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看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 標題 [外絮] Lin新任經紀人Jim Tanner接受紐郵訪問
時間 Sat Jun 23 00:21:26 2012
Jeremy Lin of New York Knicks switches agents to powerful firm Williams & Connolly with free agency due on July 1 - NYPOST.com
The Knicks’ Jeremy Lin, with free agency looming July 1, is beefing up for negotiations by retaining the powerful Washington-based agent Jim Tanner of Williams & Connolly. ...
Knicks' Lin signs new rep to direct free-agency fight
The Knicks' Jeremy Lin, with free agency looming July 1, is beefing up
for negotiations by retaining the powerful Washington-based agent Jim Tanner
of Williams & Connolly.
The undrafted Harvard point guard was using little-known Roger Montgomery,
who guided a small agency in San Antonio. A release said Montgomery will
continue to work with Lin in conjunction with Williams & Connolly, a Beltway
law firm that has former President Bill Clinton among its many political
Tanner said he first met with Lin and his family when he came out of college,
but didn't sign him. They became reacquainted two months ago, after Lin's
left- knee surgery. Powerhouse agency CAA also tried to sign Lin, but failed.
Williams & Connolly擁有許多政治領域的客戶,包括前美國總統柯林頓。
Lin和Williams & Connolly簽約後,也會繼續和蒙哥的合作關係。兩個月前、
"What's most interesting in this process is how much interest he has off the
court, with so many companies already expressing interest,'' Tanner told
The Post. "He had a phenomenal year in terms of his performance. He captured
everyone's imagination. Everyone can identify with his story being an
underdog, overcoming odds and excelling.''
Tanner declined to comment on Lin's chances of re-signing with the Knicks,
saying he is too new to the situation.
Lin is supposed to play for the U.S. Select Team that will face Team USA
during scrimmages starting July 5, but his contract won't be finalized until
July 11. There is precedent for free agents pulling out of the Select Team.
"I don't want to comment on that yet,'' Tanner said.
Tanner also represents, NBA stars Grant Hill, Shane Battier, Tim Duncan and
Ray Allen, the latter a free agent who may have interest in the Knicks if
they still have their $5 million mid-level exception after a union hearing.
Tanner的客戶還有Grant Hill、八爺、TD和本季成為FA的雷槍,如果尼克贏得鳥權仲裁
Montgomery and Tanner will collaborate on Lin's new contract that could get
tricky if another team (which has to be under the cap) offers him a
back-loaded proposal. The Knicks can match any offer, but a team under the
cap can go as high as $15 million in the third year of a deal. The first
two years can't be higher than the average salary (roughly $5 million). The
Knicks may or may not have to use their mid-level exception on Lin, pending
Lin's Bird Rights hearing.
Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald, a well-decorated lawyer out of
Northwestern, has said he will re-sign Lin, but Montgomery recently told
The Post he didn't consider that a slam-dunk.
Montgomery needed help mostly because Lin is a marketing gold mine. There has
been criticism Lin hadn't cashed in with enough endorsements.
The new firm will represent Lin in all areas of contractual agreements,
marketing endorsements, licensing, personal appearances, media relations,
community investments, and other business opportunities.
"I believe Jim and the team at Williams & Connolly are the best fit for me
in all aspects of my career," Lin said in a statement. "With the quality
and character of their firm and clients, their extensive basketball experience
and tremendous success in athlete representation, I am confident that
Williams & Connolly will provide me with the guidance I need to continue
to develop personally and professionally. I am excited to have them work with
Roger Montgomery and my current team
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◆ From:
推 :謝謝翻譯~:-)1F 06/23 00:36
推 :謝翻譯~2F 06/23 00:40
推 :謝謝翻譯呦!3F 06/23 00:41
推 :推翻譯,這時刻簽這個經紀人讓人感覺挺安心的XD4F 06/23 00:44
推 :有一段翻譯個人看法不一樣,不是林沒上場打球仍有很多公司5F 06/23 00:49
→ :對他有興趣,而是不知道林是否對這些商業代言有興趣.
→ :對他有興趣,而是不知道林是否對這些商業代言有興趣.
→ :這一段文字的確有疑慮 像" how much interest he has7F 06/23 00:55
→ :off the court"的interest是指利益還是興趣?!
→ :如果是"利益" 是否可以理解為他在球場外的利益吸引許多
→ :公司的興趣呢?
→ :off the court"的interest是指利益還是興趣?!
→ :如果是"利益" 是否可以理解為他在球場外的利益吸引許多
→ :公司的興趣呢?
推 :with so many companies already expressing interest 有11F 06/23 01:00
→ :這句對照,我認為翻成興趣比較好. 看看是否有英文達人解惑
→ :這句對照,我認為翻成興趣比較好. 看看是否有英文達人解惑
推 :印象中那時Lin自己似乎沒有想接太多代言?應該不是蒙哥13F 06/23 01:02
→ :的問題
→ :的問題
→ :這一句根本是文字遊戲,出現3個interest...XDD15F 06/23 01:03
→ :我也覺得Lin是刻意不狂接代言的,不過說蒙哥辦事不力是
→ :紐遊的主觀意見,看看就好
→ :我也覺得Lin是刻意不狂接代言的,不過說蒙哥辦事不力是
→ :紐遊的主觀意見,看看就好
推 :紐郵就只是八卦報的等級,雖然跟紐時只差一個字但水準差18F 06/23 01:06
→ :很多,看看就好= =
→ :很多,看看就好= =
推 :謝謝翻譯 >u<20F 06/23 01:07
→ :嗯啊~就八卦報~不過有訪問到Tanner本尊就加減看囉~:P21F 06/23 01:08
→ :看到CAA也想搶Lin那句...其他的就不跟紐郵計較了 XD22F 06/23 01:18
推 :樓上,我也注意到caa搶不到Lin,心裡一陣莫名高興XDD23F 06/23 01:44
推 :謝謝翻譯 :) 新經紀人發言蠻謹慎的24F 06/23 01:46
→ :Tanner那段話 我同意silvia大的譯法 根據前後文來判斷
→ :Tanner那段話 我同意silvia大的譯法 根據前後文來判斷
推 :我個人覺得off court那段指的比較像是利益耶26F 06/23 01:48
→ :應該是指林在球場外也備受關注 經紀人不太可能主觀臆測27F 06/23 01:48
→ :林是否對場外代言有興趣 感覺很不搭XD
→ :林是否對場外代言有興趣 感覺很不搭XD
推 :林好像有表示過他不想接太多代言要專注在球場上 這方面應29F 06/23 01:59
→ :該就不是經紀人的問題了
→ :該就不是經紀人的問題了
推 :推推31F 06/23 07:25
推 :我倒覺得Montgomery以往是單純替Lin找球隊,應該不是擅長運32F 06/23 07:40
→ :替運動員權益談判、應付媒體曝光和廣告效益。
→ :加入有法律談判背景且有影響力的Tanner確實對Lin加分
→ :有嚴肅的經紀人起碼以後媒體比較不敢亂拍照發小道新聞稿吧
→ :替運動員權益談判、應付媒體曝光和廣告效益。
→ :加入有法律談判背景且有影響力的Tanner確實對Lin加分
→ :有嚴肅的經紀人起碼以後媒體比較不敢亂拍照發小道新聞稿吧
推 :只注意到AGG簽不到 哈哈 我也覺得代言量不是問題!36F 06/23 09:14
推 :telnet://ptt.cc 有『Eng-Class』板,裡面高手一堆哦。^_^37F 06/23 11:00
推 :"little-known" XD 蒙哥馬利真太小牌了,不得以要找個上38F 06/23 11:12
→ :得了檯面的大點的經紀人來幫忙談新合約
→ :得了檯面的大點的經紀人來幫忙談新合約
推 :Eng-Class 是哪一個版@@40F 06/23 12:19
推 :搞錯XD 我還以為有經紀人版
推 :搞錯XD 我還以為有經紀人版
推 :我少數服從多數,接受那句是利益的意思,畢竟我本來就不是42F 06/23 12:24
→ :很有把握. 感覺新經紀公司只負責打理商業代言,蒙哥則是負
→ :責NBA關事務,似乎是這樣分工的?
→ :很有把握. 感覺新經紀公司只負責打理商業代言,蒙哥則是負
→ :責NBA關事務,似乎是這樣分工的?
推 :不見得,以目前Tanner團隊看來,與NBA聯盟及球隊爭取權益的45F 06/23 12:29
→ :能力似乎也很強
→ :能力似乎也很強
→ :怕是那個團隊以商業代言為主要負責項目,且抽成多得多,會47F 06/23 12:32
→ :認為林留在紐約的機會較好,所以對此不積極.
→ :認為林留在紐約的機會較好,所以對此不積極.
推 :目前對經紀人的了解不多 這我們也只能窮擔心了 Lin應該不49F 06/23 12:34
→ :會這麼笨,而且以LIN的性格,恐怕公益事業才會比較令他關
→ :注吧
→ :會這麼笨,而且以LIN的性格,恐怕公益事業才會比較令他關
→ :注吧
→ :其實職業球員多半都有基金會,除了公益之外,也有節稅作用.52F 06/23 12:37
→ :how much interest是興趣, how many interests才是利益53F 06/23 12:41
→ :在Lin發的聲明中寫明新經紀公司負責包括:合約,商業代言,54F 06/23 12:41
推 :額?!難道我對了?!去查了字典,興趣不可數,利益可數且常用55F 06/23 12:43
→ :個人出席公開活動,媒體關係,設公益活動和各類商業機會56F 06/23 12:43
→ :複數型態. 這是在讓大家複習英文嗎?XDD57F 06/23 12:44
→ :從這一路看來,Lin和他的團隊做事是非常謹慎的,我相信他58F 06/23 12:47
→ :們會選擇跟這家公司合作也是審慎考慮的結果,所以我們只
→ :要等著看就好囉~:D
→ :所以那句話的意思是:『有很多公司已經對Lin展現興趣
→ :(意指邀他代言或各類商業合作)但最有趣的是,Lin對這
→ :有多少興趣』,是嗎? @_@ 頭昏了先去吃粽子XDD
→ :們會選擇跟這家公司合作也是審慎考慮的結果,所以我們只
→ :要等著看就好囉~:D
→ :所以那句話的意思是:『有很多公司已經對Lin展現興趣
→ :(意指邀他代言或各類商業合作)但最有趣的是,Lin對這
→ :有多少興趣』,是嗎? @_@ 頭昏了先去吃粽子XDD
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