※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-09 02:35:35
看板 Knicks
作者 標題 [外電] 一些外電
時間 Tue May 8 23:52:17 2012
Win solidifies Woodson's chances with Knicks; 'nothing going on' with Jackson
Win moves Woodson closer to Knicks job; 'nothing going on' with Jackson
Knicks interim coach Mike Woodson snapping his seven-game playoff losing streak in Sunday’s win over the Miami Dream Team sweep has solidified his chances of returning, according to a source. ...
Knicks interim coach Mike Woodson snapping his seven-game playoff losing
streak in Sunday’s win over the Miami Dream Team sweep has solidified his
chances of returning, according to a source.
武僧週日贏熱火的那場 中止了他季後賽7連敗的紀錄 也中止了尼克14連敗還13(隨便拉!)
根據一個消息指出 這使他鞏固了他坐尼克總教練這位子!
“It's not about Mike Woodson and my contract and where I go from here,''
Woodson said.
“I was given an opportunity to coach this team.
I'm still coaching the team and the job is not done.
When that time comes, I'm sure everybody will sit down and talk about my
future but right now that's not my concern.
My concern is Game 5 and getting these guys ready to play.''
武僧說:"現在不是談那個的時候 我被給於一個機會來執教這個球隊 而我現在仍在
執教他們 等時候到了 我保證我會坐下來跟他們好好談總教練的事 但現在我只在乎
現在一堆記者都在討論這件事 不管如何 第五戰加油!外加健康吧!
Source: Lin 'highly unlikely' to play
Source: Lin 'highly unlikely' to play - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
New York Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin is highly unlikely to play in Game 5 of the team's first-round series against the Miami Heat on Wednesday, a ...
有消息指出禮拜一晚上LIN的膝蓋有疼痛現象出現 但仍要等早上的評估
Knicks not likely to have Lin for Game 5 against Heat
總之不管他要不要上 他上了就保佑他不要二度傷害就好
Baron Davis’ Career in Jeopardy After MRI Confirms Multiple Tears
Baron Davis’ Career in Jeopardy After MRI Confirms Multiple Tears | KnickerBlogger.Net We all knew that Baron Davis' knee injury suffered in Game 4 was brutal, but now we know just how brutal. The Knicks have announced that Davis has suffered ...
BD 謝謝你這一季以來的幫助 辛苦了 加油!
Ewing to interview for Bobcats coaching job: report
Ewing to interview with Bobcats about coaching job: report - NYPOST.com
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — The Charlotte Bobcats will interview Orlando Magic assistant Patrick Ewing for their vacant head-coaching job, Yahoo! Sports reported, citing sources. ...
如果他當了 然後山貓今年真的選A.D 那感覺A.D之後有機會被教得不錯!?
─∥∥ ──── ◣◣ =◥◥"◥◥’’. ∵∵ ◆◆∥∥ ψψsherry821224 ──────────────
∥∥ ◤ ◥◥ ◤◤ ◥◥ ∥∥ ◤ ◢◤◤\ ◣◥ Teammates don't
∥∥ ╱ ∥∥◤◤ ̄◣ ﹍﹍◣◣∥∥◤◤ ̄╲∥∥ ╱∥∥◤◤ ̄╲ ▼▼‵‵、λλ﹀﹀▼▼▼▼ play with each
∥∥◆◆◇◇ ∥∥ ∥∥∥∥◣◣∥∥ ∥∥╱╱ ∥∥◣◣__ ──-.╳ ︶︶- other, they play
∥∥ ╲ ∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥ ∥∥ ╲ ◥◥∥∥▲▲ ρρ\ `, ▲▲▲▲ FOR each other.
─∥∥ ╲ ∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥◣◣_╱∥∥ ╲╲_◢◢∥∥ ◥ | ◢────────…‥.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :大猩猩先前好像有想回尼克耶 就是魔術全體去夜電那次XD1F 05/08 23:56
→ :不過他希望的好像是總教練
→ :不過他希望的好像是總教練
→ :是阿 大猩猩他現在只想當總教練0.03F 05/08 23:57
→ :不然他來應該真的有望把兩人教出一些東西
→ :雖然DH12的進攻還是有點悲劇 但感覺他改拜師歐拉也還是有些
→ :卡卡的...
→ :不然他來應該真的有望把兩人教出一些東西
→ :雖然DH12的進攻還是有點悲劇 但感覺他改拜師歐拉也還是有些
→ :卡卡的...
→ :呃.......但好像有聽說姚明說他不太會教?????7F 05/08 23:59
推 :忠誠獸給Ewing教的時候超杯具;給歐拉教變普通杯具;歐拉勝8F 05/09 00:06
→ :是喔 好吧XD9F 05/09 00:07
推 :生涯退休 很可怕....10F 05/09 00:25
推 :BD數據一年比一年差了 退休也許是新的開始11F 05/09 00:31
推 :第五戰!! 盡力而為,LIN有沒有上 無所謂了12F 05/09 00:39
推 :G5我會抱著感恩的心態看XD 能多看一場比賽好幸福(擦眼淚)13F 05/09 00:57
→ :真的 沒被橫掃真是太意外了T^T BD謝謝你14F 05/09 01:06
推 :感謝外電QQ15F 05/09 01:17
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