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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-06-14 21:58:31
看板 Knicks
作者 lest83 (lest83)
標題 [外電] 鳥權聽證會結束 決定很快就會降臨
時間 Thu Jun 14 11:30:41 2012

The Lin-Novak Bird rights hearing has been heard and a decision will come


揪咪林 NOVAK的鳥權聽證會已經確定結束了 決定很快就會出來了

The arbitration hearing regarding the Bird rights of Jeremy Lin and Steve
Novak (among others) is over.
Here's what Al Iannazzone twat after the fact :

The Lin-Novak hearing is over, a source said.
A decision is expected soon, as david stern said yesterday.
Not expecting it today.

鳥權聽證會已經結束了 記者在推特上說

根據可靠的來源說聽證會已經結束了 屎藤昨天說決定應該很快就會出來


On the other hand, Steve Novak suggested that a decision would take two weeks
, and he was actually there.
His appearance at the hearing was apparently a surprise one, and word has it
he even gave a testimony .
He must really want to stay in New York!!!!

另一方面 NOVAK建議決定兩個禮拜後在出來 他竟然真的出現在聽證會上了

他的出現對於聽證會似乎是一個驚喜 和他的證詞


Again, all the experts out there made it sound like the league wasn't going
to be denied in this one, but crazier things have happened , ya know?.
The union did have a pretty good case to make, and perhaps a rousing plea by
Novak swayed the arbitrator in our favor.

再一次 幾乎所有的專家都說聯盟不會去重新定義鳥權 但你知道嗎?

瘋狂的事正在發生 球員工會做了一個不錯的爭辯 也許 NOVAK驚人的爭辯



Arbitration case heard for Knicks' Lin, Novak

Union feels hearing for Knicks' Lin, Novak went well - NYPOST.com
Steve Novak made a surprise appearance at the arbitration hearing in New York Wednesday, his 29th birthday, as the NBA Players Association fought to restore the 3-point shooting ace’s and Jeremy Lin ...

No decision was reached by arbitrator Kenneth Dam after the 3 ½-hour session.


Dam, a former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury in the George W. Bush
administration, told the union and NBA lawyers a verdict will be handed down
before July 1, the date Lin and Novak can become free agents.

不過結果會在7/1號之前出來 也就是在揪咪林跟NOVAK成為自由球員之前

“The arguments went well,'' union attorney Ron Klempner told The Post.
“ We slugged it out on language and policy.''


老調重談 如果贏了尼克可以怎樣怎樣 輸了就只能給揪咪林中產然後給NAVAK 200萬

Novak said on Twitter “I can't thank [union negotiator] Jeffrey Kessler
enough for all the work they put into the Bird rights case.
A decision in about 2 weeks.''

NOVAK:"我對於工會談判代表的感謝太多了 想感謝也感謝不完 他們為了我們所做的

一切(鳥權聽證會) 一切結果都會在兩週內出爐

The union is trying to prove a player should not lose his Bird rights if he
is waived and claimed since it is equivalent to being traded.
A traded player does retain his Bird rights.
The arguments centered on the difference between a contract being traded and
“assigned'' via waivers.


並聲稱這(應該是揮棄或釋出)就相當於被交易 而被交易的人卻可以保住他的鳥權


One person close to Novak said he felt the union has a “50-50’’ chance of


祝 NOVAK生日快樂!

 ───   ="    ψψsherry821224 ──────────────
         ◥      ◤     ◥      ◤         ◢\    Teammates don't 
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                 ╱  __    -.╳ -    other, they play 
                      ╲      ρρ\ `,  FOR each other. 
            ◣_╱   ╲╲_  ◥ |  ────────…‥.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
ab12:祝 NOVAK生日快樂!生日願望成真!1F 06/14 11:42
osape:我有在NOVAK的推特上看到他說要前往聽證會的推2F 06/14 11:43
skymay:TAT  Novak他真的比我所想像的還要更想留在尼克 加油!!4F 06/14 11:48
drcula:我是覺得氣氛好吧,在一個氣氛好的地方打球,比較能發揮5F 06/14 11:54
ab12:希望LIN、NOVAK、LF、JR都能留下來,這才是完整陣容9F 06/14 12:00
Dopin:怎可不幫台灣之友加油呢 :::> <:::11F 06/14 12:20
showming75:Novak happy birthrday~12F 06/14 18:34
※ 編輯: lest83          來自:       (06/14 20:38)
etintin:希望鳥權能順利拿到 話說今天真的有一瞬間被騙到Novak 4013F 06/14 21:18
etintin:還害我驚訝一下Novak年季怎麼這麼大了 但後來想想 不可能
skymay:謝謝原PO多補充的幾則翻譯  希望Novak可以順利說服他們!!15F 06/14 21:26

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