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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-07-05 02:37:00
看板 Knicks
作者 lest83 (lest83)
標題 [外電] NOVAK鳥權訪談
時間 Tue Jul  3 00:28:01 2012

Steve Novak talks early Bird rights ruling

Steve Novak talks early Bird rights ruling - Knicks Blog - ESPN New York
I caught up with Steve Novak on Saturday, the day after the NBA announced it had reached a settlement agreement with the players' association regardin ...



Q: What does it mean for you now?
Novak: It was kind of a big relief. For me, getting Bird rights was the
biggest thing, I think I understand about 90 percent of it. Myself and Jeremy
Lin, we can re-sign [with the Knicks] without it going towards the cap, which
is huge. I guess I don't know what exactly to expect; this is my first free
agency. In the past, I've been one of the last signings, so I'm not really
sure what to expect.


N:這是一個相當大的慰藉 對於我來說 取得鳥權是一件很重大的事

我認為我明白了90%(關於鳥權)吧 我跟揪咪林都可以被尼克無視薪資帽直接重簽

回去 這是很棒的 我猜我不知道我對於我的第一次的自由球員身分有甚麼期望

在過去 我總是那個最後被簽的人 所以我不確定該有甚麼期望

(NOVAK...Q^Q 拍拍)

Q: What have you heard from teammates and friends in the league about the
free agent process? Anything that you're expecting?
Novak: For one of my good friends, Shane Battier, last year it was really the
first time in his career that he was true free agent. And I know he was
saying that he was really looking forward to it and looking forward to going
through the process, and experiencing just kind of how it works. And then by
the time he had to make a decision, he was like, "Oh man, oh man, this is
stressful and I'm not sure if I'm making the right decision." It's almost
better if you just get that early extension and you don't have to do any
thinking or anything.

Q:那你有聽到隊友或朋友談論聯盟中自由球員的過程嗎 有甚麼是你很期待的?

N:噢 我最重要的一個朋友:巴爺! 去年也是他職業生涯中第一次的自由球員

我知道他曾經說過 他非常期待並且期望向前經歷過這個過程 而且體驗看看

這是怎麼運作的 然後他做出決定 他就像:"噢 天阿天阿! 這是很緊張的

我不確定我是否做了對的決定"  如果你只是獲得延長合約而且你不用去做

任何的想法跟決定   這幾乎是更棒的


Q: Is your priority the Knicks, though? And also for Jeremy? I'm sure you
guys have been talking about it.
Novak: Yeah, yeah, we've definitely been talking. As I've said a million
times, I would just love to be back. There's no question that coming back
would be awesome.

Q:你會優先選擇尼克嗎 揪咪林也會嗎 我很確定你們兩個有談過這件事吧!

N:顆顆 我們確實有談過這件事 正如我說過1百萬次的話 我很樂意回來


(糟糕...NOVAK你真的說太好了 你真的跳出我們不會怪你的 會支持你的Q^Q)

Q: You were at the early Bird rights hearing. What was that experience like?
Novak: It was really, really very interesting. To be honest, I wasn't sure if
it was going to be kind of like a oh-my-goodness-six-hour-day, where I'm just
sitting there and I'm just listening and not understanding exactly. It was
really the opposite of that. I was just very impressed I think with the
lawyers, and how it was handled and the preparation. The whole process, to be
honest, was just obviously very civil. You really just got a feel for how the
collective bargaining last summer went on, but at a very, small level. That
went on for six months. Every little thing has to just be black and white.
That's what caused this; there was a gray area.

Q:當時你在鳥權聽證會時 你的感覺如何呢?

N:這真的真的真的非常有趣! 坦白的跟你說了 我不確定這個是否就像

oh-my-goodness-six-hour-day一樣(按:別問我我不知道那甚麼= =)

當時我只是坐在那邊還有我只是聽並沒有非常明白 我只是有一種很深刻的印象

就是我坐在律師的對面 還有如何去處理跟準備 這整個過程都很明顯的民主!

你真的會感覺到去年他們是如何集體談判的! (下面感覺就是一些描述 恕略)

It was just crazy to see the intricacies of arguing over something like this.
But to me, after really hearing both sides, I knew it just obviously affected
me largely and positively. We had the favorable ruling, but to be honest, I
really feel like it was the right thing, it was the fair thing, I think it
was what the CBA intended to be, and I think that that's good. I think for
future players that this affects, to me, that was the best part of winning

總之NOVAK覺得這是一件很棒的事 也可以幫未來的球員爭取權益

Q: Did they ask for your opinion? Were you able to express how you felt?
Novak: No, not at all. I really was there listening and, to be honest, the
majority of the lawyers just spoke. It was really just being there and
knowing it was a huge decision for me.

Q:那麼他們有問過你的想法嗎 你有去表達你的感覺嗎?

N:不 不盡然是那樣的 我真的就是在那邊聽 坦白說 主要都是那些律師在講


Q: So what's the essence of early Bird rights to you? Is it security for
yourself, knowing that you have a better chance of landing with the Knicks,
and higher financial longevity? Are those the two main things, or are there
other factors that are important for you?
Novak: In my mind, getting Bird rights, to me, really just meant a much more
open door to the Knicks. People were like, "I don't understand all this
stuff. Just explain to me if you win what does it mean, and if you lose what
does it mean?" My explanation was really like, "Look, if I win Bird rights, I
think I have a much, much better chance of being back with the Knicks."


還是為了更高的薪水 這是最主要的兩件事還是對你來說有其他的因素比這更重要

N:就我來說 獲得鳥權 就只是為了能有更多的機會來給尼克

人們都是一樣的 "我不明白為甚麼錢就是一切 就我的來說 如果贏了對我的意義

是甚麼 輸了意義又是甚麼? 我的解釋就像是:"看阿 如果我贏得鳥權


心得:不行了...NOVAK太感人了Q^Q  希望你能繼續加油下去! 加油!






 ───   ="    ψψsherry821224 ──────────────
         ◥      ◤     ◥      ◤         ◢\    Teammates don't 
     ╱   ◤ ̄◣ ◤ ̄╲ ╱◤ ̄╲ λλ play with each  
                 ╱  __    -.╳ -    other, they play 
                      ╲      ρρ\ `,  FOR each other. 
            ◣_╱   ╲╲_  ◥ |  ────────…‥.

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◆ From:
※ 編輯: lest83          來自:      (07/03 00:52)
esther81828:拍拍NOVAK1F 07/03 01:01
lest83:真的!!Q^Q3F 07/03 01:11
osape:我覺得他留下的可能性比較大,比過他在馬刺的數據,馬刺比較4F 07/03 01:13
skymay:推推 謝謝翻譯,老實說我覺得他跟林的心情是一樣的,都很期8F 07/03 07:08
osape:插撥一下,剛看到雷帝說:奧克拉荷馬是個好地方,雖然FA都遺10F 07/03 08:05
osape:忘了...感覺好哀傷...XDD 明明雷霆都打到西區冠軍了說...XD
skymay:真的 很多人想去奪冠球隊,但都沒人提到雷霆QQ  XDD o大不12F 07/03 08:08
skymay:說我也忘了雷霆了 XDDD

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