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※ 本文為 kulinomi 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-04-22 18:05:02
看板 Knicks
作者 annebronte (張開雙手擁抱風)
標題 Re: [外絮] Race to the MVP Ladder
時間 Sat Apr 21 15:31:28 2012


第一次翻譯  若有翻得不對或不好的地方還請各位大大指教

Just In Time, 'Melo
April 20 -- Welcome to the party Carmelo Anthony, we expected to see you
here months ago.

  4/20   --歡迎加入,Carmelo Anthony,我們在好幾個月前就期待著你了。

You were supposed to be a part of this from the beginning. But it didn't
happen. The Knicks were busy trying to find their way without a full
training camp to lean on and there were new bodies added to the mix, making
for a choppier transition than expected.


You're here now, though, sitting pretty on the KIA Race to the MVP Ladder in
the final two weeks of the competition. If Anthony's January or February or
March looked anything like his April, LeBron James, Kevin Durant and Kobe
Bryant might have had some headband-wearing company at the top of this list.

不過現在你進榜了,在例行賽的最後兩星期漂亮地坐在KIA MVP競爭排行榜內。如果
Anthony一月到三月能打得像他四月這樣好的話,LBJ、Kevin Duran、和Kobe可能就

Anthony has been operating on another level since Mike Woodson took over as

coach, following the departure of Mike D'Antoni. The 32.2 points, 7.8
rebounds, 3.8 assists, 51 percent shooting from the floor and 46 percent from
beyond the 3-point line is more what Knicks fans expected when the
organization traded for Anthony last season.


Now that the Knicks have secured a playoff berth, Anthony is guaranteed an
opportunity to continue his April (points) showers for at least a couple of
weeks more.

個至少好幾個禮拜。  (我好想翻成四月三分雨T^T可是原文不是三分)

It's too bad for Anthony that we're shutting this competition down next week,
though. Still, his scoring kick that has propelled the Knicks into the
playoffs has also re-established him as one of the league's most difficult
players to deal with.


And if he finishes in the playoffs the way he has finished this regular
season, Anthony will have vaulted himself back into the MVP conversation when
this kicks back up to start the 2012-13 season.



The next five: Tony Parker, San Antonio Spurs; Dirk Nowitzki, Dallas
Mavericks; Steve Nash, Phoenix Suns; Josh Smith, Atlanta Hawks; Blake
Griffin, Los Angeles Clippers.

榜外五名: 馬刺Tony Parker,小牛Dirk Nowitzki,太陽Nash,老鷹Josh Smith,

Falling out: Tony Parker

掉出榜外:Tony Parker

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◆ From:
esther81828:恭喜瓜瓜!!1F 04/21 16:12
Jefa910:真的太可靠了2F 04/21 16:41
dadadeng:恭喜瓜仔3F 04/21 16:46
ppppllo:恭喜阿瓜4F 04/21 16:47
Norteariel:瓜瓜好棒!!5F 04/21 16:48
esther81828:補推!再恭喜一次瓜瓜!6F 04/21 16:50
cathyb:恭喜甜瓜!!7F 04/21 17:32
jayelva:恭喜阿瓜!!!!!!!8F 04/21 18:28
lsforever:恭喜瓜瓜!瓜瓜辛苦了~9F 04/21 18:35
sabrina2597:\ melo / \ melo / \ melo / \ melo / \ melo / \ mel10F 04/21 18:51
※ 編輯: annebronte      來自:      (04/21 19:50)
ILNARA:真是賽狼...只拼一個月就進榜了=....=11F 04/21 20:14
osape:這是每週一次的排行榜啊,拼一個月進榜很正常12F 04/21 20:29
eyeshieldZI:          感謝翻譯  +   恭喜瓜瓜 = )13F 04/21 22:17

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