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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-06 18:23:36
看板 Knicks
作者 skymay (隨遇而安)
標題 [外電] 瓜LBJ公事公辦,JR即將先發?
時間 Sun May  6 12:48:02 2012

Melo on friends LBJ and Wade: All business

"Nah, it's business. It's straight business right now," Melo said. "I
really don't think there's any need to text right now. We're trying to
win; they're trying to win. Tomorrow's a big day for both. I haven't
heard from them at all."


新聞來源: http://ppt.cc/hAwr
Melo on friends LBJ and Wade: All business - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- In between the practices and games, the Knicks and Heat haven't been going anywhere. The away team has been stationed in the other ...
甜瓜:跟詹韦暂时不谈友情 伍德森:JR有可能先发_网易体育
尼克斯现在在全力备战和热火的第4战,安东尼表示虽然他和詹韦是好朋友,但现在的情况只能公事公办,他在季后赛中始终未和詹韦联系过。 ...

          ======================== 上 ESPN 下 NY Daily

Do I want to win? Hell yeah I want to win,” Anthony said. “It’s tough
out there.


Our defense is way ahead of our offense,” Anthony said. “When we’re
not making shots, it makes it tougher to go down there and defend, get
the ball in transition. We gotta make shots, not led them speed us up.


We need a full 48 minutes,” Woodson said. “Somehow we have to generate
some offense.


新聞來源: http://ppt.cc/Fb5;
Amar'e Stoudemire looks ready to return to NY Knicks for Game 4 against Miami Heat, awaits doctor's OK - NY Daily News Knicks forward Amar’e Stoudemire looked ready to return the lineup Sunday with his well-stitched left hand as his team attempts to stave off elimination in Game 4 against the Heat at the Garden. ...
小斯复出只待医生放行令 伍德森:我们会打第5场_网易体育
小斯今天训练的表现相当不错,现在伍德森教练表示就等医生的决定了。伍德森还表示,尼克斯不会放弃,他们拒绝被热火横扫。 ...

Novak likely to sub, Smith may start

"They're just not leaving [Steve]," Mike Woodson said. "We've got to
try to figure out how to find shots for him. They're really making the
rotations very nicely to get to him in our pick-and roll-basketball.
It hasn't been easy for Novak to free up."


"We've got to figure out something because he's been a big part of our
offense, coming off the bench making shots. I'm going to probably bring
him off the bench for sure [in Game 4], put him back in his comfort zone
and see if we can find him some shots, and he knocks them in."


"You have to tip your hat off to Miami," Anthony said. "They scout,
they prepare, they know Novak is a shooter and try not to give him
any space. They're doing a great job at that. It's up to us to find
opportunities for Novak when they present themselves."

備工作,他們知道 NOVAK是一個投手,他們力求不給他任何的空間。他們在這
方面做得很不錯。現在要看我們,如何在機會出現的時候給 NOVAK創造出手機

While Baron Davis is capable, he's not fully healthy to be that guy for an
entire game. That means J.R. Smith is the team's best option running the
pick-and-roll. He just needs to be a more willing passer. That goes for
Anthony as well. In fact, after Game 3's loss Thursday night, Smith said he
needed to do a better job of finding his teammates, including Novak.


After today's practice, Woodson said he wasn't sure if he'd keep Novak
at the three or call up Smith, but he was leaning towards Smith for that
extra scoring spark. Woodson was concerned with the team's poor start in
Game 3, going down 17-8 towards the end of the first quarter, and Smith
provides more versatile offense (outside and inside) than Novak. Smith's
athleticism out of the backcourt can also speed up the Knicks' offense,
and Woodson has pointed to change of pace lacking recently.

In addition to setting up his teammates, Smith also needs to get the foul
line more. He tends to rely on his trademark stepback move when he drives,
which does create space, but he doesn't always look to go all the way to
the basket. He sometimes doesn't make the most of his explosiveness. But
the Knicks will need all of Smith, especially if he starts, to help Anthony
ignite a great first quarter and go from there.


"We got off to such a bad start [in Game 3] and we were able to counter the
bad start with some substitutions," Woodson said. "We got back in the game
and were able to take the lead. There’s a chance J.R. could start, so we
could have some kind of offensive firepower. I have to make that decision
based on Amare [Stoudemire]."


新聞來源: http://ppt.cc/kw32
Novak likely to sub, Smith may start - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- For a case study on NBA defensive preparation, effort and consistency focused on individuals, look no further than what the Heat h ...
甜瓜:跟詹韦暂时不谈友情 伍德森:JR有可能先发_网易体育
尼克斯现在在全力备战和热火的第4战,安东尼表示虽然他和詹韦是好朋友,但现在的情况只能公事公办,他在季后赛中始终未和詹韦联系过。 ...

Woody: Fans shouldn't boo Amare

If he plays, it will be interesting to see how the Madison Square Garden
crowd reacts.


Mike Woodson thinks the fans should remain in Stoudemire's corner.


"They should be supportive," Woodson said. "Amare, has been, I think pretty
solid all year. Hey, it was bad judgement on his part in what he's done, but
he's in a New York uniform. He's a big part of what we do."


"I love Amare and these fans, they know he made a mistake but they'll be in
his corner, I think."


Earlier this week, Stoudemire said that fans who were critical of him may
have misunderstood his actions.


"Everybody's going to have their own opinion. That's freedom of speech, so I
can't get upset with the amendment," Stoudemire said. "My job is to stay
focused on the task at hand. My teammates understand the situation. Most
athletes around the world understand what happens (when players lose their
tempers after games). It happens every day in sports. But an injury doesn't
really occur, most of the time."

是天天都在發生的。 」

新聞來源: http://ppt.cc/fXLh
Woody: Fans shouldn't boo Amare - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
If Amare Stoudemire returns on Sunday, will he be embraced by the Madison Square Garden crowd -- or booed? For the second straight postseason, Stoude ...
小斯有可能在第4场比赛中复出,麦迪逊花园的球迷很可能为他准备了嘘声。不过尼克斯主教练却呼吁球迷给予小斯支持,不要嘘他。 ...

心得: http://ppt.cc/cc5Q  小瓜表示:把拔說了目前要公事公辦  (誤XD

       武僧是打算讓JR打48分鐘嗎?? 把NOVAK丟回替補,又要讓JR和NOVAK搭
       配是哪招? (PS. JR說他會盡力尋找隊友包括NOVAK,所以JR要當PG嗎?

       尼克對上的是熱火的季後賽對決耶,不是友誼賽耶...= ="

                    ="    ●/   \●      23     SS  0S
>     Ι﹨◤  _       ◥    ◤︽21     ◢\    /●\   
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     ∥ ∥     /|         ╲╲/|   |       ∥  |/

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
eyeshieldZI:         感謝分享     明天至少贏一場呀!!! >////<1F 05/06 12:53
KID543:第一段怎麼有點像情侶吵架 @_@ 希望瓜明天手感回來!!!!!!!!2F 05/06 12:57
HidakaShu:看不太懂是不是要讓JR來分擔BD的工作?3F 05/06 12:59
jayelva:情侶吵架XDD 那是三角關係嗎(誤  另外感謝翻譯!4F 05/06 13:00
illustravi:Jr和novak一直也是這樣搭配啊5F 05/06 13:13
osape:希望我們至少贏一場下來,明天要守住!!!!6F 05/06 13:17
uuuc1223:JR真的蠻願意傳給novak的7F 05/06 13:22
skymay:補一張阿罵 髮型又變了 XD http://ppt.cc/IkvU8F 05/06 14:15
※ 編輯: skymay          來自:       (05/06 14:26)
iswearxxx:我比較喜歡玉米頭啦~玉米頭比較帥9F 05/06 14:28
zara0612:蛤我也覺得玉米頭比較帥為什麼又要變啦QQ10F 05/06 14:39
KID543:我也比較喜歡之前的辮子頭欸 好快就換髮型了~~11F 05/06 14:39
penguin23:辮子頭比較好看+1>"<12F 05/06 14:41
littlecooky:這是不是辮子頭拆掉後變成有點捲捲爆爆的阿~~XD13F 05/06 14:59
adorable:原來阿罵是一遇到挫折就喜歡改變髮型XD14F 05/06 15:08
cathyb:謝謝翻譯! 尼克明天拼了啦!!!! 阿罵這髮型好像釋迦喔XD15F 05/06 15:19
jayelva:釋迦XDDDDDDD16F 05/06 15:28
skymay:是說阿罵的頭髮好茂密 XDD17F 05/06 15:32
zerokonz:阿罵又變回原本的阿罵....18F 05/06 15:37
skymay:是說我真的想問武僧是不是真打算把JR放48分鐘阿@@?19F 05/06 15:41
skymay:另為回H大 我也覺得可能是輔助BD 但這樣也好怪XD 如果都要
skymay:先發那麼...是指可能會看到類似雙控衛?! 但印象中之前BD和
skymay:我有點忘了成效如何了 XD
HarryYu:有好有壞,有因為雙控攻擊的不錯,也有因此籃板被暴過24F 05/06 16:13
skymay:恩 謝謝樓上的回答25F 05/06 16:25
faseno:雙衛印象中六連敗期間公鹿和公牛都有出現過,數據不錯,26F 05/06 16:31
osape:看起來阿罵G4很有可能上場,希望大家不要噓他,阿罵加油!!!29F 05/06 17:01
spittz:阿罵的新髮型...XD31F 05/06 17:11
annebronte:阿罵真的要上場嗎?  他的傷口不會爆掉嗎?  ><33F 05/06 17:41
skymay:武僧是說要等醫生賽前評估後才能確定34F 05/06 17:43
skymay:此很有信心...囧  只是我覺得練習和跟熱火實際打應該天差地
skymay:阿~~~~ 別鬧了那傷口  >"<
cathyb:阿罵的縫線搞不好已經拆線了,從他去縫傷口到現在也5.6天了38F 05/06 17:54
cathyb:我猜的啦! 如果已經拆線應該就癒合差不多...就再等消息嘍
osape:反正...搞不好沒有G5了...就當作是最後一場盡力打吧40F 05/06 17:57
hssz:打到場上爆血很恐怖的,那傷口有夠大的41F 05/06 18:04
osape:隊醫和阿罵本身應該會評估吧...球迷就睜大眼睛認真看了42F 05/06 18:16

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