:33
JustTW: 推115F 09/22 10:33
AlexKISS: https://i.imgur.com/qMhffTC.jpg 共十人發完囉116F 09/22 10:35
AlexKISS:  測試圓滿117F 09/22 10:35
aaaa1818552: 推118F 09/22 10:35
IoSh: 推119F 09/22 10:37
andi0524: 推120F 09/22 10:40
hles1091: 推121F 09/22 10:41
gouki1986: 我覺得還不錯用,推!希望越來越好!加油122F 09/22 10:41
howarddddd: 推123F 09/22 10:44
zesonpso: 推 試看看124F 09/22 10:45
newposter: 推125F 09/22 10:55
kx7613120: 推126F 09/22 10:56
L666: 推127F 09/22 10:59
mou199212: 推128F 09/22 11:00
emil5201314: 推129F 09/22 11:02
kenny962c: 推130F 09/22 11:02
jim880705: 推131F 09/22 11:06
iceman0823: 推132F 09/22 11:06
sg963012: 推133F 09/22 11:07
vincent02171: 推134F 09/22 11:08
daniel1002: 推135F 09/22 11:16
Hanmark: 推136F 09/22 11:21
a94617: 推137F 09/22 11:26
mokissru: 推138F 09/22 11:27
NMStars: 推139F 09/22 11:29
gannip4: 推140F 09/22 11:31
celtics1997: 推141F 09/22 11:34
ytwinter: 推142F 09/22 11:43
ImCPM: 推143F 09/22 11:53
angelpeace: 可以加快速黑名單跟一鍵開全圖呢?144F 09/22 11:55
john2227kn: 推推145F 09/22 11:57
ianhun: 推146F 09/22 11:59
penguinjimmy: 推147F 09/22 12:01
SahoYaho: 推148F 09/22 12:06
gonna01: 請問有熱門文章功能嗎149F 09/22 12:08
cken326888: 推150F 09/22 12:08
a068980980: 推151F 09/22 12:10
augustues: 推152F 09/22 12:13
WontCry: 推153F 09/22 12:14
Kaibell: 推154F 09/22 12:23
kill111ful: 推155F 09/22 12:29
su91104: 推156F 09/22 12:29
collagen: 推157F 09/22 12:31
bluelee: 推158F 09/22 12:31
luoyi: 推159F 09/22 12:38
hsinpu1: 推160F 09/22 12:48
wawa13579: 好像不能轉寄文章是嗎161F 09/22 12:48
hhhutwtw: 推162F 09/22 12:52
egg9509: 推163F 09/22 13:16
Ferous: 推164F 09/22 13:51
AlexKISS: 熱門文章的部分目前規劃中呢  之後會加入的165F 09/22 13:54
AlexKISS: @wawa13579 目前還不能轉寄文章 不過可以加的~
fantasy1209: 推167F 09/22 14:05
qazwsx199786: 推168F 09/22 14:11
ww81104: 推169F 09/22 14:19

※ 看板: iOS 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 149 
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