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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-06 21:43:26
看板 Knicks
作者 lest83 (lest83)
標題 [外電] 尼克正在尋求後衛
時間 Sat Jun 30 13:18:44 2012

Knicks seeking guard help

Knicks seeking guard help
The real work is about to begin for Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald.Free agency starts at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, and with seven players under contract and Thursday night's second-round pick, Kostas P ...

The real work is about to begin for Knicks general manager Glen Grunwald.


Grunwald's first call probably will be to Steve Nash. After that, Ray Allen,
Jason Kidd, Jason Terry, Raymond Felton, Andre Miller and Randy Foye could
hear from Knicks officials.

GG的追求順位可能是 NASH > 雷槍 > 接生小孩 > JET > 肥頓 > A米 > FOYE

"The guard position is something obviously where we have to address,"
Grunwald said. "That's where the holes are right now."

GG說:"後衛這位子是很明顯的需要補強 這就是那個需要補的洞!"

(去年是C一個大洞跟PG一個小洞 補完拳王後變成PG一個大洞@@)

The Knicks feel comfortable up front with Carmelo Anthony, Amar'e Stoudemire
and Tyson Chandler. They believe that trio together for a full training camp
and with coach Mike Woodson will lead to a better finish than another loss in
the first round of the playoffs. But work needs to be done on the perimeter.


但是現在的問題在外圍!(外線過於不穩定 導致只有NOVAK一個點可以看...)

As expected, the NBA and players' union reached a settlement on the
arbitration proceedings that granted Jeremy Lin and Steve Novak "early Bird"
rights this free agency. The NBA dropped the appeal and Lin and Novak
maintain their rights, giving the Knicks more flexibility because they can
re-sign them without using any exceptions.

 正如之前所預期的一樣 NBA放棄上訴了 揪咪林跟NOVAK獲得他們的早鳥權了


All signs point to the Knicks re-signing the restricted Lin -- Grunwald hopes
to lock him up before he gets an offer they have to match -- and J.R. Smith.
That will take care of some of those backcourt holes, but it's just the

所有的線索都指出尼克會重簽回LIN GG希望在他需要去跟進其他合約之前就把這合約
                                   (這不太可能吧= =)

搞定 JR可以把後場這個大洞補上一點點 但這只是一開始而已

Knee surgery could sideline Iman Shumpert until January, so the Knicks need
another shooting guard. They also would like to sign someone who can lead an
offense and mentor Lin.

尼克的後場防守一哥香缽需要1月才能回來 所以尼克可能會去追求一個可以進攻又可


"We're looking for experienced players in general," Grunwald said. "We're at
the stage where we want to make improvements right away and take steps
forward to additional success."

GG:"我們這在尋找一個有經驗的球員 我們現在這階段需要馬上做出改善


Landry Fields is a restricted free agent whom the Knicks would bring back at
the right price. Novak is unrestricted; the Knicks want him back but probably
won't overspend because it could hamper other moves they make.

LF是個受限制的自由球員 尼克會用對的價錢把他帶回來 NOVAK是個不受限制的

球員 尼克當然想要他回來 但是尼克沒辦法在他身上花太多錢 會影響到他們不能


Paying Lin, Novak, Smith and Fields probably would make the Knicks a luxury
tax-paying team and limit them to having the new $3-million mini-midlevel
exception instead of the full $5-million midlevel.

尼克會因為帶回LIN NOVAK LF JR而使他們要付豪華稅


That likely won't be enough to sign Nash -- who can get more from Toronto,
Phoenix and Dallas -- or some other established veterans. So the Knicks will
try to find creative ways to have the full midlevel without being hamstrung
to make other moves.

這樣看來尼克應該是沒有足夠的錢可以吸引到NASH 因為他可以在其他地方獲得


(補充一點:NASH說如果要選紐約的話 他會只考慮尼克 不會考慮籃網)

"That's one of the various scenarios, that we could use the full non-taxpayer
midlevel," Grunwald said. "It's possible."
If the Knicks only have the mini-midlevel, they hope that New York will be
enough to lure players.
"I know people like to play in New York," Grunwald said. "I think we have a
good team. I think we've got a chance to do something in the playoffs."

GG說:"這只是一種可能性之一 就是他們可以用全額中產 這是有可能的

如果他們最終只能用小中產 他們希望紐約可以吸引球員過來

我知道人們都希望在紐約打球 我認為我們有個不錯的隊伍 我認為我們有機會可以


The Knicks will have heavy competition for Nash, Kidd and Allen. Felton,
Terry, Miller and Foye could be more realistic options. O.J. Mayo has been
linked to the Knicks but likely will be too expensive.
The Knicks' other free agents are Jared Jeffries, Mike Bibby, Baron Davis and
Dan Gadzuric. Of them, Jeffries might have the best shot at returning.
Notes & quotes: Toney Douglas, Josh Harrellson, Jerome Jordan and J.R.
Smith's brother Chris are among the players expected to be on the Knicks'
summer league team that will play in Las Vegas next month.

對於NASH 接生小孩 雷槍 尼克會面臨很激烈的競爭
             (雷槍目前嚴重傾向熱火 而接生小孩則是跟隨小胖)

肥頓 JET A米 FOYE則是有更現實的選項

MAYO有說希望到尼克 可是他太貴了...尼克可能付不起

尼克其他的自由球員 JJ BB BD 跟季末新同學(簡稱DG)


另外TD 肯胖 大JJ 跟JR弟 都會參加尼克的夏季聯賽


The Knicks already have $61.7 million in committed salaries for next season,
before re-signing Lin, Novak, JR Smith, Landry Fields or Jared Jeffries.
If Lin earns his full $5.3 million and Smith re-signs for $2.8 million, his
maximum raise, the payroll will exceed $69 million — before adding another
player — leaving the Knicks ineligible to use the $5 million exception.

尼克薪資目前已經6170萬了 如果LIN獲得530萬而JR280萬 他們最大的加薪空間

那麼薪資將會超過6900萬 這樣尼克在簽其他人幾乎確定會只有300萬(小中產)


Glen Grunwald, the Knicks' general manager, acknowledged the quandary
Thursday night, saying: “Whatever happens with our own free agents, it's
likely that we'll be a taxpayer this coming year.
So that's why we would be operating under the three million number.”

GG說:"不管發生甚麼事 我們這幾年看來都會是豪華稅的繳交者

所以 這就是為甚麼我們已經準備好用300萬的了"


對照GG的說法 應該是留下現有成員>保留500萬


      PG    LIN /TD   /新找的人

      SG    LF  /香缽 /JR

      SF    瓜  /NOVAK(其實我不知道NOVAK該擺哪 看瓜沒替補就擺這吧XD)

      PF    阿罵/JJ   /

      C     拳王/大JJ /肯胖

新找的人目前目標是(NASH 雷槍 接生小孩 肥頓 FOYE A米 MAYO)

我比較喜歡肥頓或NASH 但FOYE出現的機率蠻高的...

還有可能回歸的BB DG BD 外加之前的喜劇角色WALKER!(差點忘了還有可能CAMBY!)

WALKER其實不差阿 還可以當瓜的替補用又肯拼還兼當笑果XDD (GG考慮一下拉!)


畢竟雷槍如果真的去的話 就不能像今年賭他們外線不準了

他們外線的威脅就忽然增加許多= =


 ───   ="    ψψsherry821224 ──────────────
         ◥      ◤     ◥      ◤         ◢\    Teammates don't 
     ╱   ◤ ̄◣ ◤ ̄╲ ╱◤ ̄╲ λλ play with each  
                 ╱  __    -.╳ -    other, they play 
                      ╲      ρρ\ `,  FOR each other. 
            ◣_╱   ╲╲_  ◥ |  ────────…‥.

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◆ From:
※ 編輯: lest83          來自:      (06/30 13:20)
mobaby:謝翻譯,看到接生小孩和香缽我大笑了XDDDDDD1F 06/30 13:26
skymay:謝謝翻譯  杜蘭的付就付很有畫面XDDD2F 06/30 13:31

PG這位子不是那麼好當的... JR的視野並不算好 或許可以讓他偶爾當一下

但是如果讓他當很長時間的話...最好的情況大概就是變得跟西河差不多吧= =

osape:不知道為什麼,我覺得搞不好來的完全不是名單上的人?5F 06/30 13:39

這挺有可能的 我已經先做好被打臉的準備的-.-
StrawBruce:肯胖應該算C吧~~ 感覺在他場上幾乎都是C的位置~6F 06/30 13:58

感謝 他的確是C 只是太矮了總是被我列為PF XD
yun0215:囧...用西河比...西河視野&傳球能力好多了吧...雖然他愛7F 06/30 14:05
yun0215:自幹= =

所以我的意思是JR如果有幸真的轉成了 "最好的情況"也只是變成西河那種

攻擊自幹型控衛......(不過西河還年輕還有可能在變更成熟 JR就...)

StrawBruce:Novak在場上比較常打PF, 這時通常是LF打SF9F 06/30 14:35
yun0215:因為其實LF Shump &JR 這三人都能搖擺到SF...所以Melo有無10F 06/30 14:38
ab32110:控衛不是那嚜好轉的@@ 是說雷槍是SG吧12F 06/30 15:06

尼克好像也不排除找SG 但他們是希望能找到一個可以打進攻又能教LIN的@@
※ 編輯: lest83          來自:      (06/30 15:11)
StrawBruce:這次的Papanikolaou應該是來補SF的~ 跟melo一樣高!13F 06/30 15:43
StrawBruce:melo在官網是104kg Papa是102kg 不過melo瘦到100的樣:P
StrawBruce:Shump 196cm, JR 198cm, LF 201cm, 所以LF較常打SF的樣
camby909:推camby!!!16F 06/30 15:57
corn726:這後衛名單機率感覺都很低..Foye可能真的最高了..但他..17F 06/30 16:42
wylscott:尼克繼續賭樂透...18F 06/30 19:16
cvop720:從今年來看,我覺得JR控球還控的比TD好多了.....19F 06/30 19:24
qfyjke54:蠻務實的想法21F 06/30 20:32

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