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看板 jaschiang
作者 alljerry04 (Jas Chiang)
標題 Tom Hardy not sure who he's playing in The Dark Knight Rises
時間 2010年12月25日 Sat. PM 04:07:18

A local news station caught up with Tom Hardy on the set of his new movie Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy which is currently filming in Istanbul. Rumors have been flying online as to who Hardy will be playing in The Dark Knight Rises, and when asked, Hardy explained that he doesn’t even know yet. Hardy also says that he’s excited to work with Christian Bale. Bale has stated in an interview that he’s equally as excited to work with Hardy.

Read more: http://batman-news.com/2010/12/24/to...rk-knight-rises/#ixzz196nuacSX

※ 作者: alljerry04  時間: 2010-12-25 16:07:18  來自: alljerry04.twbbs.org
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