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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-11-06 08:14:07
看板 iOS
作者 ccwhat (ccwhat)
標題 [情報] iOS 14.2
時間 Fri Nov  6 02:09:30 2020


iOS 14.2 includes the following improvements for your iPhone:
Over 100 new emoji, including animals, food, faces, household objects, musical
 instruments, gender-inclusive emoji, and more
Eight new wallpapers in both light and dark mode versions
Magnifier can detect people nearby, and report their distance using the LiDAR
sensor included in iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max
Support for iPhone 12 Leather Sleeve with MagSafe
Optimized battery charging for AirPods to slow the rate of battery aging by re
ducing the time your AirPods spends fully charged
Headphone audio level notifications to alert you when audio level could impact
 your hearing
New AirPlay controls to stream entertainment throughout your home
Intercom support with HomePod and HomePod mini using iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch
, AirPods, and CarPlay
Ability to connect HomePod to Apple TV 4K for stereo, surround sound, and Dolb
y Atmos audio
Option to provide statistics about Exposure Notifications, without identifying
 you, to participating Public Health Authorities
This release also fixes the following issues:
Apps could be out of order on the Home Screen dock
Camera viewfinder may appear black when launched
The keyboard on the Lock Screen could miss touches when trying to enter the pa
Reminders could default to times in the past
Photos widget may not display content
Weather widget could display the high temperature in Celsius when set to Fahre
Next-hour precipitation chart description in Weather could incorrectly indicat
e when precipitation stops
Voice Memos recordings are interrupted by incoming calls
The screen could be black during Netflix video playback
Apple Cash could fail to send or receive money when asked via Siri
Apple Watch app may unexpectedly close when opened
Workout GPS routes or Health data are prevented from syncing between Apple Wat
ch and iPhone for some users
Audio is incorrectly labeled as "Not Playing” in the CarPlay Dashboard
Devices could be prevented from charging wirelessly
Exposure Notifications is disabled when restoring iPhone from iCloud Backup or
 transferring data to a new iPhone using iPhone Migration
For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visi
t this website:

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Vf3_SMT (iOS)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/iOS/M.1604599772.A.59D.html
silheslan: 正式版來啦1F 11/06 02:10
estupid: 省電2F 11/06 02:19
zilch0330: 來得即時啊!3F 11/06 02:19
roman80010: 問個軟體版本是多少 謝謝4F 11/06 02:20
kennyksmy: 聽說是目前最穩的一版5F 11/06 02:20
XDDDDXDDDD: 聽說把a14 gpu驅動修好了6F 11/06 02:24
tommy666: 有裝描述檔裝了14.2GM版,結果還是收到正式版的更新7F 11/06 02:24
a7952609: 不知道是不是真的比較好 先推XD8F 11/06 02:26
Sougetu: 唯一在玩的手遊有突然飆到最大音量的問題,只好能更就更9F 11/06 02:30
abc0922002: 有玩遊戲的話 肯定要升14.2的11F 11/06 02:32
abc0922002: 8:28處
colin870420: HomePod也有更新~13F 11/06 02:56
GloOmyRay: 省電/噴電/上一版好像比較順/Line閃退/iOSXX比較好 以14F 11/06 03:13
GloOmyRay: 上自己選
baneking: 8以上皆是16F 11/06 03:46
st945401: Airpods加入電池管理,一開始不給,一堆人電力衰退後17F 11/06 04:07
st945401: 才給
qoopichu: mini 5該更新嗎?之前14.1災情那串看的心驚驚19F 11/06 04:42
Pumama: 14.1真的超噴電的20F 11/06 05:39
maxw1102: 竟然有1.4G 這麼大21F 11/06 05:43
yuxiang1212: 求解 iphone12 pro無法更新?23F 11/06 06:22
NDSL: https://i.imgur.com/ZK2ZivM.png 發現閱讀器按鈕變成中文24F 11/06 06:27
NDSL: 違和但又有點可愛XD25F 11/06 06:27
chunptt: iPhone8Plus更新後居然感覺各種操作有變快26F 11/06 06:50
kisia: 已經裝了14.2GM卻又收到14.2更新 還高達3.98G27F 11/06 07:02
a123881: 我12pro正常更新28F 11/06 07:15
Wolverine56: 省電啦,哪次不省電的29F 11/06 07:16
ohisisis: 順炸30F 11/06 07:27
tiesto06202: 鍵盤啦31F 11/06 07:29
tiesto06202: 其他不重要
D98306961: 密碼解鎖終於不會delay跟少字了了33F 11/06 07:55
menontw: 已用itunes更新。34F 11/06 08:02

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