※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-11 05:38:42
看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] END OF SEASON 採訪
時間 Fri May 11 04:49:03 2012
整理一下今天END OF SEASON的訪問
Woodson on Jeremy Lin: Jeremy’s a big part of our team. Will he start, only
time will tell? He’s got to recover from his knee and use this summer to
really work on his game to put himself in the best position possible for our
ball club. He has started for our team and he has played well for our
basketball team. This summer will be pivotal in terms of his improvement. Will
he back next year? Absolutely. He’s a big part of our ball club.
Carmelo Anthony on Jeremy Lin: I have confidence in Jeremy. I’m a believer in
Jeremy. I want Jeremy to get healthy, come back full strength and see what
happens from there. He’s still a part of the team. we want him. We love what he
’s done for our team, what he’s done for the organization, what he’s done
for the city. We just want him to come back healthy and be ready for next year.
Howard Beck @HowardBeckNYT
Jeremy Lin, looking ahead: "My biggest fear is coming back ... and being as
good. That’s my biggest fear. I need to be a lot better."
Josh Newman @Joshua_Newman
Interesting part from the end with Lin, said he would consider
playing for USA Select, which scrimmages National Team, if USA asks.
Jonah Ballow @jonahballow
"I need to make sure I'm a lot better & healthier & that's my focus for the
Jonah Ballow @jonahballow
"That's what I remember the most is the amount of fun we had on the court"
Adam Zagoria @AdamZagoria
Jeremy Lin: "I love the #Knicks and the organization but at the same time it's
a business."
喜歡NYK BUT 在商言商!!!
Alan Hahn @alanhahn
Lin is clearly the first domino when it comes to the offseason roster moves.
What he gets impacts everything else Knicks can do.....
.If Lin commands bulk or all of MLE, #Knicks are limited. If he takes less to
stay, Knicks have much more flexibility to improve team.
如果LIN能以少於MLE的價碼留尼克 尼克就能用剩下的MLE補強板凳
LIN表示: it's a business ′_>`
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。□□ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ︵╱ 17︽ 凡凡事事都都有有定定期、 ψψsherry821224。。
∥∥∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ╱╱ ﹍﹍◣◣∥∥◤◤ ̄◣ 天天下下萬萬務務都都有定定時時。。 □□ .
□□ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ "● ∥∥◣◣∥∥ ∥∥ 神神造造萬萬物、 □
■. ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥∥∥ ∥∥ ∥∥ ∥∥ 各各按按其其時成成為美好。。 ·
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推 :推 it's a business1F 05/11 04:58
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